
MPC(24) M01 Minutes of Full Council meeting on 17th January 2024

Full CouncilMinutes Uploaded on January 31, 2024


Minutes of the meeting of Melton Parish Council held on Wednesday 17th January 2024, commencing at 7pm, at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.


Cllr Bann

Cllr Brown

Cllr Corston

Cllr Darby

Cllr Martin

Cllr Packard

Cllr Stearn

Cllr Taylor (Chair)


Cllr Bourne

Cllr Holmes

Cllr Gradwell

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council

Melton Footpath Advocate

Melton Parish Council Climate Advocate

5 Members of the public

District Cllr Smith-Lyte

Agenda – Part One – Open to the Public

Item No         Item to be discussed

24.01              To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bourne, Gradwell and Holmes and County Cllr Nicoll. The Asst Clerk was also unable to attend.

24.02              Declarations of Interest

24.02.01           To receive Declarations of Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

None were received

24.02.02           To consider any applications for dispensations

There were none

24.03              Public Participation Session          

24.03.01           To receive a report from the County Councillor

County Councillor Nicoll was not present.

24.03.02           To receive a report from the District Councillor

Cllr Smith-Lyte reported that she was meeting with residents of Melton Park regarding the old Bowling Green and would chase up Cllr Molyneaux regarding his donation towards the Beresford Drive Play Park. She will be submitting an objection to the self-build planning application on Woods Lane and has been meeting with Flagship/NewTide to discuss planting trees in Melton. She had received a complaint about rubbish outside Morrisons but the Parish Council was unaware of any complaints. She is aware of a meeting of the Joint Parish Traffic Initiative regarding the level crossing and crossroads.

24.03.04           To consider village matters raised by Members of the Public or Councillors

Two members of the public representing the Car Boot Sales expressed their concerns about the restrictions being imposed on them by MPC for the 2024 car boot sales. They feel they cannot restrict the number of stallholders to 50, have no room on their posters to advertise limited numbers and do not understand why the Pavilion hire charges are so much higher than the previous years. Councillors listened to their concerns. The Clerk reminded Councillors that if they were minded to change their previous decision it would need to be resolved to add an item to the February agenda to comply with the Council’s Standing Orders.

24.03.03           Deben Community Partnership

The Community Partnership Officer from East Suffolk Council arrived late so it was RESOLVED to take this item out of order after 24.03.04. She explained that the Melton, Woodbridge and Deben Community Partnership had £25k per year from ESC to spend on local initiatives. Originally this was for hubs and young people but recently Mental Health and Wellbeing has been the recent priority. There may be a change of priorities and any suggestions would be welcomed. Cllr Corston asked if there were any restrictions on who could apply. It was explained that if the project could evidence a need and measure the outcomes then it would be considered. Allotments were suggested which was considered a good proposal. Cllr Bann asked if it was for young people only, to which the answer was no. It is acknowledged that transport is an issue in the area; they are currently working on a transport initiative with Just42. Cllr Darby asked if MPC could apply for the Fete. It was explained that if we could demonstrate a need and it was measurable we could apply. A newsletter will be distributed in March/April and everyone was welcome to attend the next meeting on the 6th March.

24.04              To approve the Minutes of Full Council from 13th December 2023

It was RESOLVED that minutes MPC(23)M09 and MPC(23)M09 conf which were previously distributed, would be signed as a correct record by the Chair following a minor amendment to item 23.125.08 to reference the bus bid including a diversion of the 64/65 buses into Ipswich Hospital.

Proposed by:   Cllr Martin              Seconded by: Cllr Bann

24.05              To consider co-option to the Council in respect of applications received for the vacancies

Three prospective Councillors introduced themselves to the Council. It was RESOLVED to cop-opt them to the Council and Cllrs Emerson, Hillier and De Vita signed their declaration.

Proposed by:   Cllr Brown              Seconded by: Cllr Corston

24.06              Planning & Transport – Chair of P&T assisted by the Clerk

24.06.01           Planning Applications – to review new applications received

DC/23/4732/FUL 4 Hackney Terrace – It was RESOLVED unanimously to OBJECT to this application on the grounds that it is too big and not in keeping with the other properties on the terrace, there is concern about the drainage and the increased chance of localised flooding and that there was insufficient parking allocation.

DC/23/4872/FUL 11 Riverview – It was RESOLVED unanimously to SUPPORT this application.

DC/24/0048/FUL The Old Dairy – It was RESOLVED unanimously to make NO COMMENT on this application.

At this point Cllr Simth-Lyte left the meeting.

24.06.02           Planning Applications – update on any existing Planning Applications
DC/22/4775/FUL – Land South Of Primary School And East Of The Street Eyke – the Planning Officer advised that they are working through this currently and should know more towards the end of the month on what they are likely to recommend.

DC/23/4328/OUT Land west of PROW 21, Woods Lane – MPC’s objection was submitted and we are waiting for a response from the Planning Officer.

24.06.03           Public Consultations

Local Validation List Draft Consultation – closes 2nd February 2024. Feedback is that the consultation document needs to be more readable and accessible, ideally with a one-page overview listing the changes.
24.06.04           Planning Notices – review Planning Notices received

None received

24.06.05           Planning Appeals – review position on existing Planning Appeals

None to review

24.06.06           Planning Enforcement

ENF/23/0027/COND – Deben Meadows (DC/23/0120/DRC) – no update regarding planning matters. With regards to CIL payments, the lawyers are working on it still and it is likely that it will proceed to Magistrate’s Court.

ENF/21/0086/DEV – Bye Engineering – The Planning Officer is awaiting further clarity on the landscaping plan as requested in the latest published comments received from the Ecology Team.

ENF/22/0449/SIGN – Deben Mill Sign – signs have been removed although posts remain.

24.06.07           Local Highways Matters

Paper MPC(24)06.07, previously distributed, was discussed. The Wilford Bridge Speed Reduction TRO will be advertised on the 19th or 26th January for three weeks. It was AGREED to move the SID from Bredfield Road to Wilford Bridge Road. It was reported that an FOI request had been submitted with regards to the road surface/pedestrian trip hazard at Melton Road and a site visit with a Highways engineer had been requested. Cllr Brown reported that the Joint Parish Traffic Initiative (JPTI) attended a workshop with Chris Bally (ESC CEO) and representatives from ESC and SCC to discuss the concerns regarding the A1152/B1069, in particular the increase of traffic as the Bentwaters industrial estate expands and from other developments on the peninsula. It is hoped there will be a reinstatement of traffic monitoring and enforcement at Bentwaters. A further meeting is being proposed for March.

24.06.08           Bus Service Improvement Grant – Cllr Bann reported that the bid was submitted in December 2023, and we await the outcome. Cllr Bann did manage to speak to the First Bus Commercial Manager in January who was not overly supportive of diverting the 64/5 into Ipswich Hospital but did say they were looking to increase the frequency of the 64 on Sundays to hourly and extending the 66A from Tesco Martlesham to Woodbridge into the evening, which would also provide a link to Ipswich Rail Station. Cllr Bann attended the EP Passenger Group meeting where it was reported there had been 64 bids submitted totalling £7m (only £3.6m is available). Regardless of the outcome of the bid, SCC might be able to provide some bus timetable cases and the team is willing to help with ideas, marketing and initiating talks with Greater Anglia (potentially to improve the bus stop at Woodbridge Station and improvements at Melton Station). The Adopt a Bus Stop advert will be published in the Feb Melton Messenger and In Touch. A vote of thanks was given to Cllrs Bann & Gradwell and the Clerk for pulling the bid together in such short timelines.

24.06.09           Active Travel Woodbridge – formerly Love Woodbridge & Melton – and developments for Melton Paper MPC(24)06.09 previously distributed was received and noted. Councillors are asked to send comments to the Clerk before the 23rd January. Councillors are meeting with the Active Travel team on the 26th January to discuss the consultation taking place in February. Cllr Bann asked if there was covered cycle parking at Riduna Park. Cllr Emerson confirmed that there is for East Suffolk House but no other tenants have made a request; there are limited bicycles on site. Cllr Bann would like covered cycling provision to be considered at Riduna and Melton station.

24.06.10           Neighbourhood Plan Refresh

Cllr Brown reported that a meeting was taking place with ESC on Monday 22nd January to discuss the refresh.

24.07              Recreation – Chair of Recreation assisted by the Clerk

Paper MPC(24)07, previously distributed, was received and discussed. It was RESOLVED to AGREE to adjust the fencing at the Recreation Ground to facilitate a second vehicle access point to be used for the Fete. After a lengthy discussion about the Car Boot Sales it was proposed that Cllrs Emerson, Hillier and De Vita would meet with the organisers to discuss their concerns. Councillors agreed that the Pavilion charges stay as quoted as giving additional discounts would set a precedent and would mean Melton taxpayers were subsidising these charities. The organiser’s costs could be reduced by reducing the hiring hours or by not hiring the Pavilion at all and that the Car Boot Sale organisers should perhaps look at increasing their pitch charges.

Proposed by: Cllr Brown               Seconded by: Cllr Corston

24.07.01           Appointment of Deputy Chair of Recreation Working Group

Cllr Darby agreed to stand as the Deputy Chair of Recreation Working and it was unanimously AGREED by Councillors.

Proposed by: Cllr Martin                Seconded by: Cllr Taylor

24.07.02           TPOs

DC/24/0078/TPO – No comment

DC/24/0100/TPO – The Working Group is awaiting further information from ESC’s Arboricultural officer before making a decision.

24.07.03           Fete 2024 Update

Cllr Darby distributed a proposed poster/social media advert. Plans are progressing well with the dog show/agility, band and several stalls confirmed. MPC will be doing the bar and BBQ and St Andrew’s Church the teas. The Working Group is looking into the feasibility of running an ice cream stall rather than having the van. Anyone who wishes to be on the Fete Working Group should contact Cllr Darby. The first meeting will be on the 5th March at 4pm. Cllr Bann had already reported about the fete parking as part of item 24.07. He will be an advisor but is not part of the Working Group.

24.08              To consider Financial and Internal Control Matters – Clerk with advice to Council from Chair of FERM

24.08.01           To receive the financial management and budget reports for the period 1 April to 31 December 2023

Papers MPC(24)08.01and MPC(24)08.01a-g, previously distributed were received and noted. The Ipswich Building Society reference will be updated to Suffolk Building Society. The bank statements were checked and signed by the Chair of FERM as accurate against the financial statements.

24.08.02           To approve the 2024/25 budget and Precept Request

Paper MPC(24)08.02, previously distributed, was received and discussed. It was unanimously RESOLVED to formally determine the Council’s Precept requirement for 2024/25 as £123,687.

24.08.03           Bank Accounts and Investments

It was unanimously AGREED that the signatories on CCLA would be the Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Cllr Martin and Cllr Taylor.

Proposed by: Cllr Corston             Seconded by: Cllr Bann

24.08.04           To report incidents of 2nd authorising of payments by Asst Clerk due to Councillor absence

The Clerk reported that during December the Assistant Clerk had to 2nd authorise payments from the Lloyds account because Cllr Taylor was abroad and Cllr Gradwell’s access was not working. Cllr Martin, as Chair of FERM, was presented with a list of the payments made. Cllr Stearn is currently being added to the Lloyds account to prevent such further incidents.

24.08.05           To consider risk issues –

The risk register was reviewed. The Maintenance Officer risk will be increased to medium as it has been confirmed that he has an allergy to bees and wasps that require him to carry an EpiPen and antihistamines. The office will ensure he has all protective equipment necessary for carrying out tasks that could increase his risk of being stung.

24.08.06           Melton Emergency Plan

Paper MPC(24)08.06, previously distributed, was received and noted. The Clerk explained that this document had been produced with the assistance of the Emergency Planning Officer from the Suffolk Joint Emergency Planning Unit. Once the Rest Centres are confirmed the plan will be lodged with ESC/SCC. Cllr Martin offered to provide details of the Melton WI.

24.09              Sizewell C

Cllr Bann is attending the transport forum on the 12th February and Cllr Bourne will attend the Community Forum in April. Cllr Bann was asked to get clarity on the night trains and what mitigation will be in place for residents living near the railway line.

24.10              To receive and consider reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies
Paper MPC(24)10, previously distributed, was received and noted. Cllr Bann added that the Woodbridge and Melton Society were trying to get a meeting with Active Travel Woodbridge to discuss the consultation. Cllr Packard reported that he and the Climate Advocate were attending the Deben Estuary Partnership event on the 18th January.

24.11              To consider Items for the Melton Messenger

Emergency Plan, new Councillors and Beresford Drive Play Park – for March edition

24.12              Chair’s urgent business

There was none.

24.13              Date of next meeting

The next meeting of Full Council will take place on Wednesday 28th February 2024, commencing at 7pm at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. Cllr Martin sends her apologies. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:10.