
REC(22)M05 Recreation Minutes from 5th October 2022

RecreationRecreation Minutes Uploaded on October 19, 2022

Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes – REC(22)M05

Minutes of the Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 5th October 2022 at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.



Cllr Gradwell (Chair)

Cllr Porter

C McBurney

Cllr Holmes

Cllr Darby

Cllr Harvey-Smith

Cllr James

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk to Melton Parish Council

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council



Cllr Taylor

Cllr Martin


Part 1/1 – Open to the Public

Item No               Item to be discussed

22.58                   To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Taylor and Martin.

22.59                   Declarations of Interest

Members were reminded to keep their ROI up to date.

22.60.01                To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

22.60.02                To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.60.03                To receive Declarations of Non-Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.60.04                To consider Full/Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none

22.61                    Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors

22.62                    To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th July 2022 (REC (22)M04) previously distributed) be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by Cllr Darby                             Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith


22.63                    Recreation Ground

22.63.01                Recreation Ground Report

Members discussed the report REC(22)63.01 previously distributed. It was AGREED the Garrod Memorial Sign would be turned to be read from the car park.

It was AGREED the large den in Burkes Wood would be deconstructed as it is now extremely large and fires have been lit over the summer within the structure making it potentially unsafe.

It was AGREED that dead hedging should take place in Burkes Wood which would also help to promote the No Cycling in the woods rule. Cllrs Porter and Darby volunteered to attend a site visit in Burkes Wood to confirm the locations of the dead hedging.

Members AGREED for the office to continue to monitor the works undertaken by the Greenspace Management Company. The committee felt it should be down to the office to decide when the time has come to look for new contractors.

No further information had been received regarding a request to use the Recreation Ground field by a personal trainer.

Members considered the current No Overnight Parking sign to be satisfactory, however incidents of ASB will continue to be monitored.

It was AGREED the MUGA project should be brought back and put before the Budget Working Group when identifying the Council’s next projects.

The committee discussed the proposal of having a community orchard near the MUGA. While the committee were supportive of this proposal, it was felt that this would not be an ideal location due to the potential changes that could be made at the Play Park and MUGA. The area near the memorial trees and benches was identified to be a better location.

Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith              Seconded by Cllr Porter

22.63.02                Pavilion
Members discussed paper REC(22)63.02 previously distributed.  After some discussion it was decided that members AGREED with the kit out list in principle however were keen to make savings on certain items. The office will look to source cheaper wine glasses and bin.  It was AGREED to purchase 6 GoPak 4ft tables in red, along with 20 black padded conference chairs.

Members AGREED hirers of the Pavilion should be advised to bring their own tea towels for use along with washing up liquid. However, it was also noted that some tea towels should be kept at the Pavilion for MPC use.

It was AGREED the external toilet opening times would be April – October 8am – 8pm and November – March 8am – 4pm.

The Committee discussed planting for the area around the gabions and it was AGREED bushes like Rose of Sharron should be used. The bushes are fast growing, non-poisonous, with no berries to drop and are not prickly. The committee would like the gabions to be kept clear of planting initially to ensure the area remains tidy.

Proposed by Cllr James             Seconded by Cllr Holmes

22.63.03           Recreation Ground Play Park
Paper REC(22)63.03, previously distributed was considered. It was AGREED to recommend to Full Council a proposal of a pump track being installed on the lower field at the Recreation Ground. The location would need to be different to that given in the proposal as it would cut through a main walking and cycling route. Members considered a location closer to the MUGA would be more suitable.

Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith              Seconded by Cllr James

22.64                    Hall Farm Road

Paper REC(22)64, previously distributed was considered. After some discussion it was AGREED that the wording for the Jubilee Green sign should be centred around respecting the space and other users. Members would prefer the Do’s and Don’ts to be separated out and for the sign to be less wordy. The office will adjust the wording and be issued via email for final approval.

Members AGREED to the proposal of fruit tree planting from Transition Woodbridge and would like the line of tress to continue to the wetland area rather than a double line of planting.

Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith             Seconded by Cllr James

22.65                    Beresford Drive

Members discussed report REC(22)65, previously distributed. It was unanimously AGREED to initiate a public consultation for improvements at the Play area

Proposed by Cllr Holmes                       Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith 

22.66                         Dog Poo Bin Request – St Andrews Place

Cllr Darby had requested a dog poo bin for St Andrews Place. Asst Clerk confirmed that provided MPC had the

landowner’s permission a bin could be sited here. This would be on the condition that it is located so it can be

easily emptied by operatives. Cllr Darby will follow up with the landowner and report back to the office.

Members AGREED in principle to fund a dog poo bin.

Proposed by Cllr Darby                 Seconded by Cllr Holmes

22.67                    Woodland and Trees

22.68.01                Tree Warden Report

Paper REC(22)68.01 previously distributed was received and noted. Members offered their sincere thanks to the Tree Warden and the tree crew for all their hard work sustaining the trees over a particularly long and dry summer.

Paper REC(22)68.01a previously distributed was received and noted. After some discussion it was AGREED that the proposed planting location of fruit trees at Winifred Fison was unsuitable; concerns were raised over fallen fruit creating a slip hazard and being unsightly on the newly created pathways. The triangular grassed area was considered a better location for an orchard. Members ask the office to liaise with the resident whose property abuts the greenspace asking if they would have any objections to trees sited in this area.

Proposed by Cllr Gradwell                     Seconded by Cllr Porter

22.68.02                TPO Applications

There were none.

22.68.03                Tree Works

Asst Clerk reported that the tree safety survey for Melton Recreation Ground and Burkes Wood had taken place in early September. The other report for the divested land will follow in the next couple of weeks. As previously discussed at Full Council last week, some tree works had been advised and the office is liaising with the Tree Surgeon for a quote regarding the action the tree safety inspection advises.

22.69                    Maintenance Officer

The Maintenance Officer has been completing his usual tasks of cutting back, along with repositioning a bench at the Recreation Ground and reinstating the Garrod Memorial sign to a new location by the car park. New wooden posts will be installed at the approach to Winifred Fison and the area reseeded following the creation of formal parking bays. Members expressed their thanks for all the works undertaken by the Maintenance Officer.

22.70                         Recreation Budget Update

Paper REC(22)70 previously distributed was received and noted.

22.71                    Car Boot Sale Dates 2023

Paper REC(22)71 previously distributed was considered. The proposed dates for the 2023 car boot sales (6th May, 3rd June, 1st July, 5th August, 19th August (standby date) and 2nd September) were considered suitable and avoided the date of the Melton Fete and so were AGREED. It was AGREED the car boot sale organisers would be charged to use the Pavilion at the reduced rate and for the timing of only one session. Members asked if the figures for the Charity could be shared. The office will follow up with the organisers.

Proposed by Cllr Holmes                             Seconded by Cllr Darby

22.72                    Anti-Social Behaviour

Cllr Gradwell reported the ASB group meetings had been disbanded. It is unfortunate as the opportunity to speak directly to other parishes and the Police directly is lost. It was suggested that those who still wish to share information with other organisations could still do so creating an unofficial network when the need arose.

22.73                    Committee Chair’s Urgent Business

Cllr Darby asked if the Maintenance Officer could remove a sticker that had been placed on the notice board at St Andrews Place.

Cllr Harvey-Smith asked if the damaged Park Properties sign could be removed or replaced. The office will liaise with Park Properties.

22.74                    To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch

Items to include: Hall Farm Road Jubilee Green Sports equipment benefitting the local community, consultation for play park equipment at Beresford Drive and confirm No Cycling permitted in Burkes Wood however a pump track is being considered for the Recreation Ground.

22.75                    Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 23rd November 2022 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:30.




Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings

Minute Item

22.05.01 Monitor the boggy area near the play park

22.05.01 Keep an eye out for grants available for resurfacing the tennis courts – look at resurfacing in 3-5 years

22.09.02 and 22.23 Clerk to contact Cllr Nicoll regarding locality budget for Footpath 22 – move to FY22/23

22.18.01 Bring MUGA project to Recreation meeting in September 2022

22.63.01 Large den to be deconstructed

22.63.01 Bring MUGA project to be put before the Budget Working group

22.63.02 Rose of Sharron to be considered for gabion planting

22.63.03 Recommend to Full Council pump track at Recreation Ground

22.65        Initiate public consultation for improvements at Beresford Drive Playpark

22.71        Office to request car boot sale figures from organisers

22.75        Asst Clerk to update next meeting date on all posters / online