Local Highways Matters
Bredfield Road
Due to the sensitivities surrounding the Love Woodbridge and Melton project, SCC have not progressed looking at the feasibility of an island crossing or temporarily chalking in a raised crossing to give a visual of how this would work. 20splenty banners and bin stickers to encourage drivers to reduce their speeds have been ordered using a grant from Cllr Smith-Lyte.
Speed Indicator Devices
The SID has been on Melton Road since July. Councillors are asked if they wish for it to remain there or now that the school term has restarted if it should be moved to another location, eg Bredfield Road.
Melton Road Crossings and Traffic Regulation Order (double yellow lines)
The TRO has been approved and signed off and we are awaiting a date for when the lines will be implemented once the mew contractors, Milestone, are in place in October.
Planters on Dock Lane
The planter has been purchased and the office is liaising with Transition Woodbridge regarding planting in the autumn.
Wilford Bridge Road Speed Reduction – need to give the update from emails
Cllr Nicoll and Cllr Reid have offered £1k each towards the design costs. However the original quote of £4,178.78 was prepared by Keir whose contract terminates at the end of September so this is no longer valid. An alternative quote was sought by the Local Highway Budget and Minor Works team and is detailed below.
Wilford Bridge Road, Melton – Extension of 30mph Speed Limit
Following your recent contact with Suffolk Highways’ Safety & Speed Management team regarding the extension of the 30mph speed limit on Wilford Bridge Road in Melton, our LHB design engineers have prepared the following professional services quotation and construction estimate.
For your information, Cllr Nicoll and Cllr Reid have both kindly agreed to increase their contributions toward the professional services phase of this project to cover 50% of the cost. This means we do not have to account for third-party overhead fees or VAT.
Please note that the professional services quotation must be paid before any further work is carried out.
The construction figures are estimates only as at this stage, no detailed design work has been undertaken. While we have tried to predict the costs associated with this project as accurately as possible, we have included contingency percentages to mitigate financial risk, should any unforeseen circumstances arise. Rest assured, we will remain in contact with you throughout the scheme’s lifecycle and provide you with updates accordingly.
Professional services quotation = £4,792.77
25% contribution from Cllr Nicoll = £1,198.19
25% contribution from Cllr Reid = £1,198.19
50% contribution from Melton Parish Council = £2,396.39
The professional services quotation includes for:
- Site visits
- Consultation with third parties
- Construction cost estimate
- Hazard identification and risk assessments
- Utility enquiries
- Overhead cable assessments (if required)
- Temporary traffic management plans
- Compiling a works pack
Construction estimate = £16,100 – £19,670 (inc. VAT)
The construction estimate includes for:
- Traffic management (two and three-way temporary signals)
- Taking down, altering and re-erecting existing village entry sign (Melton)
- Removal of redundant posts
- Electrical installations, including a connection to existing services
- Vegetation clearance to ensure visibility of proposed 30mph repeater signs
- Installation of 30mph repeater signs
- Installation of road markings, such as speed roundels, edge of carriageway markings and centre lining
As previously stated, the above figures are estimated and Melton Parish Council will only be invoiced once we know exactly how much construction will cost. The VAT (20% of the final bill) can be claimed back.
Because it is proposed for the new 30mph speed limit to start at the A1152/B1083 roundabout, which is street lit, any new terminal signs must also be illuminated. Repeater signs (small 30mph plates) are required between the new terminal signs and the existing village entry sign as no streetlights are present along the route, in accordance with current legislation. All of this has been previously discussed with Cllr Nicoll and Cllr Reid, who queried the cost.
Councillors are asked if they wish to proceed with this project. It is unlikely that any speed reduction for this section will be funded through the Love Woodbridge and Melton project as it is outside the project area. There is £19,755 remaining in the Melton Road crossing CIL EMR which could be used to fund this project. The invoice for the island crossings has finally been received (£12k), which is covered by a year end adjustment of £16k in 2022/23. It is hoped the TRO/yellow lining costs will be covered by the remaining £4k.
Members are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report.
- Decide if they wish to move the SID to a different location
- Decide if they wish to proceed with the speed reduction on the A1152.
Pip Alder
Clerk, Melton Parish Council
September 2023