
MPC(24)75 Reports from Outside Bodies

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on May 13, 2024


Reports from Outside Bodies

Burness Parish Room Management Committee – Nothing to report – Cllr Gradwell

Melton Trust– Nothing to report – Cllr Martin

Melton Primary School – Open Morning taking place on Tuesday 11th June – Clerk

Melton Messenger – Cllr Brown

Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) – Nothing to report – Cllr Gradwell

Suffolk Disability Forum – Cllr Darby

Melton, Woodbridge and Deben Peninsula Community Partnership – meeting taking place on 15th May which he was unable to attend due to the Melton Parish Council meeting – Cllr Packard

Woodbridge and Melton Society

The Society attended the Parish Meeting and received positive feedback. Society members were urged to attend Woodbridge’s Annual Meeting on 7th May to make their views known to the Council about the Active Travel Woodbridge scheme. No feedback yet on the outcome – Cllr Bann

Deben Estuary Partnership
Next meeting Thursday 13th June so nothing to report at the moment – Cllr Packard

Climate Advocate/Adaptive Action Group – Nothing to report