
MPC(24)69.02 Draft CIL Report 2023/24

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on May 9, 2024


Town or Parish Council: Melton Parish Council

1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024


A Total CIL income carried over from previous years £ 164,698.33 (restated from 164,698.98)
B Total CIL income received (receipts) £ 8,090.96
C Total CIL spent (expenditure) £ 33,292.81
  Total CIL requested to be repaid in the year £ 0
  Total value of CIL receipts subject to a Repayment Notice served in any year that has not been repaid


£ 0
D Total CIL repaid in the year following a Repayment Notice £ 0
E Total CIL retained at year end (A+B-C-D) £ 139,496.48


CIL Expenditure

Items to which CIL has been applied: Date of Spend Amount spent £
The Melton Pavilion April to December 2023 £11,909.95
Purchase of dog poo bin – St Andrew’s April 2023 £246.29
Bench on Melton Road April 2023 £117
Sign at Hall Farm Road Jubilee Green April 2023 £1,078.67
Leaflet printing for public consultation about play park improvements May 2023 £62
Picnic benches (including accessible ones) and bases at Melton Recreation Ground July 2023 £1,199.43
Pads for defibrillator located at Burness Parish Rooms September 2023 £132
Pedestrian island crossings on Melton Road/Hill September 2023 £12,000
Purchase of noticeboard and refurbishment of two existing boards October 2023 and January 2024 £1,131.58
Purchase of dog poo bin – Love Lane/Pytches Road November 2023 £273.27
Purchase of grit bin November 2023 £266.23
Tree works on divested land December 2023 £2,480
Road Safety Improvements – Wilford Bridge Road January 2024 £2,396.39
Total spent   £ 33,292.81


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