
MPC(22)29.03 Requests from Recreation and Planning and Transport Committiees

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on March 17, 2022


Requests from Recreation and Planning and Transport Committees

Planning & Transport Committee – 9th March

The Committee agreed that a request for a third SID, purchased using CIL, should be taken to Full Council for approval:

PTSC 901 Battery operated radar speed sign £1995.00
Battery charger £130.00
 Optional spare battery £55.00
 Optional data-logging facility and PC based traffic statistics software   + vat per sign. £250.00
Carriage £35
Total without EV Panel £2,465
To make it EV panel compatible would cost an additional £50 and solar kit (£475) £525
Total with EV Panel £2,990


There were no funding requests from Recreation’s meeting on 16th March 2022.


Councillors are asked to:

  • Note the contents of this report
  • Agree if they wish to fund the purchase of a 3rd SID using CIL



Pip Alder

Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council

March 2022