
REC(22)80.03 Recreation Play Park

RecreationRecreation Agendas & Papers Uploaded on November 22, 2022


Recreation Ground Play Park 

The Play Park fencing has been aligned to follow the gabions and the access to the slide has been reopened. 

At Full Council’s meeting on the 16th November it was agreed that the MUGA project will remain on the long list but would not be a high priority due to other more urgent projects. The Play Park improvements were deemed a high priority, and this would include the creation of a pump track.  

The office is investigating the insurance implications of a pump track and will look for any available grants. We will also liaise with the group responsible for the Ufford bike track and try to engage with local cyclists on the location and design of the pump track.  

An update will be brought to Recreation on the 11th January 2023. 

Members are asked to: 

  • Note and comment on this report 


Fliss Waters  

Assistant Clerk  

November 2022