Pavilion Update
Pavilion bookings continue to be strong with a slight increase in the number of one-off hires for parties. A booking has also been taken for Christmas Day as well as an enquiry for New Year’s Day.
Two noticeboards have been installed inside the Pavilion which may be used by the regular hirers to advertise their classes as well as provide an area for party decorations to be attached. Small hooks have also been installed around the main space so bunting and fairy lights may be hung up without damaging the walls and paintwork.
No further dates have been requested by the pop-up takeaway café at this time.
The final snagging has been completed and an issue with a leak from the air con into one of the internal toilets has been fixed by Mixbrow. The retainer will be paid in due course.
Additional Car park lighting
The works to install two solar lighting columns at the Recreation Ground car park has been scheduled for the 1st November.
Request for a Memorial Bench/Tree
A resident has asked if a memorial bench or tree could be installed at the Recreation Ground in memory of their son who died earlier this year. They have lived in Melton for over 30 years and the park holds many special memories. They walk their dog there nearly every day and they would love to have a tribute to him in a place he loved.
Hall Farm Close
The small area of fenced off land that MPC owns at Hall Farm Close requires some tree work. The ‘conservation area’ is looked after informally by the residents who back onto the land. The residents have worked hard to clear out the rubbish, install hedgehog boxes, bird boxes, bug hotels etc to encourage a wildlife haven. They have also planted some saplings (field maples) which are doing well but will require more light in the future to thrive.
The Clerk visited the area with the tree surgeon and he has suggested the following:
– reduction of boundary hedge and selective removal of approx. 3 trees and lifting of large tree to improve light for newly planted trees.
Spreading chip on footpath alongside the brook.
Cost – £480=00. The costs can be covered by CIL or the additional green space works budget line.
The office recommends that this work should be carried out. If it is left much longer the future costs will be even greater. The boundary hedge is extremely high and out of control and it is too much for the maintenance officer to do.
Tree Policy
The current tree policy is being reviewed by the Recreation Working Group and new wording has been drafted. Once the Recreation WG is satisfied with the contents it will be presented to Full Council for approval.
Other Updates
The flagpole at the Recreation Ground was pulled over and the ground fixings damaged. The incident was captured on CCTV and the office is liaising with the police. The Working Group would like to keep the flagpole in its current location rather than being re-sited closer to the Pavilion. To improve the quality of the nighttime footage an upgrade to the CCTV camera covering the car park is being explored by the office.
The beacon will be treated for rust and repainted. The office has been unable to source a more robust cover so a material circular cover will be ordered.
The Maintenance Officer has installed the planter on the corner of Dock Lane. Bulbs will be planted in November and Transition Woodbridge will plant a fruit tree in January when they will also be creating the community orchard at the Recreation Ground.
The bench on the corner of Smithfield/Melton Road, which was installed in August, has been well received and used and the office has not been made aware of any complaints or incidents of ASB.
The ditch has been cleared at the Jubilee Green by our contractor and the wildflower area will be cut in due course.
The perspex on the noticeboards located at the Burness Parish Rooms and on Wilkinson Way will be replaced by the Maintenance Officer.
The Thai Food Truck had another successful evening on Saturday 30th September and would like to continue having the last Saturday of the month with agreement by the office. No further communication has been received from the woodfired pizza company.
Councillors are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report
- Decide if they wish to permit the installation of a memorial bench or tree at the Recreation Ground
- Decide if they wish to instruct the tree surgeon to carry out work at Hall Farm Close
- Decide if they wish to install the bench on Melton Road permanently
Fliss Waters
Assistant Clerk, Melton Parish Council
October 2023