
PLA(22)M06 Minutes of Planning & Transport Committee 7th September 2022

Planning & TransportPlanning & Transport Minutes Uploaded on September 13, 2022


Minutes of the meeting of Melton Parish Council Planning and Transport Committee held on Wednesday 7th September 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.


Cllr Brown (in the Chair)

Cllr Darby

Cllr Holmes

Mr A Corston

Cllr Hilson

Cllr Stearn

Cllr Porter


Cllr Gradwell

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk to Melton Parish Council

Footpath Advocate

Cycling Advocate

2 members of the public

Agenda – Part One – Open to the Public

Item No         Item to be discussed

22.80              To receive apologies for absence

22.81              Declarations of Interest

22.81.01           To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

22.81.02           To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.81.03           To receive Declarations of Non Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.81.04           To consider Full / Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none

22.82             Public Participation Session     

The Clerk reported that there were concerns about the road surface on Melton Grange Road and Melton Hill/Road. These have been reported to Suffolk County Council (SCC) Highways and warning signs are in place on Melton Grange Road.

The Clerk reported that some residents had complained about cyclists travelling on footpaths, especially by the river, and the no cycling signs having been removed. This has been reported to SCC Rights of Way and East Suffolk Council (ESC) and Cllr Smith-Lyte have been informed as ESC is the landowner.

A resident from Upper Melton Terrace raised concerns about speeding on Yarmouth Road and the difficulty for residents of Upper Melton Terrace to exit their road. It is felt that cars speed up as they can see the 40mph sign in the distance. They asked if a Speed Indicator Device (SID) could be installed near their junction, or if they could install a private SID stalk. The Clerk explained that SCC had a limit on the number of SID stalks they will allow but she would investigate if they were allowed any more or if residents could install a private SID stalk. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Highways to ask if a 30mph roundel could be marked on the road. She will also contact the police speed camera team to ask if they can run a survey at this point to establish if it is an enforcement site.

Cllr Porter raised an issue with the bus stop on Wilford Bridge Road being covered by vegetation. The Clerk will raise a report with Highways.

22.82.01           To receive a report from the Council’s Cycling Advocate

The cycling advocate expressed concern about drivers overtaking cyclists at the new pedestrian islands.

22.82.02           To receive a report from the Council’s Footpaths Advocate

There was nothing much to report except that some footpaths that are overgrown have been reported to SCC.

22.83              To approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2022 (PLA(22)M05 previously distributed) were to be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.
Proposed by: Cllr Porter                     Seconded by: Cllr Darby

22.84              To review new Planning Applications received

No new planning applications have been received.

22.85              To review updates on other Planning Applications

22.85.01           DC/20/1831/OUT Land off St Andrews Place and Waterhead Lane, Melton

Residential development of up to 55 dwellings, with access off St Andrews Place. Melton PC has consistently recommended refusal of this application on the grounds that access via the St Andrew’s estate is neither supported by the Neighbourhood Plan nor considered acceptable in planning terms. On 30 March 2021 East Suffolk Council Planning Committee (South) considered the application and delegated authority to determine to the Head of Planning and Coastal Management on the basis of approval being granted subject to no objections being received from Natural England and / or Suffolk County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority, a s106 Agreement detailing highways improvement works, affordable housing provision, a contribution to the Suffolk Coast RAMS and controlling conditions 1 to 25 as set out in the decision; otherwise to refuse. Since the decision was made following legal representations from an objector East Suffolk Council has agreed to remit the application back to the Planning Committee (South) for re-consideration. The Planning Committee (South) reconsidered the application at their meeting on the 22nd February 2022. Committee members carried out a site visit through St Andrews prior to the meeting. Although recommended for approval by the Planners the Committee voted for the application to be refused on matters relating to Highway Safety.

Information from Fire Service has been distributed to members. A new, but invalid, application for five – DC/22/1739/OUT has been received by ESC but it is not publicly available yet. An appeal is currently registered and validated with the request for a written statements procedure by the appellant and agreed by the Council but this needs to be agreed by PINs.

There have been some discussions between the landowners which could lead to some different proposals. The Council had expected to receive an update in early September but this has been delayed.

22.86              Public Consultations

22.87              To review Planning Notices received

No new Notices have been received.

22.88              To review the position on existing Planning Appeals

22.88.01           AP/21/0039/REFUSE Land off Yarmouth Road, Melton

An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State by Christchurch Land & Estates (Melton) Ltd against the decision of East Suffolk Council to refuse planning consent for a Care Village comprising an 80-bedroom care home together with 72 assisted care bungalows, club house, bowling green, car parking, open space provision with associated infrastructure and access. The Secretary of State has, with the consent of the parties, agreed to determine the appeal at a Public Inquiry, which was due to take place on 14 December 2021 but was postponed. The appeal took place w/c 15th March with Cllr Brown attending and participating. The decision has yet to be received although it is expected soon.

22.89              Melton Hill – Former Council Offices

Cllr Brown attended the open event on the 1st September, as did some other MPC councillors. The latest proposals look better but there are still concerns about the lack of parking spaces. Woodbridge Town Council (WTC) has expressed concerns about the demolition plan, citing that it does not address critical issues including waste management, environmental protection and traffic management. WTC has recommended refusal of DC/22/2641/VOC. Members AGREED to send a similar response to ESC recommending refusal and Cllr Brown will review the proposed wording supplied by the Clerk.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                     Seconded by: Cllr Darby

22.90  Sizewell C update           

On 16th February 2022, MPC submitted a final representation to the Secretary of State emphasising our opposition to EDF’s night train proposals and also summarising our positions on the wider Sizewell C planning application, particularly the latter’s all-important freight transport strategy.

The Secretary of State originally had until the 25 May 2022 to make a decision on the SZC application but on the 8 May it was announced that the decision would be delayed until the 8 July 2022. This is to ensure there is sufficient time to fully consider further information provided by the applicant and interested parties in response to the Secretary of State’s post-examination consultation.

Melton Parish Council signed the Anglian Energy Planning Alliance letter which was sent to the Secretary of State (see Paper PLA(22)41).

On the 20th July 2022 the Sizewell C Project application was granted development consent by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

The committee discussed the recent reports of Government support, but it was noted that there are still significant issues concerning ground conditions and water supply and a Judicial Review is taking place. The recent planning application for a reedbed was approved although the Park and Ride element at Bentwaters was removed from the application.

22.91  Melton Neighbourhood Plan refresh

Cllr Brown reported that no work would be undertaken until we knew the outcome of the discussions taking place between the landowners of the land allocation in the Plan.

22.92              To consider Local Highways, Traffic and parking Matters

22.92.01           Pedestrian improvements for Melton Road / Melton Hill and major redesign of approach to Winifred Fison House – update

The Clerk reported that work started at Winifred Fison House on the 5th September and should take 4 weeks. The two pedestrian islands have been installed on Melton Hill/Road. There had been several complaints, mainly relating to the vegetation on Melton Hill, although it was noted that cars were being forced to slow down and there were now two crossing points on a road that previously had none. The Clerk reported that SCC have raised an order to cut back the vegetation and a level 3 safety audit would take place after that. The Traffic Regulation Order relating to the yellow lining along Melton Road/Melton Hill and by the primary school layby should be advertised from the 12th September.

22.92.02           Bentwaters / Peninsular traffic issues

Cllr Brown reported that evidence had been provided to the A1152 pressure group (made up of several local councils) that suggested the information provided to form the Local Plan was Insufficient/Inaccurate in that it did not address adequately known traffic issues with the A12, A1152 and the Melton crossroads. The view of the pressure group was that significant traffic issues were likely to arise if housing developments proposed in the Local Plan were proceeded with, without significant additional investment in road infrastructure. A letter to the ESC Chief Exec may be produced and if so, Cllr Brown will bring this to the Council to decide if they wish to be a signatory.

22.92.03           Speed management and Road Safety issues – update

The Clerk reported that the new SID is in situ at Bredfield Road and it was agreed to leave it here for the time being. Three further SID posts have been upgraded to hold a solar panel and a suitable solar panel might have been identified for the original SID.

Bredfield Road Safety Survey is fully funded by Cllrs Nicoll and Smith-Lyte. A design engineer has been allocated to the project by SCC. There is no confirmation on timescales at this point.

22.92.04           Mini Holland Project – Love Woodbridge and Melton

Clerk/Cllr Brown reported that public consultation events took place in Woodbridge in mid August. A consultation with businesses in Melton and Woodbridge is taking place next week.

22.92.05           Quiet Lanes – update

The Clerk reported that three locations for the signs on St Audry’s Lane and Lodge Farm Lane have been proposed. Members unanimously AGREED with the proposed locations and will confirm with SCC. Once the posts are installed the Parish Council will be able to erect the signs.

22.93              To consider planning enforcement matters

22.93.01           ENF/22/0027/COND – Deben Meadows

Possible Breach of Control: Alleged breach of conditions 26 and 27 of DC/18/5216/VOC ·& DC/18/4890/DRC. Discussions, investigations and action are still on going with the developer in relation to land contamination and ESC is currently reviewing the drainage with the Environment Agency to determine any requirements and next steps of enforcement action.

22.93.02           East Suffolk authorised enforcement action – case update

Nothing to report

22.94              Planning Committee Chair’s urgent business

There was none

22.95              Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 19th October 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:20.