Footpath 22 Rights of Way Issues
Footpath 22, which runs between Valley Farm Road and Saddlemakers Lane, has several issues. The Assistant Clerk and Maintenance Officer met with the Area Rights of Way Officer from Suffolk County Council’s Public Rights of Way Team in December to discuss the issues.
The path is not on the true line and some clearance work and a new footbridge would be required. SCC does not have the budget for the works but estimates it would cost around £3k for clearance and £2k for the bridge.
The section of footpath that runs across the Potash Farm land (comes out on Valley Farm Road) is on completely the wrong line. Someone has blocked off the correct route, which should run through the garden, and an alternative path through the paddock (serviced by two stiles) is being used unofficially.
Members are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report
- Decide if they wish to take the request for funding the clearance works and footbridge from CIL to Full Council. If so, then the Area Rights of Way Officer will take action with the landowner regarding the blocked footpath across Potash Farm.
Pip Alder
Asst Clerk and Management Officer
January 2022