Report on CIL and Ear Marked Resources (EMR) funded projects – March 2024
Background and summary
This report updates Budget Working Group on the situation regarding CIL and EMR projects as at 29th February 2024. At this date the EMRs totalled £157,178.27 as follows:
EMR Title |
Total as at 29/02/24 |
Total as at 30/11/23 |
Total as at 30/6/23 |
Total as at 28/2/23 |
Total as at 31/12/22 |
Total as at 31/10/22 |
Total as at 30/6/22 |
Total as at 28/2/22 |
Original allocation |
Notes |
CIL reserves |
£95,846.65 |
£99,204.04 |
£98,857.73 |
£93,902.56 |
£96,456.73 |
£111,928.73 |
£128,164.91 |
N/A |
EMR Melton Rd crossings project |
^£12k paid in 23/24 so reserve is really £23,755 |
^£12k paid in 23/24 so reserve is really £23,755 |
£19,755 |
£35,755 |
£35,755 |
£35,755 |
£35,755 |
£40,000 |
^£16k made as a year end adjustment for 2022/23. |
EMR Landscaping & parking improvements |
£3,717.03 |
£3,717.03 |
£3,717.03 |
£3,717.03 |
£3,717.03 |
£56,077.47 |
£51,265 |
£50,000 |
Additional £5k added July 2022 |
EMR Pavilion project |
£210.54 |
£3,120.54 |
£11,103.67 |
£12,663.66 |
£16,370.91 |
£47,263.38 |
£189,943.85 |
£274,446 |
£220,000 |
Additional £75k added in March 2022
Additional £10k added July 2022
Additional £25k added Sept 2022 |
EMR Bins |
£1,037.09 |
£1,037.09 |
£1,576.59 |
£1,822.88 |
£1,822.88 |
£2,000 |
£2,000 |
£2,000 |
EMR Divested land sinking fund |
£13,800.17 |
£16,280.17 |
£16,280.17 |
£18,822.17 |
£18,822.17 |
£18,998 |
£18,998 |
£23,843 |
£30,000 |
Signage |
£1,130 |
£1,130 |
£1,130 |
£1,130 |
£1,130 |
£2,840 |
£3,000 |
N/A |
£3,000 |
Total |
£123,496.48/139,496.48 |
£132,243.87/£148,263.87 |
£152,420.19 |
£167,813.3 |
£174,074.72 |
£274,862.58 |
£429,126.76 |
£518,563 |
Budget Risk EMR * |
£10,000 |
£10,000 |
£10,000 |
£5,000 |
£5,000 |
£5,000 |
£5,000 |
£5,000 |
£5k added at end of FY 22/23 |
Hall Farm Road/SWT Events* |
£565 |
£565 |
£590 |
£590 |
£590 |
£690 |
£690 |
N/A |
£3,633 |
Bequest EMR* |
£741.64 |
£741.64 |
£741.64 |
£2,500 |
£1,500 |
£1,500 |
£1,500 |
N/A |
£1,500 |
£1k grant received from Cllr Smith-Lyte towards cost of defibrillator |
Fete EMR* |
£950.03 |
£950.03 |
£950.65 |
£849.34 |
£849.34 |
£874.34 |
£2,594.31 |
N/A |
£623.97 |
Pavilion Kit Out EMR* |
£5.30 |
£5.30 |
£5.30 |
£5.30 |
£5.30 |
£63.89 |
N/A |
N/A |
£1,185.96 |
Agreed by FERM in June 2022. Established through fete |
Deposits EMR** |
£0 |
£0 |
£250 |
£100 |
£100 |
Key deposit
Land deposit
Both returned in 23/24 |
1st Floor Rent Deposit** |
£5,271.32 |
£5,271.32 |
£5,153.64 |
£5,153.64 |
£5,153.64 |
Interest added in Dec 2022 |
Yarmouth Road Signage* |
£548.65 |
£548.65 |
Donation from Ufford Park |
Dock Lane Planter* |
£29.85 |
£29.85 |
£600 |
Donations from Cllrs Nicoll and Smith-Lyte |
20s Plenty* |
£20 |
£20 |
£170 |
Donation from Cllr Nicoll |
Pump track* |
£550 |
£550 |
£550 |
Agreed by Full Council in Sept 2023. Established through Fete. |
Beresford Drive Play Area* |
£15,000 |
£5,000 |
Donations from Councillors, Community Partnership and Melton Trust |
Total |
£33,681.79 |
* These EMRs are not funded by CIL but are through grants, donations and fund raising.
**These are deposits held by the Council and should not be treated in the same way as other Reserves.
CIL received and spent to date
Receipts to date (payments are usually made in April and October in each year):
2016 £4,720
2017 £75,172
2018 £3,652
2019 £245,651
2020 £183,667
2021 £106,600
2022 £18,097.63
2023 £8,090.96
TOTAL = £645,650.59
Payments in 2023/24 were from developments at 38 Hall Farm Road, 86 Bury Hill and land to rear of 36 Hall Farm Road. The appeal lodged by the developer of Deben Meadows was rejected and ESC is attempting to recover the unpaid CIL.
Expenditure to date:
2018/19 £2,324
2019/20 £8,554
2020/21 £11,243
2021/22 £89,652.46
2022/23 £361,087.30
2023/24 (to date) £33,292.81
TOTAL = £506,153.57
In terms of spend deadlines, the earliest unspent tranches now date from October 2020, which needs to be spent by October 2025. This will be achieved through the expense of Beresford Drive Play Park.
Projects completed and paid using CIL/EMRs
- Playing Field security CCTV system
- Speed Indicator Devices x 3
- Recreation Ground Car Park improvements including cycle racks
- Land Divestment improvements/enhancements
- Bredfield Bus Shelter – (No EMR created) – £2.4k in total but £700 funded by grant
- Hall Farm Road play equipment installation and enhancements including bench and sign
- Creation of car park and installation of bike racks near Winifred Fison House
- SWT wildlife events x 3
- Lighting of pathway to Pavilion (using solar lighting)
- Access road to Pavilion
- Yarmouth Road repeater roundels – funded partly by Cllr Nicoll
- Quiet Lanes – two lanes designated and signs installed
- Bredfield Road Feasibility Study – funded by grants from Cllrs Nicoll and Smith-Lyte
- Purchase of heavy-duty gazebos
- Construction of Pavilion at Recreation Ground
- De-fib for Pavilion – funded through Cllr Smith-Lyte and bequest
- Planting at Pavilion
- Bike racks at Pavilion
- Picnic benches and seating at Recreation Ground, including one that is accessible
- Melton Road/Hill crossings – installed July 2022.
- New Noticeboards at Melton Hill and St Andrew’s, replacement board at St Audry’s and replacement screens for Burness and Wilkinson Way boards
- New sign board at Recreation Ground
- Dock Lane Planter – funded by Cllr Nicoll and Cllr Smith-Lyte
- Bench on Melton Road – funded by a resident/business
- Lighting of car park at Recreation Ground (solar)
- Yarmouth Road Pedestrian Signs – funded by Cllr Nicoll and Ufford Park
Projects in Progress
- Planting at car park near Winifred Fison House – cost covered by donations
- Beresford Drive play park – due to be completed March 2024
- Melton Road/Hill TRO for double yellow lines
- Speed Reduction Wilford Bridge Road
Prioritised Projects
- Recreation Ground Play Park – High priority
- Recreation Ground Bike/Pump Track – High priority
- MUGA replacement – Medium priority
- Playpark Fencing – Medium priority
- Tennis Court Resurfacing – Low priority
- Solar Panels – Low priority
- EV Charging Points – Low priority
Other Projects to be prioritised
- 3rd crossing on Melton Road
Comments and Recommendations
- The remaining funds in the Melton Road Crossing EMR will be used to pay for the TRO/yellow lines and the speed reduction on Wilford Bridge Road.
- The money remaining in the Landscaping & parking improvements EMR could be transferred back into the General CIL pot now that the work at Winifred Fison has been completed.
- The money remaining in the Pavilion EMR will be used to fund the adjustments to the low fencing to create an additional opening.
- The £5.30 remaining in the Pavilion kit out EMR could be moved into the pump track EMR.
- The Pump Track project needs to be re-prioritised. There has been limited interest from the local community to support this concept.
- Beresford Drive Play Park Refurbishment: The cost is £80k. Donations as at 13th March 2024: £5k received from The Melton Trust, £4k from Cllr Smith-Lyte, £1k from Cllr Yule, £499 from Cllr Molyneux, £3k from Cllr Nicoll, £2k from Cllr Leach and £5k from the Deben Community Partnership. We are awaiting £734.33 from the SportPot and £5,614.68 from the PlayPot. We could also receive up to £1.5k from the Tesco blue token initiative which is running April to June.
I would recommend that FERM Working Group reviews the EMRs and potential projects for prioritisation, taking advice from Recreation on their priorities, and presents back to a future Full Council meeting in early summer 2024.
Pip Alder
Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council
March 2024