Minutes of the meeting of Melton Parish Council held on Wednesday 20th March 2024, commencing at 7pm, at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.
Cllr Bann
Cllr Brown
Cllr Darby
Cllr De Vita
Cllr Bourne
Cllr Emerson
Cllr Hillier
Cllr Holmes
Cllr Gradwell (Chair)
Cllr Martin
Cllr Stearn
Cllr Taylor
Cllr Corston
Cllr Packard
In Attendance:
P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council
F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council
Melton Footpath Advocate
2 Members of the public
District Councillor Smith-Lyte
Agenda – Part One of One – Open to the Public
Item No Item to be discussed
24.28 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Corston and Packard and County Cllr Nicoll.
24.29 Declarations of Interest
24.29.01 To receive Declarations of Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
Cllr Emerson declared a DPI relating to item MPC(24)33.01
24.29.02 To consider any applications for dispensations
None were received. Cllr Emerson did not take part in the discussion and decision regarding item MPC(24)33.01
24.30 Public Participation Session
24.30.01 To receive a report from the County Councillor
No report was received.
It was RESOLVED to take the following item out of order
24.30.03 To consider village matters raised by Members of the Public or Councillors
One member of the public was present to discuss the recent TPO and Planning Application submitted for Copper Mead. They expressed their support for protecting the environment and were looking to future proof their home for retirement and take steps to decarbonise it. They expressed a desire to get involved with the community and Councillors welcomed them to the village. Cllr Bann asked if they owned the wall and noted there was a lot of abandoned apples and pears. The resident confirmed they would not go to waste in future years.
The other resident present raised concerns about the Active Travel Woodbridge project and how it would prevent her from accessing Woodbridge by car and if the emergency services have been consulted. It was explained that this is a Suffolk County Council project so MPC couldn’t comment on consultees, that no areas of Melton are included at this stage – although we have asked for Pytches Road/Bredfield Road to be included in the 20mph – and that there don’t appear to be any plans which would prevent someone driving from Melton to Woodbridge. The resident was advised to contact the Active Travel Team, to look at the FAQs on the website and contact Woodbridge Town Council. If any future proposals come forward for schemes in Melton the Parish Council will ensure residents are fully consulted.
It was RESOLVED to revert to the original order of the agenda
24.30.02 To receive a report from the District Councillor
Melton has been reasonably quiet although she was involved with the issue about tree removal on Carter land. She explained that changes to recycling will be coming in by March 2026 including household food waste and glass collection. Cllr Bann asked about the reference to the focus on cycling and walking in the latest leaflet from the ESC leader. Cllr Smith-Lyte is not part of the group dealing with this but will gather some information and report back at the next Parish Council meeting. Cllr Smith-Lyte promised to send the Clerk a written report for circulation after the meeting.
24.31 To approve the Minutes of Full Council from 28th February 2024 – MPC(24)M02
It was RESOLVED that minutes MPC(24)M02, which were previously distributed, were signed as a correct record by the Chair.
Proposed by: Cllr Bourne Seconded by: Cllr Emerson
24.32 To consider co-option to the Council in respect of applications received for the vacancy and appointments to Working Groups
There is still one Councillor vacancy and no applications have been received. Councillors were encouraged to think of individuals who could fill the vacancy, especially someone with Finance experience. Cllr Emerson has agreed to be Deputy Chair of FERM and Cllr De Vita has agreed to join Recreation. Cllr Emerson was proposed by Cllr Martin and seconded by Cllr Stearn. Cllr De Vita was proposed by Cllr Darby and seconded by Cllr Bourne.
24.33 Planning & Transport – Chair of P&T to lead assisted by the Clerk
24.33.01 Planning Applications – to review new applications received
DC/24/0662/FUL 17 Bredfield Road – it was unanimously agreed to recommend approval
DC/24/0818/FUL Copper Mead – it was unanimously agreed to recommend approval
24.33.02 Planning Applications – update on any existing Planning Applications
DC/22/4775/FUL Land South Of Primary School And East Of The Street Eyke IP12 2QW no further update
DC/23/4328/OUT Land west of PROW 21, Woods Lane applicant has until 26th March to provide further information. The latest designs show the hedge is to be retained with widened footpaths but no island crossing on Woods Lane. Cllr Brown is happy to speak at an ESC Planning Committee meeting should it be required.
DC/24/0336/VOC Ufford Park Golf Club no further updates.
DC/23/2365/FUL Bye Engineering the Planning Officer met with the agent and they are awaiting additional information. A noise report from January suggests that the noise levels are acceptable.
24.33.03 Public Consultations
Rose Builders are holding a public consultation on the 26th March at Woodbridge Football Club to discuss their plans for the former Council Offices on Melton Hill. Cllrs Darby, Gradwell, Brown, Holmes, Martin, Bann and possibly Bourne will be attending. Cllr Brown will give a report at the April Full Council meeting.
24.33.04 Planning Notices – review Planning Notices received
None received
24.33.05 Planning Appeals – review position on existing Planning Appeals
There were none
24.33.06 Planning Enforcement
ENF/23/0027/COND – Deben Meadows (DC/23/0120/DRC) – the contamination issues have been resolved so ESC is now looking into the drainage issues.
ENF/21/0086/DEV – Bye Engineering – related to item MPC(24)33.02
Decoy Farm Estate – Cllr Gradwell reported she had heard there were plans to remove hedging and lay a road/hardstanding to facilitate better access to the vineyard. She had contacted ESC Planners who advised that they cannot take action until work starts at which point enforcement will take effect. There are concerns about an active badger sett in the area. It was AGREED that Cllr Gradwell would write a letter to the Estate Manager expressing concerns and that planning permission should be sought. Cllr Brown offered to review the letter before it is sent.
24.33.07 Local Highways Matters
Paper MPC(24)33.07, previously distributed, was noted. Openreach have been contacted by SCC regarding the telegraph pole which has been sited in the middle of the pavement on Yarmouth Road. Cllr Nicoll has had confirmation from Highways that the road surface/potholes on Wilford Bridge Road will be repaired as part of a wider resurfacing project for Orford Road. This will take place overnight on Mondays to Thursdays, 8th to 20th April. Full details of road closures and diversions have been requested and will be shared across usual comms channels when received. It was AGREED to move the SID from Wilford Bridge Road to Yarmouth Road (to display speed of vehicles entering Melton). Bredfield Road residents are not using the 20s plenty banners so they are being returned to the office to be used elsewhere in Melton, potentially by the primary school. Concerns were raised about parking on double yellow lines on The Street (outside Morrisons and the fish & chip shop). The Clerk will contact ESC parking services, asking for some enforcement visits. Cllr Bann pointed out that if vehicles are parked blocking driveways or on a pavement causing an obstruction that forces pedestrians into the road this would be a police matter.
24.33.08 Active Travel Woodbridge
Melton Parish Council’s formal response to the consultation (requesting Bredfield and Pytches Roads are included in the 20mph scheme) has been submitted.
24.33.09 Neighbourhood Plan Refresh
Cllr Brown and the Clerk have met with two potential consultants and are meeting with a third next week. It is expected that grants will be available to fund the refresh.
24.33.10 Joint Parish Traffic Initiative
A meeting was held at Bentwaters last week and further traffic measuring will be undertaken. Some parishes are feeling disheartened by the lack of enforcement.
24.33.11 Pavement Working Group Update
Cllr Bann reported that a group is being formed (3 Councillors and 2-3 members of the public) and there was an initial meeting on the 12th March. Initially they will map where there are issues within the parish to form a priority list and establish responsibility. They will try to generate interest from residents and to get them to take ‘ownership’ of their areas – Hope Crescent and Melton Park were cited as examples – so the office is not overburdened. There are some logistics to work out if the group takes on some work through the SCC self-help scheme (eg where to store PPE and what to do with waste etc). The group will report to Planning & Transport who will bring any proposals to Full Council. Cllr Bann to contact the Bredfield Road Residents Rep as they have some concerns about pavements and Cllr Bann will write a piece for the Melton Messenger.
24.33.12 Bus Stop/Bus Shelter Update
Cllr Bann reported that he met with Robert Kemp, SCC Transport Development Manager, who shared passenger numbers by Melton bus stops for February (The Chapel on The Street was the busiest). He should be receiving a breakdown of card holders eg by age. They looked at sites for bus shelters and Real Time Information boards (solar powered), the Chapel being the obvious location for a board. A resident has offered to adopt The Chapel bus stop and another for Yarmouth Road. Timetable cases are being arranged for bus stops without cases, which will be the responsibility of SCC. Updating the timetables will be the responsibility of the bus operators. If there are any short term changes eg diversion due to road closures, the bus stop adopters could put posters up, although this is dependent on the information being received in a timely manner. Cllr Bann also referenced a webinar where it was stated that all bus stops must be accessible (MPC could raise with SCC where they aren’t accessible) and there might be some further money available next year for bus improvements.
24.33.13 Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping for the LionLink Multipurpose Interconnector Project –
Cllr Gradwell reported that the East Suffolk Infrastructure Energy Group is being formed, which her and Cllr Brown have joined. This group is looking at the 9 energy projects in the area and focusing on mitigation and amelioration. It was AGREED that Cllrs Brown and Gradwell will draft a letter in response to the LionLink environmental impact assessment scoping.
24.34 Recreation – Chair of Recreation to lead assisted by the Assistant Clerk
24.34.01 TPOs
DC/24/0378/TPO It was RESOLVED unanimously to make NO COMMENT
24.34.02 Beresford Drive Play Park and Official Opening
Final snagging is happening next week and hoping it will be open on Tuesday 26th March. The official opening will be on the 4th May at 3pm but full details will be decided by Recreation Working Group.
24.34.03 Recreation Ground
A second entrance onto the field has been created. Enquiries about upgrading the CCTV are ongoing and looking at potential of using solar powered cameras. The maintenance officer has carried out remedial works, including cleaning the tennis courts, painting the beacon and laying sand/chippings on the muddier sections of the woods and field. The hedge laying by Hutchinson’s Meadow has been completed and 101 hawthorn whips were planted.
24.34.04 Tree Safety Survey
The Tree Safety Survey has been carried out and it will be shared with Recreation before their meeting next week. A quote for the tree works has been sought.
24.35 To consider Financial and Internal Control Matters – Clerk to report and advice to Council from Chair of FERM
24.35.01 To receive the financial management and budget reports for the period 1 April 2023 to 29 February 2024
Papers MPC(24)35.01and MPC(24)35.01a-g, previously distributed were received and discussed. The bank statements were checked and signed by the Chair as accurate against the financial statements. The Clerk reported that an account had been opened with the CCLA and funds in excess of £85k had been transferred from the Suffolk Building Society. Cllr Martin commented that the Melton Trust had been very pleased with the returns on their CCLA investment.
24.35.02 To receive a verbal update on the 2024/25 Budget
The Clerk reported that a number of changes were required to the budget now that further price increases have been confirmed. The Pavilion cleaning costs and business rates budgets will be increased, tennis court hire income decreased and service recharges increased. The Pavilion income will not be adjusted at the moment. As a result the deficit is likely to rise from £1.6k to £3k. An updated budget will be reviewed by FERM and brought to the April Full Council meeting. The £4k allocated for tree works in 2023/24 will be put in an EMR rather than an accrual and the works will take place in early 24/25.
24.35.03 To review the report on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funded projects
Paper MPC(24)35.03, previously distributed, was received and noted. FERM will review the EMRs and potential projects for prioritisation.
24.35.04 To review the Council’s Standing Orders – to be formally adopted in May 2024
Councillors were asked to let the Clerk know of any changes required before the May meeting.
24.35.05 To review the Council’s Financial Regs – to be formally adopted in May 2024
Councillors were asked to let the Clerk know of any changes required before the May meeting.
24.35.06 To consider risk issues –
The Risk Register was reviewed and it was AGREED to reduce the financial risk to medium now the CCLA investment is active and funds have been moved from the Suffolk Building Society. The Working Group vacancies will be updated to reflect there is now a Deputy Chair of FERM.
24.35.07 To review the Council’s Asset Register as at 31st March 2024
Paper MPC(24)35.07, previously distributed, was received and discussed. An A Board will be removed from the register and it was confirmed that the purchase value will continue to be used as a basis for recording values in the Council’s Asset Register.
24.35.08 To consider arrangements for meetings for 2024/25 – to be formally adopted in May 2024
Paper MPC(24)35.08, previously distributed, was received and discussed. It was AGREED to change the October meeting to the 23rd from the 16th and the April meeting would be on the 23rd. It was also AGREED that the Christmas gathering would take place on the 4th December.
24.35.09 To receive an update on the Internal Audit Arrangements
The AGAR forms have been received and the Internal Audit is taking place on the 23rd May. The Internal Control Policy will be circulated by email for review and brought to Full Council for approval in April.
24.36 Fete 2024 – Cllr Darby/Gradwell
Paper MPC(24)36, previously distributed, was received and discussed. It was AGREED to charge £6 as an upfront non-refundable deposit for commercial stalls, and no percentage of profits will be taken. Non-commercial stalls/charities will be asked to donate 10% of profits (after costs) – 7 for, 2 against and 3 abstained.
Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell Seconded by: Cllr Darby
It was AGREED unanimously to increase the Fete EMR by £550, to be reduced if donations cover the additional costs.
Proposed by: Cllr Brown Seconded by: Cllr Holmes
Cllr Bann reported that they would like to do a parking practice in advance. He expressed concern that the posters said limited parking onsite. The latest posters say ‘Free onsite parking.’
24.37 Suffolk Devolution Deal
Paper MPC(24)37, previously distributed was received and discussed. It was noted that this is only a Level 3 devolution. It was AGREED to make no formal response to the survey.
24.38 Sizewell C
Cllr Bourne will be attending the SZC Community Forum on the 9th April. Cllrs asked for the following questions to be raised: 1. What is the residential plan as there are concerns about the lack of affordable rentals in the area and SZC could cause rents to rise for locals. What is the robustness and the plan and how was this managed at Hinkley Point? 2. Does the drug testing policy extend to contractors and how routinely will they be tested?
24.39 To receive and consider reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies
Paper MPC(24)39, previously distributed, was received and noted.
24.40 Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Award
The Chair gave an update on plans for the Annual Parish Meeting on the 24th April taking place at the Burness Parish Rooms at 7.30pm. Local groups have been invited to have a stand and SZC will also be attending. The Chair will give a brief presentation with time for questions but there will be no reports from groups. Refreshments of tea, coffee and biscuits will be served. Cllrs Darby, De Vita and Hillier offered to help with refreshments.
Three nominations were considered for the Annual Award and one was selected. It was AGREED that rather than framed certificates the office would purchase a shield to be installed at the Pavilion and engraved each year. A one4all gift card of £25 would be presented to the recipient.
Proposed by: Cllr Darby Seconded by: Cllr Martin
24.41 To consider Items for the Melton Messenger
Pavement Group, Beresford Drive Play Park and D-Day Beacon lighting.
24.42 Chair’s urgent business
The Chair explained that the group who met to discuss out of hours cover for the Pavilion are looking to get a contract in place with a local company. However, as a temporary measure they are looking for volunteers to take emergency calls for the next few months. Cllrs Taylor and Stearn offered their services. If any other Councillors are interested they should contact Cllr Martin.
24.43 Date of next meeting
The next meeting of Full Council will take place on Wednesday 17th April 2024, commencing at 7pm at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:30.