
MPC(23)111.07 Highways Matters

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on October 11, 2023


Local Highways Matters

Bredfield Road
20s plenty banners and bin stickers have been received by the Bredfield Road residents. The residents did ask if planters could be installed on the road to calm traffic, but this is not possible. With regards to progressing traffic calming measures and improving the experience for pedestrians SCC have suggested tightening the junction of Bredfield Road/Woods Lane. This would reduce the speed of traffic entering and exiting Bredfield Road and provide a shorter crossing point for pedestrians with better visibility.

The SID data from April to July suggests that vehicles are not speeding whilst the SID is in situ. The 85th percentile speed was 29.1mph (this means 85% of traffic is travelling at or below this speed). The average speed was 24.9mph. To verify if speeding is an issue when there is no Community Speedwatch Team or the SID in place, further speed data is required. PC Partridge of Suffolk Police is looking at initiating a speed survey at the request of the Community Speedwatch team. This will help determine if the junction tightening and traffic calming (potentially build outs) should be considered.

Whilst build outs may help slow traffic it could have additional negative impacts such as increased noise and erratic driver behaviour. The cost of the junction tightening is estimated at £3k for design and safety audit and £20k for the works.

There could potentially be changes to Bredfield Road as part of the Love Woodbridge and Melton project but there are no confirmed timescales for this.

Speed Indicator Devices
The SID has been moved to Bredfield Road.

Melton Road Crossings and Traffic Regulation Order (double yellow lines)
Still chasing for a date but hopefully it will be soon now that the new contract with Milestone is operational.

Planter on Dock Lane
Planter has been installed on the corner of Dock Lane. Bulbs will be planted later this month/early Nov and the fruit tree by Transition Woodbridge – date tbc.

Wilford Bridge Road Speed Reduction
Go ahead was given to the SCC team to proceed.

Melton Grange Road
A resident is very concerned about Melton Grange Road, particularly the uneven road surface and parking relating to Woodbridge primary school on surrounding roads. They were advised to contact Suffolk County Council regarding the uneven road surface and East Suffolk Council and the police regarding the parking issues. They were also informed about the Love Woodbridge and Melton project and given their contact details.

SCC Highways is well aware of the uneven road surface issue and placed temporary signs as a make safe in September 2022 whilst they investigated whether and what further remedials are required. There has been no further update.

The latest response to the resident from Suffolk County Council regarding the parking is as follows:

In terms of parking with close proximity of junction and bend, you are correct that this is in contravention of the highway code, and therefore in the short term some level of enforcement could be undertaken by the Police, and in this aspect, you may wish to contact your local PCSO.

In terms of trying to resolve this issue in the longer term, we have the option of considering the installation of parking restrictions. This is quite a long and drawn-out process which would require external funding, from either the Parish or the County Councillor. This would involve a site visit to determine the extent of the issue and a full consultation process. If agreed by all parties, including the Police and other statutory parties, then a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) may be proposed. This is the legal order required to install restrictions, as it provides the legal basis for prosecution. The order and works on the ground would cost in the region of £10,000. So, at this stage we would advise you speak with your Parish / Town Council & County Councillor for discussion. They will then contact Suffolk Highways to discuss taking this forward if funding can be sourced.

Councillors are asked if they wish to consider adding this to their list of projects to be prioritised and funded.

“Another alternatively or low-cost option would be H markings outside some of the driveways, however this wouldn’t solve the issue of parking close to junctions or bends, but typically serves to protect access to driveways.”

Residents can apply to Suffolk County Council for H markings to be installed at a cost of £100 per application and £150 per H marking.


Members are asked to:

  • Note and comment on this report.
  • If they wish to add a TRO for Melton Grange Road/Wilkinson Way/Melton Meadow Road to their project list

Pip Alder

Clerk, Melton Parish Council

October 2023