Pavilion Update
All regular hires will be returning following the Easter break and we’ve had enquiries from a couple of other businesses looking for space to hold baby and toddler classes.
The pop-up takeaway café did return for a couple of weekends in March, but no further dates have been provided at this time.
Councillors Martin, Darby, Gradwell, Brown and Bourne met to discuss the out of hours cover arrangements. Following a discussion, it was decided to ask the cleaners if they felt they could provide this additional service. The cleaners have been approached for costing as they felt it would be a service they could offer, and the office await their reply.
Recreation Ground Update
There is some concern about the state of the football field area of the Recreation Ground and how compacted the ground is. A quote has been received to carry out some slitting at a cost of £475+VAT. The Recreation Working Group (RWG) agreed for this to take place, ideally during November to February but this will be dependent on ground conditions. Should the football club require additional works and/or increased frequency of grass cutting, RWG will need to decide how this would be funded. The hire charges are due to be reviewed in May.
The ditch by the zip wire requires dredging; this has not been done for many years. This was quoted at £975+VAT and the works were agreed at the RWG meeting in March. However, due to the condition of the ground adjacent to the play area (it is extremely wet) a further quote was sought to extend the ditch by 2-3 metres. These additional works would hopefully aid the drainage in this area and is costed at £825+VAT. The cost of these three items would be covered by the greenspace additional works budget.
A request from a mobile coffee van to attend the Recreation Ground car park on weekends was received and discussed by members at the RWG meeting. It was agreed to offer a free trial period of 4 sessions, taking place on dates when the pop-up café would not be operating. The company have asked if they could start on 28th April.
A request from an orienteering group to use Burkes Wood for an event was discussed by the RWG and they felt that they could not authorise this type of event as it contradicts with the work actively being taken by the parish council to prevent people from roaming in the woods. However, the RWG asked the Asst Clerk to invite the group to Full Council so it could be discussed by all members.
Beresford Drive Play Area Update
Following a post installation play park inspection, the snagging highlighted in the report was completed on the morning of 26th March. This meant the play area was able to open in the afternoon. One of the gates still requires an adjustment to the closure mechanism and a contractor will attend to rectify this issue.
Following the RWG meeting in March it was decided to not invite an ice cream van to attend the opening event.
The design for a new play area sign was circulated to the RWG – the graphics on the interpretive board are just to visualise. It is in the same style as that at the Jubilee Green. The cost of the sign and accompanying UV stable matt finish custom graphic interpretive board will be £1,250. RWG would like to recommend to Full Council that they go ahead with this sign at this cost. This could be paid out of CIL. The design for the interpretive board is yet to be finalised and will be shared once received.
D-Day Anniversary
The Beacon at the Recreation Ground will be lit on 6th June to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Cllr Stearn will light the beacon with assistance from Cllrs Gradwell, Taylor, Bann and Martin.
Further volunteers will be required to act as marshals during the evening and the car park will be closed from earlier in the day until after the event.
A commemorative roundel has been designed to capture the RAF spitfire, hurricane & Lancaster in the air, a navy warship offshore and landing craft with infantry landing on the beaches –
The cost to supply the plaque is £205. RWG would like Full Council to approve the purchase of this plaque, paid for using CIL.
Options to improve the quality of the CCTV are being explored by the office and the current CCTV provider. Further information will be provided once received.
Car Boot Sales 2024
The Car Boot Sale organisers have advised the office that they will not be holding any boot sales at the Recreation Ground in 2024. A note has been included in the May Melton Messenger.
Tree Safety Survey
The results of the tree safety survey were shared with the RWG and are available on the website
A quote was sought from the tree surgeon to carry out the works which will cost £4,820.00 and the RWG agreed the works should be carried out. An EMR has been created from the last financial year setting aside £4,000 to put towards the cost of the works. Cllr Martin suggested creating a longer term EMR to manage the cost of tree works required in the future which is covered in paper MPC(24)51.01.
TPO applications for the required tree works have been submitted to East Suffolk Council. Work will begin shortly on trees not covered by a TPO, noting that it is bird nesting season and so the necessary checks will be undertaken before proceeding with the works.
Councillors are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report.
- Decide if they wish to proceed with works to extend the drainage ditch by the zip wire.
- Decide if they wish to proceed with the sign at Beresford Drive and approve the cost.
- Decide if they wish to proceed with the D-Day roundel and approve the cost.
Fliss Waters
Assistant Clerk, Melton Parish Council
April 2024