
MPC(23)M08 Minutes from Full Council on 18th October 2023

Full CouncilMinutes Uploaded on November 2, 2023


Minutes of the meeting of Melton Parish Council held on Wednesday 18th October 2023, commencing at 7pm, at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.


Cllr Bann

Cllr Bourne

Cllr Brown

Cllr Corston

Cllr Crawford

Cllr Darby

Cllr Gradwell (Chair)

Cllr Holmes (attended for Part One)

Cllr Martin

Cllr Stearn

Cllr Taylor



Cllr James

Cllr Packard

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council

Melton Footpath Advocate

Agenda – Part One of Two – Open to the Public

Item No         Item to be discussed

23.107            To receive apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs James and Packard and District Councillor Smith-Lyte and County Councillor Nicoll.

23.108            Declarations of Interest

23.108.01          To receive Declarations of Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
None were received

23.108.02          To consider any applications for dispensations
None were received

23.109            Public Participation Session          

23.109.01          To receive a report from the County Councillor
Cllr Nicoll sent his apologies but had provided a verbal report to the Clerk which was an update on Love Woodbridge and Melton, stating that the Project Board has been delayed until there is something tangible to discuss. Cllr Nicoll reiterated that if there is anything planned that will be detrimental to Melton he will not support it. Choose Woodbridge will be meeting with the project team in early November.

At this point it was RESOLVED to take the following item out of order on the agenda

23.111.08          Love Woodbridge & Melton (
Cllr Bann disagrees with the decision to delay the Project Board and asked that we request it convenes soon. Whilst the concept of encouraging active travel is still supported by Melton Parish Council, Councillors have serious concerns about the project. Cllrs Gradwell and Bann met with two Councillors from Woodbridge Town Council on the 9th October to discuss their concerns. Cllr Corston asked for it to be recorded that he felt the recent Melton Messenger article by Carol was very good and helpful. It was also noted that although there was a negative vocal group on social media, the office had received positive responses both about the concept and Melton Parish Council’s communications and approach. It was AGREED unanimously that the Clerk would request a meeting between Councillor Nicoll and Councillors Gradwell and Bann to discuss the importance of holding a Project Board meeting soon.

It was RESOLVED to revert to the original order on the agenda.

23.109.02          To receive a Report from the District Councillor
Cllr Smith-Lyte sent her apologies and the ESC Leader’s bulletin was distributed to Councillors in advance of the meeting.

23.109.03          To consider village matters raised by Members of the Public or Councillors
Cllr Darby had been contacted by a resident regarding vegetation growing over into their garden from the Warburg land. Cllr Darby will advise the resident to speak to Cllr Smith-Lyte as the resident’s District Councillor and will also pass on the details of a reputable tree surgeon.

The Clerk reported that the office had received a report of people rough sleeping in vehicles at Winifred Fison House. The ESC rough sleeper team has been made aware and will attempt to make contact.

23.110            To approve the Minutes of Full Council from 13th September – MPC(23)M07
It was RESOLVED that minutes MPC(23)M07 previously distributed, be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by: Cllr Martin    Seconded by: Cllr Taylor

23.111            Planning & Transport – Chair of P&T to lead assisted by the Clerk

23.111.01          Planning Applications – to review new applications received
DC/23/3616/FUL Kirby Villas 44 Bredfield Road It was AGREED to respond stating that the Council has concerns about access onto Bredfield Road, given the proximity to the traffic island and the narrowness of the road.

23.111.02          Planning Applications – update on any existing Planning Applications
DC/22/4775/FUL – Land South Of Primary School And East Of The Street Eyke – there was no further update. It is expected to go to the ESC Planning Committee later this year.

23.111.03          Public Consultations
ESC’s Review of Polling Districts and Places –

Councillors had no comments on the review document. The request to use the Pavilion as a polling station for the Woodbridge Division was discussed and it was unanimously RESOLVED to AGREE to this use.

Other public consultations (Sense of Place East of England Survey, Environmental permit for a small waste incineration plant at Ellough, Suffolk Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Routes, Consultation on the proposed ban of the manufacture supply and sale of wet wipes containing plastic and Proposals to create a smokefree generation and tackle youth vaping – ) were considered but it was AGREED not to respond as a Council but Councillors could respond individually if they so wished.

23.111.04          Planning Notices – review Planning Notices received
None received

23.111.05          Planning Appeals – review position on existing Planning Appeals
Nothing to report

23.111.06          Planning Enforcement
ENF/23/0027/COND – Deben Meadows (DC/23/0120/DRC) – no update

ENF/21/0086/DEV – Bye Engineering – no update on the enforcement or the planning application that is currently undecided.

The second planning application for the sign for Deben Mill was also rejected by ESC. The Clerk will contact the Enforcement team to see what action is being taken.

23.111.07          Local Highways Matters
Paper MPC(23)111.07, previously distributed, was discussed. It was AGREED that the concerns about Melton Grange Road and parking around Woodbridge Primary School would be passed to the Love Woodbridge and Melton team for consideration when they look at plans for Melton and that the resident would be advised to consider having H markings installed. The school will remind parents/carers to park and drive considerately and it was noted that the PCSO regularly patrols the area. The issue with the Melton Grange Road surface continues to be raised with Highways and Cllr Nicoll.

23.111.09         Neighbourhood Plan Refresh
Covered by item MPC(23)119

23.112            Recreation – Chair of Recreation to lead assisted by the Assistant Clerk
Paper MPC(23)112, previously distributed was discussed. It was AGREED that a memorial tree and plaque could be planted at the Recreation Ground, provided it was a native species, there are no adornments, and they can water it in dry weather. It was AGREED that the tree work should be carried out on the Hall Farm Close land and that the Melton Road bench should be installed permanently once three months have passed subject to no reports of ASB.

Proposed by: Cllr Corston Seconded by: Cllr Bourne

23.112.01          Beresford Drive Play Park
Nine companies expressed an interest in bidding although only five tenders were received by the 10th October. Children from Melton Primary School will be reviewing the designs in early November after which the Beresford Drive working group will score the submissions using a matrix. The office is looking at available grants to help fund the project and has already made a request to the new Woodbridge County Councillor.

23.112.02          Noticeboard at Melton St Audrys
It was AGREED to purchase a green metal 18-poster noticeboard.

Proposed by: Cllr Brown    Seconded by: Cllr Martin

23.112.03          Car Boot Sales 2024
Paper MPC(23)112.03, previously distributed, was discussed at length. Concern was raised about the numbers attending and if a limit should be imposed. It was AGREED to approve the dates although only 5 dates would be allowed (only one in August) to give the grass time to recover, the Pavilion could be hired but at the 9-hour charity rate and that the layout should be reversed so the parked cars were on the right and away from the football pitches. The office will ask for stallholder numbers from this year’s car boot sales and then take to the Recreation Working Group to set a limit on the number of stallholders agreed. The café will not be able to run simultaneously. The organisers will be advised that they should not be calling MPC staff out of hours unless there is a serious emergency eg fire/food/vandalism.

Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell            Seconded by: Cllr Darby

23.112.04          TPOs
DC/23/3869/TPO -16 Garrod Approach – it was AGREED to make No Comment on this application.

23.113            To consider Financial and Internal Control Matters – Clerk to report and advice to Council from Chair of FERM

23.113.01          To receive the financial management and budget reports for the period 1 April to 30 September 2023

Papers MPC(23)113.01 and MPC(23)113.01a-g, previously distributed were discussed. Cllr Crawford commented that the finances were currently looking healthy and the end year position was looking positive. The bank statements were checked and signed by the chair as accurate against the financial statements.

23.113.02          To consider risk issues –
The Risk Register was reviewed and it was agreed to remove the Pavilion project risk as it has now been completed. The need for an upgraded camera at the Rec Ground Car Park (ASB) will be reviewed after the solar lamp posts have been installed. An additional risk regarding Councillor vacancies will be added. Councillor James has resigned with immediate effect but will remain as a member of the Recreation Working Group and potentially the Council’s Climate Change Advocate. The Chair passed on her thanks to Cllr James for all his hard work. The Chair is concerned that there could be additional vacancies arising soon and so is planning a recruitment campaign in 2024.

23.113.03          To consider Data Protection risk issues –

The Clerk expressed a need for the office to seek some additional DP training and will see what is on offer from SALC initially.

23.113.04          To consider the grant applications for 2023/24
Paper MPC(23)113.04, previously distributed, was discussed and the following grants were agreed:

£250 to Woodbridge Primary school towards the purchase of a new shade sail and a wooden house to provide early years with shading in their outdoor classroom.

£750 to Burness Parish Rooms towards the cost of rear roof repairs.

It was also agreed to pay £1200 towards the costs of the Melton Messenger.

Proposed by: Cllr Crawford           Seconded by: Cllr Brown

23.113.05          To confirm the date of the Budget Working Group meeting for setting the 2024/5 budget
It was AGREED that the Budget Working Group would meet on the 22nd November at 7pm. Chairs and Deputies of Working Groups are required to attend although other Councillors are welcome to attend.

23.113.06          To consider approach to filling Councillor vacancies – Chair to report
The Chair will be running a recruitment campaign in early 2024. This will consist of messaging in the Melton Messenger, posters on the noticeboards, email comms, a leaflet drop to all households and an open evening at the Pavilion in March. Councillors are asked to talk to people they know who they think could be interested in joining the Council.

23.113.07          Report of decisions made by Clerk/Assistant Clerk under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014
Paper MPC(23)113.07. previously distributed was received and noted.

23.113.08          Business Plan Update
Paper MPC(23)113.08, previously distributed was discussed. The Chair asked for Councillors to send their comments (including no comment if considered ok) by the 31st October as this document will assist the budget setting in November.

23.114            Sizewell C
The SZC team gave a presentation to Councillors in early October. It was interesting to note that only 2 trains at night are now proposed. A letter of thanks noting that Bentwaters will not be used for SZC was sent by the Chair. The SZC team will also be invited to the Annual Parish Meeting in April together with other Melton-centric clubs and organisations.

23.115            To receive and consider reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies

23.115.01          Burness Parish Room Management Committee – nothing to report

23.115.02          Melton Trust – Cllr Martin reported that the Trust has committed £10.5k for a project with Suffolk Mind to provide 1-2-1 sessions with pupils at Farlingaye and to provide mental health and wellbeing training and training aids for teachers and support staff at Melton and Woodbridge Primary schools.

23.115.03          Melton Primary School – The Clerk reported that £1.35m has been allocated from District CIL to fund a nursery building. SCC is the Client, Concertus will project manage and the school is the end user. It will be based on a similar structure that has already been constructed at Holton St Peter. Yet to see a bid or tender document and there are no set timescales but it will be sent out to SCC’s list of approved suppliers for tender.

23.115.04          Melton Messenger – Cllr Brown reported that there had been an increase in advertisers which had generated much needed income.

23.115.05          Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) – nothing to report

23.115.06          Suffolk Disability Forum – Cllr Darby reported that the Beresford Drive playpark project had been mentioned at the latest meeting.

23.115.07          Melton, Woodbridge and Deben Community Partnership – A representative will be attending Full Council in December

23.115.08          Woodbridge and Melton Society – Cllr Bann reported there had been no further meetings since the previous Full Council meeting but there was a Love Woodbridge and Melton specific meeting taking place soon.

23.115.09          Deben Estuary Partnership – nothing to report

23.115.10          Adaptive Action Group – nothing to report

23.116            To consider Items for the Melton Messenger

The December edition will reference the Councillor recruitment campaign and include pen portraits of Cllrs Corston and Stearn. The Chair requested contributions by the end of October.

23.117            Chair’s urgent business

The Chair will be hosting a Christmas event on the 5th December at 7pm in the Pavilion. Councillors and their partners are invited. The Chair will provide a list of invitees to the office who will produce and send out an invitation.

23.118            Date of next meeting

The next meeting of Full Council will take place on Wednesday 13th December 2023, commencing at 7pm at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. Following consideration of the confidential items and there being no further business the meeting closed at 21:54.