Local Highways Matters
Bredfield Road
No further updates
Speed Indicator Devices
The SID was moved to Bredfield Road. Councillors are asked if they wish to move it to another location in the village. The original SID has been returned again as it is still not working properly.
Melton Road Crossings and Traffic Regulation Order (double yellow lines)
The office and Cllr Nicoll continue to chase Highways for an installation date. It has been delayed by the change of contractor to Milestone.
Wilford Bridge Road Speed Reduction
The legal documents are being prepared, and we should know shortly when it will be advertised.
Yarmouth Road Pedestrian Signs
This work has been ordered and the contractor has 12 weeks to deliver.
Melton Grange Road
This is the latest update received from Highways:
“Following ongoing talks with Anglian Water, they have confirmed that they have now completed all works concerning their assets in Melton Grange Road.
We will therefore proceed with remedying the defects in the highway as a reactive order.
Our Highway Assessment Officer is due to order these works shortly. As soon as he has, I will ask that he updates you with a timeframe in which these works will be completed.”
Members are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report.
- Decide if they wish to move the SID from Bredfield Road
Pip Alder
Clerk, Melton Parish Council
December 2023