Management Accounts – Financial and Budget Report – 1st to 30th April 2023
This report should be read in conjunction with the reports MPC(23)55.04a-g:
- Payment Transactions – 01/04/2023 to 30/04/2023
- Receipt Transactions – 01/04/2023 to 30/04/2023
- Bank Reconciliation Report
- EMR Summary Report
- Precept/General Reserve Summary Report
- Reserves Balance
- Balance Sheet
Income for April was £68,429.93, which includes the first Precept instalment of £58,630.50 and a CIL receipt of £6,458.07. The remaining income was a mix of rent, fete donations and Pavilion income. Expenditure was £ 13,354.01 and of this £2,591.38 has been paid out of Earmarked Reserves. The two summary reports (MPC(23)55.04d and e) give a detailed breakdown of the receipts and payments against the agreed budget.
In terms of cash resources as at 30th April 2023, cash in the Council’s bank accounts totalled £296,368.57 made up as follows:
- Lloyds Instant Savings Account £ 174,378.66
- Ipswich Building Society Deposit Account £ 102,027.17
- Ipswich Building Society Rent Deposit Account £ 5,153.64
- Lloyds Bank Treasurer’s Account £ 14,809.10
After adding as assets £102.07 (VAT due) the total liquid assets amounted to £296,470.64. Of that sum, £170,458.30 relates to the balance of deposits, CIL and grant monies held as Earmarked Reserves:
CIL reserves £99,073.16
Melton Rd crossings project CIL EMR £19,755
Landscaping & parking improvements CIL EMR £3,717.03
Pavilion project CIL EMR £11,103.67
Bins CIL EMR £1,576.59
Divested land sinking fund CIL EMR £16,342.17
Hall Farm Road/SWT Events £590 (grants received from Deben Community Partnership and Cllr Smith-Lyte)
Fete EMR £949.34
Budget Risk EMR £10,000
Signage £1,130
Bequest £962.40
Pavilion Kit Out £5.30
Deposits EMR £100
1st Floor Rent Deposit £5,153.64
General Reserve
The General Reserve position as at 30th April 2023 was £126,012.34.
- That members NOTE AND COMMENT on this report.
Pip Alder
Clerk, Melton Parish Council
May 2023