Hall Farm Road Sports Ground

Hall Farm Road Sports Ground

Latest News – March 2022

Tree works have now been carried out on the trees in the wetland area as well as the drainage ditch being cleared. Additional trees have been planted around the grounds and the bench has been installed.

The first of our family events takes place next month:

SWT Bird Nesting Box building in the Easter Holidays

Join us to build a free bird nesting box during the Easter Holidays.

Location: Hall Farm Road Sports Ground, Hall Farm Road, Melton, IP12 1RW

Date & Time: Friday 22nd April 2022 10am – 12noon

Come along and make a nest box to take home. We’ll have everything you need to make your nest box and we’ll help guide you through the process although it would be helpful if you could bring a hammer. Melton Parish Council with Suffolk Wildlife Trust are offering this free event to Melton residents, having received funding from District Councillor Rachel Smith-Lyte.

Booking is essential as places are limited. One space per family group.

To book please visit: www.melton-suffolk-pc.gov.uk

Latest News – January 2022

A football goal, basketball hoop and bench have been ordered for the Sports Ground and will be installed over the next three months. A litter pick has been carried out and the wetland area cleared of rubbish. Some tree work will be carried out on the trees in the wetland area and additional tree planting will take place in the area.

We will be working with Suffolk Wildlife Trust to organise some family events building bird and bat boxes and habitat hotels. A bird box making event will take place on Friday 22nd April – more details to follow.

Melton Parish Council took ownership of the Hall Farm Road Sports Ground in April 2021. The Council is consulting with residents about how they want this land to be maintained and potentially enhanced.

A Working Group of residents and Councillors has been created to manage the consultation and implementation of these ideas.

Hall Farm Road map

An open even was held on Saturday 25th September at the Hall Farm Road Sports Ground. The findings of this event and the survey were presented to Recreation Committee on 10th November 2021 – REC(21)90.01a Hall Farm Road Sports Ground Consultation – and the following enhancements were agreed to be proposed to Full Council on the 17th November for approval:

  1. Remove existing football goal and replace with 1 x 9 a side goal facing the other way to the existing goal
  2. Basketball hoop with a quiet surface
  3. One bench to be placed near the fruit trees and move the existing bin nearer to the bench
  4. Add bird/bat boxes
  5. Create a wilder area around the wetland area to encourage wildlife and biodiversity and add more trees by the fruit trees
  6. From the report from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust it was agreed to get a quote for coppicing the trees

It is hoped that costs will be covered through a combination of grants and Community Infrastructure Levy.

In addition the broken fence panels have been replaced in the far corner and wood chipping is being placed on the paths to make them easier to use in wet weather. Work will be carried out on the stream section to cut back some of the vegetation.