Pavilion Update
The regular term time bookings have all restarted following the summer break. There is a steady stream of one-off enquiries for workshops and children’s parties. One potential hirer requested that batons should be placed around the room to provide fixings for party decorations. The office is considering installing a couple of noticeboard inside the Pavilion that could also be used by the regular hirers to advertise their classes. The pop-up takeaway café should have operated on 9th September which would have coincided with a football fixture, however the hirer was unable to attend. No further dates have been requested at this time.
The final snagging is almost completed. The landscaping has been finished and there is some touching up to do on the underside of the veranda. There was a problem with the batteries although this was resolved on the 8th September. Once these issues are rectified the retainer will be paid.
Request to remove Sycamores from MPC Land
A resident from Hope Crescent has requested permission to cut back the branches on a large sycamore tree which overhang their garden, as well as felling two smaller self-seeded Sycamore trees located close to their boundary on MPC land. The requested works are to minimise any damage from falling trees and branches to a garden room which is to be built in the resident’s garden. The tree works would be funded by the resident.
The Recreation Working Group initially discussed this request via email. The resident is within their rights to prune back the overhanging branches however it was felt a fuller discussion regarding the felling of the two smaller sycamores was required at Full Council.
Photo sent via the tree surgeon with notes: The two sycamores with the horizontal line are to be removed and the vertical line on the other sycamore to be sided back.
The office is meeting with the tree surgeon in the next month to discuss a longer term woodland management plan for this area and Burkes/Leeks Hill Woods. This may involve some thinning out to encourage biodiversity and protection of veteran trees.
Additional Car park lighting
Additional lighting to illuminate the area where the low barrier is located between the car park and the access road has been investigated by the office after feedback from Pavilion hirers and Councillors. Quotes were sought to provide a motion sensitive column light which would operate from dusk until dawn to minimise the potential for light pollution, utilising the power supply in the CCTV cabinet and were presented to Full Council at the July meeting. Information regarding these quotes is as follows:
Company one
- Hand dig trench and install 50mm electrical duct to corner of flower bed supply and install within hole 4m root mounted galvanised lighting column, concrete and install. Repair and reinstate tarmac, concrete.
- Install twin flood light bracket to top of lighting column, complete with 2 x 50watt LED floodlights.
- Wire and install fused cut out and SWA cable back to CCTV cabinet, connect via 6amp RCBO and photocell and timer
- Upon completion of the above test, label and issue electrical completion certificate.
Net £3,337.13
Company two
Wire and install 2 x 30w LED flood lights by front gates in grass area, as discussed. Floodlights to be situated to a square tall post supplied and installed by others. We will need to cut into the tarmac to bring the cabling around and make good. Install a photocell to bring the bollards on dusk till dawn. Test and leave working.
Note: We have assumed the square post will be supplied and installed by yourselves ready for us to mount 2no. flood lights (1no. on each of the elevations pointing towards the car park and the path).
Net £485.00
An additional quote has been sought from a local company who supply and install solar streetlamps, examples as shown in the photos. The cost to install two solar lamp posts at the Recreation Ground car park would be Net £2,910.00. The second lamp post could be positioned closer to the picnic benches which may deter ASB. Councillors could decide to install just one light initially and a second at a later date if required.
The cost of this can be covered by the remaining Pavilion CIL EMR.
Tree Policy
The current tree policy is being reviewed by the Recreation Working Group and new wording has been drafted. However, as the wording remains undecided, this will be deferred to a Recreation Working Group meeting which will then make a recommendation to Full Council.
Other Updates
The electricity supply cables on the existing old floodlights located near the MUGA have been tested and there is no supply going to the poles. Works to remove the poles can now be arranged.
The bench at Smithfield was installed temporarily at the end August.
The Thai Food Truck had another successful evening on Saturday 29th July and will return again on Saturday 30th September.
The woodfired pizza company have been offered a one-off trail date, which is yet to be agreed as I am awaiting a response.
Councillors are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report
- Decide if they wish to allow the resident to fell the two small sycamores
- Decide if they wish to proceed with the installation of additional lighting and instruct a contractor
Fliss Waters
Assistant Clerk, Melton Parish Council
August 2023