Local Highways Matters
Speed Indicator Devices
The original SID has been returned from the supplier and has been installed on Bredfield Road. There is currently only one working battery, but another one is due in the office this week.
Melton Road Crossings and Traffic Regulation Order (double yellow lines)
Milestone’s lining contractor returned to Melton over the May bank holiday weekend to correct the mistakes and install the missing lines and markings.
Sadly, they failed to mark all the double yellow lines in the lay-by on Wilford Bridge Road (which is now causing additional parking and access issues – see photo in pdf), only marked one Keep Clear on Woods Lane instead of two and failed to fix the issue with the line at Fayrefield Road (right length, wrong position). Dock Lane now has a single yellow line, although the covering over of the additional line is not a thing of beauty (see photo in pdf).
This has been raised with County Council Councillors Paul West and Alexander Nicoll and Andrew Cook, Executive Director of Growth, Highways and Infrastructure. We are awaiting a new date for the contractors to attend for the third time.
Wilford Bridge Road Speed Reduction
The TRO was approved by the SCC cabinet member. We are now awaiting quotes to carry out the work.
Melton Road 3rd Crossing
There has been no further progress until the quotes for the Wilford Bridge Road Speed Reduction are received.
Pavement Group
Cllr Bann is setting up another meeting for June. The aim is to confirm the terms of reference and allocate which are the priority areas in the Parish to look at the pavement problems which Cllr De Vita has started. The Suffolk County Council Community Engagement form is being completed.
Bus Stop/Shelter Improvements
Cllr Bann has requested an update from the Suffolk County Council Public Transport team for progress on bus boarding breakdown info, timetable cases and bus shelters.
Joint Parish Traffic Initiative
The next meeting with Chris Bally is scheduled for the 27th June at East Suffolk House.
Road Closure/Gas Works in Ufford
On Tuesday 30th April an article appeared in the East Anglian Daily Times, notifying of a 13 week road closure along High Street, Ufford, starting on 13th May, to allow for the replacement of the gas main. This was accompanied by 2 signs placed close to the junction of Byng Hall Road and High Street.
On Thursday 2nd May a meeting was held between Suffolk County Council Highways, Costain/Cadent, County Councillor Alexander Nicoll, representatives from Ufford, Wickham Market and Melton Parish Councils, and business owners, who will be greatly affected by this closure. There was great concern at the lack of communications regarding this project and the business owners gave details of the devastating effect the closure will have on their business.
After hearing these comments, SCC Highways confirmed they would be withdrawing the Works Permission and will insist that Cadent/Costain hold a consultation event to notify all who will be affected by the plans.
The Parish Council will endeavour to share further information about the road closure and consultation event as and when received.
CityFibre Works
CityFibre are carrying out works in Woodbridge and Melton. Works were due to be carried out at Old Maltings Approach which would require three way-traffic lights on Melton Hill. CityFibre were aware that only one set of lights could be in progress at a time (they are carrying out other works at the junction of the Thoroughfare/Lime Kiln Quay Road), and so have removed their permit from for outside Old Maltings Approach. A new date for the works at this location are yet to be received.
Network Assurance (SCC) are carrying out regular inspections the area and are working with CityFibre to ease congestion and improve traffic flow where possible.
Members are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report.
Pip Alder
Clerk, Melton Parish Council
May 2024