
PLA(22)M01 Minutes of Planning & Transport Committee 26th January 2022

Planning & TransportPlanning & Transport Minutes Uploaded on February 1, 2022


Minutes of the meeting of Melton Parish Council Planning and Transport Committee held on Wednesday 26th January 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.  


Cllr Brown (in the Chair) 

Cllr Darby 

Cllr Hilson 

Cllr Porter 


Cllr Holmes 

Mr A Corston 

In Attendance: 

P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council 

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council  

Cllr Gradwell (via Zoom) 

The Council’s Footpaths Advocate 

1 member of the public  

Part 1/1 – Open to the Public 

Item No Item to be discussed 

22.01 To receive apologies for absence 

Apologies were received from Mr A Corston and the Cycling Advocate. Cllr Gradwell attended via Zoom. 

22.02 Declarations of Interest 

22.02.01 To receive Amendments to the Register 

There were none 

22.02.02 To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda  

There were none 

22.02.03 To receive Declarations of Non Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda 

There were none 

22.02.04 To consider Full / Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared  

There were none 

22.03     Public Participation Session  

22.03.01 To receive a report from the Council’s Cycling Advocate 

The Cycling Advocate emailed a report which was read out by the Clerk. It raised concerns about vehicles mounting the pavement at the crossroads by the Primary school, the road surface along Melton Hill, potholes, the pavement up Yarmouth Road and speeding on Yarmouth Road. Although the SID on Yarmouth Road is helping there was a request for it also to be moved to Upper Melton Terrace. 

The Committee was sympathetic to these issues but most of them fall under Highways. The Clerk will contact Highways regarding the crossroads to see if additional safety barriers can be added and will raise the speeding issue with the Police Speed Safety Team. The Clerk will check if any additional SID posts can be installed although this is unlikely as we have already exceeded the number allowed in a Parish. Cllr Gradwell pointed out that if there is an emergency issue with a road eg a dangerous pothole, then people should phone the Highways hotline –  0345 606 6171. 

22.03.02 To receive a report from the Council’s Footpaths Advocate 

As a result of the coppicing that has taken place at Coppice Close, the pavement along Saxon Way leading up to Coppice Close is now much easier to walk along. It looks like the pavement has not been cleansed for a long time, so the Clerk was asked to contact Norse. 

The Clerk reported that she had received an update on the England Coast Path that is proposed between Felixstowe and Bawdsey. “We expect to have completed commenting on the Objections and Representations received on our compendium of Coastal Access proposals by the spring. The Planning Inspectorate will then visit the location of each of the objections before making their recommendations to the Secretary of State. It can then take anywhere from 9 months for the Secretary of State to determine them and approve the proposals either with or without modifications. Once approved we will work with Suffolk County Council to implement the proposals.” 

22.03.03 Transport Strategy for the East (runs to 30 January)  

The consultation was discussed and although it was felt that it was a sensible approach it was not very specific, certainly not to Melton, and it was not clear how it would be funded. Members are concerned about the significant issues with transport and hope that it addresses the major issues, eg the A12, as part of it. It was AGREED to delegate the completion of the survey to the Clerk and Chair. 

Proposed by: Cllr Darby                             Seconded by: Cllr Hilson 

22.04 To approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting  

It was RESOLVED that minutes PLA(21)M08 previously distributed be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.  

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                              Seconded by: Cllr Darby  

22.05 To review new Planning Applications received 

22.05.01 DC/21/5481/FUL The Old Rectory 

Supply and installation of a 25kWp Ground Mounted Solar PV Array on the Old Rectory grounds. 

It was unanimously AGREED to approve this application. 

22.05.02   DC/21/5635/FUL Pinecote 

Various alterations to include first and single storey extensions.  

It was unanimously AGREED to approve this application 

22.06 To review updates on other Planning Applications 

22.06.01 DC/20/1831/OUT Land off St Andrews Place and Waterhead Lane, Melton 

Residential development of up to 55 dwellings, with access off St Andrews Place. Melton PC has consistently recommended refusal of this application on the grounds that access via the St Andrew’s estate is neither supported by the Neighbourhood Plan nor considered acceptable in planning terms. On 30 March 2021 East Suffolk Council Planning Committee (South) considered the application and delegated authority to determine to the Head of Planning and Coastal Management on the basis of approval being granted subject to no objections being received from Natural England and / or Suffolk County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority, a s106 Agreement detailing highways improvement works, affordable housing provision, a contribution to the Suffolk Coast RAMS and controlling conditions 1 to 25 as set out in the decision; otherwise to refuse. Since the decision was made following legal representations from an objector East Suffolk Council has agreed to remit the application back to the Planning Committee (South) for re-consideration. 

The Clerk reported that no update had been received and was asked by the Chair to follow up with the Planning Officer. NOTE – the Planning Officer confirmed on 27/1/22 that it is likely that this will be on the ESC Planning Committee agenda on the 22nd February. 

The Chair responded to a resident’s question from the previous Planning meeting in December about revising the Neighbourhood Plan regarding access through St Andrew’s. The Chair and previous Clerk have had discussions with the Planning Department and their advice was that if we made a change the developer’s lawyer is likely to object to our Neighbourhood Plan revisions which would then require a referendum. It was previously agreed by this Committee to delay the refresh until this planning application had been decided. If it is not taken to the next ESC Planning Committee Meeting then the chair and Clerk will speak to the Planning Department about the Neighbourhood Plan refresh. 

22.07 To review Planning Notices received 

No new Notices have been received.  

22.08 To review the position on existing Planning Appeals 

22.08.01 AP/21/0039/REFUSE Land off Yarmouth Road, Melton 

An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State by Christchurch Land & Estates (Melton) Ltd against the decision of East Suffolk Council to refuse planning consent for a Care Village comprising an 80-bedroom care home together with 72 assisted care bungalows, club house, bowling green, car parking, open space provision with associated infrastructure and access. The Secretary of State has, with the consent of the parties, agreed to determine the appeal at a Public Inquiry, which was due to take place at East Suffolk House, Riduna Park, commencing on 14 December. However this was postponed. A link to all the relevant documents can be found here:                             

The Clerk reported that no new date had been set. NOTE – the Planning Officer confirmed on 27/1/22 that a new date had been set for the 15th – 18th March (with 24th and 25th as extra days). Location and format are tbc. 

22.08.02 AP/21/0047/REFUSE Land west of PROW 21, Woods Lane, Melton 

An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of East Suffolk Council to refuse planning consent for outline application for up to 27no.self-build and custom dwellings. The Secretary of State has, with the consent of the parties, agreed to determine the appeal by way of a Local Hearing at a date to be arranged.  

The Clerk reported that the hearing would be taking place virtually on the 8th February at 10am. The Clerk was asked to contact the Planning Officer to see if they value MPC attending the appeal. Cllrs Porter and Brown offered to speak. 

22.09 Sizewell C update             

The Clerk reported that there was no further update since the report to Full Council last week. There is a 6 week extension for the Planning Inspectorate after which point the Secretary for State has 3 months to consider it. Cllrs Packard and Porter are attending the BEIS meeting with Declan Burke on the 4th February. It was NOTED that the Council should do its utmost to hold the Planners accountable for enforcement as it was felt that often they sided with businesses/commercial over residents. 

22.10 Melton Neighbourhood Plan refresh  

Cllr Brown reported that this was covered in item 22.06.01 but that a useful guide had been published by East Suffolk Council – Neighbourhood Plan Review Guidance Note  

22.11 To consider Local Highways, Traffic and parking Matters 

22.11.01 Pedestrian improvements for Melton Road / Melton Hill and major redesign of approach to Winifred Fison House – update 

Papers PLA(22)11.01 and PLA(22)11.01a were discussed. It was suggested that a cycle rack should be added at Winifred Fison House as part of the landscaping. It was RESOLVED to AGREE that the works should proceed at Winifred Fison House. 

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                              Seconded by: Cllr Hilson 

22.11.02 Bentwaters / Peninsular traffic issues 

Cllr Brown explained that several local councils have been looking at traffic issues associated with Bentwaters. Highways have run traffic surveys and the results were presented in December (available in the Member area of the website). There is limited data for Melton and the traffic data for the Melton crossroads has been static for the last couple of years, although this is skewed by the pandemic and changes to commuting patterns. It is suspected that the figures will rise in the coming years. With regards to permitted traffic levels at Bentwaters the monthly targets are often exceeded but not the annual targets, mainly due to the impact of seasonal agricultural traffic. There will be a further meeting to decide the next steps with Melton’s concerns focusing on Woods Lane and Wilford Bridge Road. 

22.11.03 Speed management issues – update 

The Clerk reported that two Speed Indicator Device (SID) posts have been installed on Bredfield Road. It was AGREED that the portable SID should be moved from Yarmouth Road to Bredfield Road (facing traffic coming from Woods Lane). The office will run off the stats from Yarmouth Road before it is relocated. It was NOTED that the Council should consider purchasing another SID in the future. 

22.11.04 Quiet Lanes – update 

The Clerk reported that there had been no update. Members asked the Clerk to seek an update if possible. 

22.11.05 Road safety issues – Bredfield Road   

The Clerk had previously reported on the installation of the SID posts. Highways have quoted £7,138.50 for a preliminary design to look at pedestrian improvements near the Woods lane junction. This design work  cannot be funded by CIL, although any recommendations which were then approved by MPC could be. It was suggested that the County and District Councillors should be approached to help fund the design and that Full Council should discuss if money can be found to fund the work. 

It was reported that a bollard was damaged on Bredfield Road before Christmas and a schoolchild crossing the road towards Warwick Avenue had been hit by a car last week. 

22.11.06 Bredfield Road bus shelter refurbishment – update 

The refurbishment to the bus shelter was taking place on the 27th January. The cigarette bin would be installed following the refurbishment.  

22.12 Circular Walks Leaflet 

A permissive path has been created at Foxburrow Farm which impacts one of the walks in the circular walks leaflet. It was AGREED that the leaflet would be updated up to a cost of £100. If the costs were higher this would need to be taken to Full Council for approval. 

Proposed by: Cllr Hilson                              Seconded by: Cllr Darby  

22.13 Transport Strategy for the East 

This was discussed under 22.03  

22.14 To consider planning enforcement matters 

22.14.01 East Suffolk authorised enforcement action – case update 

Nothing to report 

22.15 Planning Committee Chair’s urgent business 

The ESC draft cycling and walking strategy, which was discussed at the previous meeting, was raised again as it had become apparent that a key route identified ran through Burkes Wood. It was not clear if this was a walking route or a joint cycling and walking route. Although the consultation had closed the Clerk had spoken to ESC and was advised that we might be able to submit our concerns regarding running a cycle route through the woods. The Clerk would email ESC the following day raising MPC’s concerns.  

22.16 Date of next meeting 

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 9th March 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:16.