
MPC(23)83.07 Local Highways Matters

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on July 13, 2023


Local Highways Matters

Bredfield Road
A meeting took place on Monday 3rd July between SCC, Bredfield Road residents and Cllrs Gradwell and James. SCC are looking at the feasibility of an island crossing and will also temporarily chalk in a raised crossing to give a visual of how this would work. The Bredfield Road residents have also asked if the Council will fund 2 x 20splenty banners and bin stickers to encourage drivers to reduce their speeds at a cost of £170. The District Councillor has been approached about funding this, or alternatively it can be paid for using CIL.

Speed Indicator Devices
The SID has been on Bredfield Road since the end of April. Councillors are asked if they wish for it to remain there or with the school holidays approaching whether it would be appropriate to move it to one of the other locations (Melton Road or Wilford Bridge Road). A replacement for the original SID is due to arrive shortly.

Melton Road Crossings and Traffic Regulation Order (double yellow lines)
The TRO has been approved and signed off. SCC will now get the works pack ready (plans, traffic management and Health and Safety). However, due to the change of contract from Keir to Milestone in October, no new work can be carried out until after October. Date and final cost is currently tbc.

Yarmouth Road – Pedestrian Signs
The office has contacted the resident regarding vegetation removal and he has agreed that the Maintenance Officer can trim back the vegetation to improve sight lines. Ufford Park has agreed to fund one of the signs and Cllr Nicoll will fund the other from his Highways Locality Budget. However this was at the original price of £1,097.30. Again because of the change of contract from Keir to Milestone in October this is delayed until the new contract starts and will have to be repriced.

Planters on Dock Lane
The street furniture licence application has been submitted. Once approved the planter will be purchased and the office is liaising with Transition Woodbridge regarding planting in the autumn.

Wilford Bridge Road Speed Reduction
Cllr Nicoll and Cllr Reid have offered £1k each towards the design costs. However the original quote of £4,178.78 was prepared by Keir whose contract terminates at the end of September so this is no longer valid. An alternative quote is being sought by the Local Highway Budget and Minor Works team.

Saddlemaker’s Lane, Lodge Farm Lane and St Audry’s Lane – speed reduction and management
A request has been made to Highways to consider reducing the speed limit on these three roads. They think it is unlikely that they would meet the policy criteria for a speed reduction. As it stands currently, Officers have to assess speed limit requests against the Speed Limit Policy and can only approve a speed limit if the majority of the criteria are met. The criteria is still skewed towards cars, focusing on accidents and prosecutable speeding levels.  Where the criteria is not fully met and a speed limit reduction is still required, then a report needs to be prepared and submitted for a formal decision which will be final.

The cost of preparing the report is £750 plus the cost of any speed surveys required.

There could also be merit in approaching SALC to co-ordinate a project to encourage SCC to implement a blanket 20mph on all Quiet Lanes in Suffolk.

However, in light of the forthcoming Love Woodbridge & Melton consultations regarding 20mph zones the two speed reduction projects listed above could be superseded.

Love Woodbridge & Melton
The team attended the fete on the 8th July. As an estimate they spoke to about 100-120 different people and apart from one person, everybody was very positive and are keen to see more opportunities for safe walking and cycling routes to be created in Woodbridge and Melton. Dr Bike looked at around 50 bikes. One person even went home and brought all his family’s bikes back and someone else brought us his cargo bike to have a look at.

The LW&M team has asked what areas of Melton should be considered for consultation regarding 20mph areas. Having attended a 20splenty webinar there may be merit in thinking about a blanket 20mph zone for all of Melton rather than just a selection of streets. Further information about 20splenty is contained in paper MPC(23)83.07a together with a proposal to pass a motion supporting the 20mph campaign. As well as the safety and health benefits it could also be more cost-effective and be less confusing for road users.

Air Quality – Melton Crossroads
Cllr James and I met with ESC’s Senior Environmental Protection Officer to discuss the Air Quality Monitoring that happens in Melton. The two sites (Melton crossroads and The Street) have been selected because historically they have always showed the highest levels of Nitrogen Dioxide. Levels are not high enough for intervention and it’s believed that cleaner vehicle engines are contributing to a reduction in the levels. No particulate monitoring is currently taking place in Melton, but Melton will be put on the waiting list for a trial of the Cube monitor which does measure particulates as well as Nitrogen Dioxide.


Members are asked to:

  • Note and comment on this report.
  • Decide if they wish to fund 2 x 20splenty banners and bin stickers for Bredfield Road
  • Decide if they wish to proceed with commissioning a speed reduction report for Saddlemaker’s Lane, Lodge Farm Lane and St Audry’s Lane or investigate the feasibility of persuading SCC to implement a blanket TRO for all Quiet Lanes in Suffolk.
  • Decide which areas of Melton should be in the Love Woodbridge & Melton 20mph consultation.
  • Decide if they wish to support the 20splenty campaign and request SCC to adopt 20mph as the default speed limit on streets throughout Suffolk where people live, work, shop, play or learn.

Pip Alder

Clerk, Melton Parish Council

July 2023