
REC(21)M05 Recreation Minutes from 15th September 2021

RecreationRecreation Minutes Uploaded on September 20, 2021


Recreation Committee

Minutes of the meeting of the Melton Parish Council Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 15th September 2021 at 7pm at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.


Cllr Mr C W Taylor (Chair) Cllr Mrs C Gradwell
Cllr Miss K S Martin Cllr Mr A Porter
Cllr Mr M Holmes Cllr Harvey-Smith
Cllr Mr P James


Mrs C McBurney

In Attendance:

Mrs P Alder Assistant Clerk & Management Officer to Melton Parish Council

2 members of the public

District Cllr Smith-Lyte


  Part One – Open to the Public
21.65 To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Mrs C McBurney

21.66 Declarations of Interest
21.66.01 To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

21.66.02 To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

21.67.03 To receive Declarations of Non Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

Cllr Martin indicated that as she lived on Turnpike Lane she had a non pecuniary interest to declare for item REC(21)76.

21.67.04 To consider Full/Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none

21.68 Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors

Two members of the public raised concerns regarding the felling of trees at Nightingale Close and 36/38 Hall Farm Road. As this related to item REC(21)72.04 it was RESOLVED to take this item out of order.

21.72.04 TPO Applications

DC/21/4136/TPO Nightingale Close

It was RESOLVED that the Committee’s response would be that although pleased to see that most of the trees would be managed, they would recommend REFUSAL of the felling of the oak on the grounds that they would prefer the tree to be managed. It was felt there was insufficient evidence provided to explain why the tree needed to be felled and there was great concern about the number of trees that had already been felled in the area. The response would be copied into Cllr Smith-Lyte.

Proposed by:  Cllr James                                                        Seconded by: Cllr Martin

It was RESOLVED to revert to the order of the Agenda
21.68 ctd The Asst Clerk reported that the profits (for charity) from the last two car boot sales at Melton Playing Field were £555.66 (£95 of which was from a 9-year-old who sold her toys to raise money in memory of her aunt) and £574.93. The Committee asked that the office pass on their congratulations and that Cllr Porter should include this information in his next Melton Messenger article.
21.69 To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED to agree the minutes of the meeting held on 7th July 2021 (REC(21)M04 previously distributed).

Proposed by:  Cllr Martin                                                       Seconded by: Cllr Holmes

21.70 Recreation Name

The committee discussed if the Recreation Committee should be renamed to reflect its increased remit since the divestment of land from East Suffolk Council and its environmental concerns. Councillors noted that they needed to be realistic about what the committee could achieve and that it needed further thought. It was AGREED that the proposal would be raised at Full Council on the 22nd September and that it would be included on the Recreation Agenda on the 10th November to discuss in more detail.

21.71 Melton Playing Field
21.71.01 Members discussed the reports ((REC(21)71.01) and the Annual play park inspection) previously distributed.  It was explained that the Asst Clerk and Maintenance Officer would be reviewing the findings of the play inspection and reporting back to Recreation in November with actions that had and could be taken. Queries were raised about the zip wire and if the edges of the matting path running under the zip wire could be infilled using some of the spare top soil. It was RESOLVED that no further CCTV would be installed by the benches at this time and that the school could hire the tennis courts for 4 Mondays on a £1 lease with a £10 key deposit.

Proposed by:  Cllr Taylor                                                        Seconded by: Cllr James

21.71.02 Pedestrian Gate

When the pedestrian crossing is installed on Melton Road it may make sense to create an additional pedestrian entrance into the playing field at the northern end because the pavement on the western side of Melton Road is quite narrow. Access could potentially go through Hutchinson’s Meadow. It was AGREED that the Asst Clerk will investigate feasibility and costs and will bring back to Recreation in November.

21.72 Woodland and Trees
21.72.01 Tree Safety Survey – Tree Works

The tree safety works were carried out in early September. A pile of woodchip has been left in the woods to be used as mulch by the Tree Crew and for filling in paths when they are muddy. In addition, we have been offered oak chippings from the Longship project in Woodbridge which can be used for mulch/pathways. The Asst Clerk will check if the oak chippings can be used as mulch immediately or if they must be left to rot down for 6-12 months as they are potentially toxic.

21.72.02 Burkes Wood Pond

The Asst Clerk reported that after visiting the site with an AONB employee a company has been engaged to install some suppressant matting around the pond to control the NZ pygmyweed. It was noted that it will be impossible to eradicate the weed but hopefully the control measures will contain any further growth and protect the pond.

21.72.03 Tree Warden Report

The Tree Warden sent his apologies but had supplied a report in advance (REC(21)72.03). It was RESOLVED that the Tree Warden can order trees for the Queen’s Canopy and to delegate authority to the Asst Clerk to liaise with the Tree Crew/Warden regarding the planting, using the recent Arboricultural report as guidance. Cllr Porter will include a plea for ‘Tree Frienders’ to water and tend the trees in the next Melton Messenger.

Proposed by:  Cllr James                                                        Seconded by: Cllr Taylor

21.73 Divested Land
21.73.01 Hall Farm Road Sports Ground

The Asst Clerk reported on the work of the Hall Farm Road Sports Ground Working Group and the consultation which will be taking place on the 25th September 2021. Members NOTED the contents of the report REC(21)73.01.

21.73.02 Hall Farm Road Sports Ground Fence, Paths and Bins

It was RESOLVED that the Asst Clerk would seek three quotes to replace some of the broken fence panels. Cllr Gradwell suggested that we could contact Community Action Suffolk to see if they could provide volunteers. Cllrs Harvey-Smith, James, Taylor and Porter also offered their assistance to the Maintenance Officer if he requires additional help. It was AGREED that the oak chippings would be used to cover the path/entrances into the sports ground that gets muddy and slippery in wet weather. If this does not resolve the issue, then rubber matting could be investigated. It was AGREED that the existing bin would be moved more centrally and the Asst Clerk would forward the email regarding emptying charges to Cllr Smith-Lyte for her to investigate. Concern was raised that if we installed additional bins which incurred an ongoing charge this could set a precedent for other bins.

Proposed by:  Cllr Porter                                                        Seconded by: Cllr Harvey-Smith

21.73.03 Beresford Drive Play Area

The Asst Clerk and Maintenance Officer will be reviewing the findings of the Annual Play Inspection of the Beresford Drive Play Area and reporting back to Recreation in November with actions that have and can be taken. Concern was raised about the state of the play area, especially the surfacing, and that it will need money spent on it. There is money in the PlayPot and the CIL sinking fund that could be used.

21.73.04 Saxon Way Footpath

A resident has requested that repairs are made to the footpath running behind Saxon Way (REC(21)73.04). Concern was raised about the number of projects requiring funding and that the CIL sinking fund was only limited. However if this is a safety risk then it needs to be addressed. It was AGREED that the Asst Clerk will endeavour to source three quotes from contractors and bring back to Recreation in November for prioritisation.

21.73.05 AONB Grant and AONB Volunteers

Although grants are available for AONB projects the Council does not currently have any projects for the area of AONB land it owns that could be submitted in time. However the Asst Clerk met with the AONB Countryside Projects Officer who is looking to run a volunteer day at the land in early 2022 to carry out bramble and buddleia removal.

21.74 Maintenance Officer

The Maintenance Officer has carried out his usual tasks of grass cutting, litter picking and cleaning the bus shelters/noticeboards. In addition, he has done hedge/vegetation trimming at several of the divested land sites, undertaken his playpark inspection qualification, installed the replacement SID and replaced the lid and handle on a dog poo bin on the Saxon Way footpath. Cllr Hilson raised concerns about the state of the bus shelter at Bury Hill. It was AGREED to add it to the list of projects for prioritisation. Cllr Gradwell asked if the Maintenance Officer needed an assistant. The Asst Clerk reported that she was in regular contact with the Maintenance Officer and he was aware that if he feels he needs additional help he will indicate this.

21.75 Waterhead Lane Footpath

The Waterhead Lane footpath by the Melton Spring is very muddy and boggy. Cllr Gradwell reported that residents have plans to put road stone on the path so no work is required by the Parish Council.

21.76 Turnpike Lane

Cllr Martin explained that residents on Turnpike Lane are concerned about the increase in dog mess. Norse have provided some small signs that will be placed at strategic points along the lane and Cllr Martin will see if she can create a larger version of the sign to use as a poster.

21.77 CIL and Grant Funded Projects
21.77.01 Pavilion

A brief update on the Pavilion project was given by the Asst Clerk, although it was pointed out that there would be a full discussion at Full Council next week. A shed has been purchased to provide temporary storage whilst the Pavilion is demolished and rebuilt (Paper REC(21)77.01). Cllrs Martin, Taylor and Porter will review the contents of the Pavilion next week and remove anything that needs to kept that can be stored offsite (Cllr Gradwell offered the use of one of her outbuildings) and identify items that can be disposed of.

21.78 Grit Bins

It was RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council that grit bins are purchased for St Andrews Place and Beresford Drive (replacement). It was not felt necessary to provide bins at Longwood Fields estate or Church View Close at this time.

Proposed by:  Cllr Taylor                                            Seconded by: Cllr Martin

21.79 Anti-Social Behaviour

Cllr Gradwell reported that she has not received any information about meetings so had nothing to report.

21.80 Committee Chair’s Urgent Business
21.80.01 To receive a report on urgent business not otherwise on the agenda

The Council has received a request to use hazel from the land near Coppice Close for hedging. The individual would carry out the coppicing in this area for the Council in return for the hazel. The Asst Clerk is meeting with them in the next few weeks and will report back. She is also meeting with the footpath advocate and Tree Warden to discuss the implementation of natural hedging/barriers in the woods.

There was a report of a dog biting someone at the playing field last week. The Council has not been approached by the victim or police to provide CCTV footage.

21.81 To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch

Tree Friending and Car Boot Sale profits

21.82 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 10th November 2021 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting finished at 20:54.


Actions from Previous Meetings

Minute item Action Status
21.20.01 Asst Clerk to liaise with the Maintenance Officer about the feasibility of installing board walks in the muddy area near the protected oak in Burkes Wood. Wood chippings may be used instead. Ongoing
21.70 Renaming of Recreation Committee to be taken to Full Council in September and revisited at November meeting Open
21.71.02 Asst Clerk to investigate costs and feasibility of installing additional pedestrian entrance to playing field Open
21.72.01 The Asst Clerk will check if the oak chippings can be used as mulch immediately or if they must be left to rot down for 6-12 months as they are potentially toxic. Open
21.73.02 Asst Clerk to seek three quotes to replace some of the broken fence panels at Hall Farm Road Open
21.73.02 Oak chippings would be used to cover the path/entrances into the Hall Farm Road Sports Ground. Open
21.73.02 Existing bin would be moved more centrally and Asst Clerk to forward the email regarding emptying charges to Cllr Smith-Lyte Open
21.73.04 Saxon Way Footpath – Asst Clerk to source three quotes from contractors and bring back to Recreation in November for prioritisation. Open
21.74 Bus shelter at Bury Hill will be added to projects list for prioritisation by Full Council Open
21.77.01 Cllrs Martin, Taylor and Porter to review Pavilion contents Open
21.78 Take request to Full Council for two grit bins Open
21.80.01 Asst Clerk to report back in November regarding hazel coppicing Open