
MPC(24)18.07 Local Highways Matters

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on February 20, 2024


Local Highways Matters

Speed Indicator Devices
The SID was moved to Wilford Bridge Road at the beginning of February. The office is still following up on the original SID which is back with the supplier.

Melton Road Crossings and Traffic Regulation Order (double yellow lines)
Milestone are hoping to install the lines w/c 25th March.

Wilford Bridge Road Speed Reduction
The TRO was re-advertised and the closing date for comments is the 6th March.

Joint Parish/Town Initiative
Cllr Brown is attending a meeting at ESC on the 8th March.

Bus Stop Adopters
This was advertised in the Melton Messenger and posters have been put on the parish noticeboards. No-one has volunteered at the time of issuing this report.

Woods Lane – hazard from garden waste
The cones and garden debris falling from a garden on Woods Lane as a result of a tree falling in recent high winds was reported to ESC and SCC. On the 6th February an order was placed by SCC to refresh the traffic management and to clear the debris, which was scheduled to take place within two weeks to coincide with other works taking place on Woods Lane to minimise the disruption and cost.

Yarmouth Road Pedestrian Signs
The pedestrian warning signs have now been installed on Yarmouth Road.Pedestrian crossing sign Yarmouth Road

Yarmouth Road Closure
The office was not notified in advance about the closure of Yarmouth Road on the 19th February so was unable to send comms in a timely manner. This was raised with Cllr Nicoll, Network Assurance and Passenger Transport (in relation to disruption to buses). Openreach installed a new pole, sadly choosing to move it into the middle of the pavement rather than against the wall where it used to be located. Travelling along this pavement with a pushchair/wheelchair/mobility aid is now impossible without stepping into the road. SCC has been contacted.

Melton Road Uneven Road SurfacePole on Yarmouth Road in middle of pavement

As reported previously, the road surface along Melton Road is extremely uneven in places, especially by the Spar garage. There have been two reports of pedestrians tripping over the uneven surface when crossing the road by the garage.

Cllr Bann and the Clerk conducted a site visit with a representative from Highways. It does not fall within their level of intervention and SCC has advised that the only way to resolve the issue is to self-fund the works. County Councillor Nicoll has requested a price for this repair, which once received will be brought to Full Council for discussion. Cllr Gradwell believes that SCC should be encouraged to take responsibility for effecting this repair as it is a known hazard for pedestrians and cyclists.

Footpath/Footway Clearance
Cllr Bann is looking to set up a group of volunteers who would help to keep footpaths and footways clear of vegetation and surface litter, where possible. This could be in conjunction with the SCC Community Self Help Scheme: This will be discussed further under item MPC(24)21.

The Ramblers Association will be undertaking some vegetation clearance of Footpath 22 on Sunday 10th March.


Members are asked to:

  • Note and comment on this report.

Pip Alder

Clerk, Melton Parish Council

February 2024