
REC(21)56.03 Tree Warden Report

RecreationRecreation Agendas & Papers Uploaded on July 5, 2021


Tree Warden Report

In June I attended a training course meeting in Stowmarket – meeting with tree wardens around Suffolk to learn how to use a digital app based tree survey method that Stowmarket is using to assist them with their plans for investing in their tree cover.

The dead tree at the entrance to Bury Hill has been removed; there are plans in near future for removing dead trees in the newly divested patch of land where there is an area of tree planting just past the entrance to Fernhill Close. Also arranging to remove old plastic coils from well-established trees in the footpath that joins up with Pytches Lane.

Also in June, I collaborated with a troupe of “Explorer” scouts on bracken clearance for two patches of potential tree planting land identified in the Tree Safety Assessment Report. The ongoing plan is to fence off these patches to protect from Muntjac and to plant what could be accounted into the green canopy initiative.

Thanks for promoting the article on green canopy in the freebie mags; I know of 1 potential tree-friender so far as a result – she has a thriving oak sapling that she wishes to donate, we’ve agreed I will collect in the autumn in planting season.

In discussions with Alice Martin and Pip Alder there was an exploration of a possibility for planting a hedge in parallel to the ‘road hedge’ alongside the tennis courts. I was wondering whether that might become a jubilee project? I think we needed to check for drains/electricity cabling?

A proposal to add- I wonder if we might check on what proportion of the trees planted -by requirement – in the Woods Lane developments have survived through to this growing season?

Woodbridge Town Council just realised that all 3 trees planted as part of our car park development have already died – I’ve asked James Mallinder to clarify what post-planting care arrangements were in place? I suspect that aftercare is not part of the best intentions of planning requirements …it would be an interesting survey opportunity (with a large N number) …perhaps we could recruit local schools as an environmental / educational project to check for us? And maybe there may be some funding in it for participants? Nature First Small Grants Scheme » East Suffolk Council

Hope to meet in person next time

Best wishes



Tree Warden

July 2021