
MPC(24)55 Reports from Outside Bodies

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on April 15, 2024


Reports from Outside Bodies

Burness Parish Room Management Committee – Nothing to report

Melton Trust – In March we held our AGM and agreed the return for the Charity Commission, which was registered a few days later.  I agreed to remain as Chair for one more year.  We had some good feedback from Suffolk Mind on the work they had done with Melton Primary and they currently arranging similar sessions at Woodbridge Primary and at Farlingaye – Cllr Martin

Melton Primary School – initial layout designs for the new nursery have been received and commented on – Clerk

Melton Messenger – There will be a stand at the Annual Parish Meeting in the hope of using that to attract more people in to help with production and distribution of the Melton Messenger – Cllr Brown

Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) – Nothing to report

Suffolk Disability Forum – Nothing to report

Melton, Woodbridge and Deben Community Partnership

The next meeting is on April 24. Once again this coincides with my District Council Business so it would be good for someone to attend and represent Melton in my place. I am still keen to attend but its meeting timings have not been easy for me – Cllr Packard

Woodbridge and Melton Society

The Society response to the County Council’s Active Travel Woodbridge project consultation can be found at:  The Society has stated that they “are highly critical of their proposals and of the consultation.”

The Committee asked if the Parish Council wanted to recommend any more eligible Melton residents for blue plaques – Cllr Bann

Deben Estuary Partnership

Attended the March 14 meeting. There was discussion about potential flooding at Bawdsey which would flood land owned by the Adeane Estate. There is still £120k in the partnership kitty to be spent on firming up the Bawdsey/Hollesley flood barriers if agreement can be reached with the Adeane Estate Management.

Attended a meeting at the Environment Agency on March 18 where we went through the flooding protocols needed for the updated Estuary Plan. This has now been agreed and will be presented for approval at the next meeting on June 13 – Cllr Packard

Climate Advocate/Adaptive Action Group – Nothing to report