
REC(21)89.04 Tree Warden Report

RecreationRecreation Agendas & Papers Uploaded on November 10, 2021


Tree Warden Report

The Tree Crew had a productive session removing the excess vegetation from around the recently planted hedging on the footpath leading up into the woods from Turnpike Lane. About 80% have survived which is really encouraging. The Crew will patch the gaps over the winter.

The footpath behind Saxon Way has quite a number of trees with plastic guards that can now be removed. A session will be planned to remove any that are no longer required.

There may be some planting to be done as a result of the Hall Farm Road Sports Ground consultation and will await further instructions.

Work has begun to fill the gaps in the hedge along Melton Road by the playing field. Hazel has been used from Coppice Close to create natural fencing. It is hoped that the existing hedge will eventually grow back and close up the gaps in time. Signs have been placed along the hedge explaining what work is being carried out and asking people to use the official entrances.

Gap in the hedgeHazel fence

There are three sites that have been identified for planting over the winter:

  1. Bury Hill – the copse opposite Fernhill Close. We propose to plant bare root hazel in the centre to fill the space where some dead trees have been removed. These trees are already on order. On the southern side we would like to plant a maximum of 12 small native trees.
  2. Beresford Drive – by the play area. We propose to add to the 3 mature trees that are already here. It would be good to create a compound which would protect the trees from being damaged (by people and animals) and allow an area to be ‘rewilded’. A local resident has also offered a 5-year-old walnut tree sapling which could be planted in this area. There would be some costs associated with creating the compounds (posts, mesh wire and fixings etc) but have been told these could be paid using CIL.
  3. Leeks Hill Woods. Two areas have been identified to plant oaks as part of the Queen’s Canopy project.

map of Bury Hill and Beresford Drive 

Councillors are asked to:

  • Note and comment on this report
  • Decide if they are happy for the Tree Crew to undertake the planting proposals in the three areas identified.


Martin Wilks

Tree Warden

November 2021