
REC(22)M01 Recreation Minutes from Wednesday 12th January 2022

RecreationRecreation Minutes Uploaded on January 17, 2022

Recreation Committee

Meeting Minutes – REC (22)M01

Minutes of the meeting of the Melton Parish Council Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 12th January 2022 at 7pm at the Melton Parish council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.


Cllr Mr C W Taylor (Chair)

Cllr Mrs C Gradwell

Cllr Miss K S Martin

Cllr Mr A Porter

Cllr Harvey-Smith

Cllr Mr P James

Mrs C McBurney

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk to Melton Parish Council

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council

Melton Parish Council Footpath Advocate


Part 1/1 – Open to the Public


Item No               Item to be discussed

22.01                   To receive apologies for absence

There were none

22.02                   Declarations of Interest

22.02.01                     To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

22.02.02                     To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.02.03                     To receive Declarations of Non Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

Cllr Martin declared that as her husband is a member of the golf club she had a non-pecuniary interest in item 22.06.03.

22.02.04                     To consider Full/Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none

22.03                   Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors

The footpath advocate was thanked for the work that has been carried out on the hedge fencing at the Melton Playing Field.

22.04                   To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED to agree the minutes of the meeting held on 10th November 2021 (REC(21)M06 previously distributed).

Proposed by Cllr Martin                Seconded by Cllr Porter

22.05                   Melton Playing Field

22.05.01                     Playing Field Report

Members considered the report REC(22)05.01). It was RESOLVED that the boardwalk action would be removed, the vehicle gate near the tennis courts should be opened and a bollard installed (ensuring a wheelchair/mobility scooter can pass through the gap) and that the tennis court resurfacing would be put on hold and revisited in 3-5 years. It was NOTED that we should keep an eye out for any possible grants to cover the cost. Cllr Gradwell raised concerns about the boggy area near the play park. It could be that a path is created using the oak chippings, but for now it will be monitored. Cllr Gradwell also asked if a sign saying ‘Burkes Wood Conservation Area’ could be purchased and placed at the entrance to the woods near the Oak Tree to replace the Recreation sign. It is hoped this would encourage people to be more respectful of the woods. It was AGREED that the office would purchase a sign.

Proposed by Cllr Gradwell           Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

22.05.02                     Melton Playing Field Sign

Designs were discussed and all Members were in agreement that it should be taken to Full Council on the 19th January for sign off as the cost is now £2,970 (Clerk to check VAT position) so higher than previously agreed.

Proposed by Cllr Gradwell           Seconded by Cllr Porter


22.06                   Woodland and Trees

22.06.01                     Tree Policy

Members RESOLVED to agree the Tree Policy (REC(22.06.01).

Proposed by Cllr Martin                Seconded by Cllr James

It was also AGREED that the quote for removing the cedar at Bury Hill was acceptable and the work should be carried out and funded through the Sinking Fund EMR. The Clerk will speak to the tree surgeon regarding the feasibility of selling the timber and/or creating seating.

Proposed by Cllr Gradwell           Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

22.06.02                     Tree Warden Report

Members discussed the Tree Warden’s report (REC(22)06.02) and were happy with the proposals for the pond and horse chestnut. They AGREED to delegate responsibility to the Clerk to gain assurance from the Tree Warden that planting the native oaks at Beresford Avenue will not lead to maintenance costs and concerns in the future. The Clerk will also find out if the Tree Crew will be fencing off the horse chestnut.

Proposed by Cllr James                 Seconded by Cllr Martin

22.06.03                     TPO Applications

                                      DC/21/5719/TPO Yarmouth Road

It was AGREED to respond with no comment.


22.07                   Divested Land

22.07.01                     Hall Farm Road Sports Ground

The proposals for Hall Farm Road Sports Ground (REC(22)07.02 and 07.02a) were discussed and it was RESOLVED  to agree the following should be taken to Full Council on the 19th for final approval:

  • Accept Quote 1 for the basketball hoop using wet pour as the surface but ask if the goal could be painted in RAL 6005. The Clerk will check with the supplier about how the goal will be fixed into the ground as there were concerns about the exposed concrete base on the example image.
  • Purchase a 1.8m recycled plastic bench. It should be placed in partial shade so as not to become too hot to sit on in sunny weather.
  • Arrange 3 SWT events; bird boxes at Hall Farm Road in the Easter holidays, bat box event at the playing field in the summer, some to be used in Burkes Wood, and a third event (potentially habitat hotels) for another date. The Clerk will approach the district councillor for use of her locality budget to fund these events.

An application was submitted to the Melton, Woodbridge & Deben Peninsula Community Partnership in December and a decision will be made on the 20th January. The Clerk will contact ESC regarding using the PlayPot to help fund the basketball goal and football goal.

Proposed by Cllr Porter                 Seconded by Mrs McBurney

22.07.02                     Saxon Way Footpath

Steps have been installed on the footpath running behind Saxon Way and photos were shared with members. This will be reported in the next Melton Messenger article.

22.07.03                     AONB Reedbed Clearance

The volunteer session organised by the AONB on Tuesday 7th December 2021 was well attended and a discreet access path was created to enable future work. The Clerk is meeting with a thatcher to investigate the feasibility of them cutting and using the reeds.


22.08                   Maintenance Officer

A verbal report was given about the work done recently including removal of wood at the playground, step repairs in the woods and litter removal. Members conveyed their thanks for all his work.


22.09                   CIL and Grant Funded Projects

22.09.01                     Pavilion

The Clerk gave a verbal report on the Pavilion project. Tender documents were sent out this week to five contractors and responses will be received by the 18th February. A mobile coffee seller has expressed an interest in running a pop-up café and will bring a proposal to Recreation in March. Cllr Gradwell raised concerns that there are differing and potentially conflicting views on the use of the new Pavilion. There will be a detailed discussion at Full Council on the 19th and Cllr Gradwell offered to help draft a paper.

22.09.02                     Footpath 22

The Clerk reported about the issues with Footpath 22 (REC(22)09.02). Although Members felt it was important to keep footpaths open and encourage their use they did not feel they could spend £5k on the clearance and infrastructure work. It was suggested that the Clerk could contact Cllr Nicoll to see if he could help fund this using his locality budget.

Proposed by Cllr Martin                Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith


22.10                   Anti-Social Behaviour

Cllr Gradwell reported that there had been no recent ASB meeting, but she had a paper about the Speed Indicator Device ready for the next meeting.


22.11                   Committee Chair’s Urgent Business

It was reported that the grit bin at St Andrew’s had not been filled. The Clerk has chased SCC numerous times but has yet to receive a response.

Mrs McBurney commented that the improvements to the footpath on Waterhead Lane have been a huge improvement. Thanks was conveyed to the resident and Maintenance Officer who carried out the work.

The Clerk was asked to contact Riduna Holdings regarding the planting that was due to take place at Riduna Park now that the fencing has been completed.


22.12                   To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch

February In Touch article has already been completed. Saxon Way steps, Litter Pick Event and early promotion of the family SWT events should be included.


22.13                   Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 16th March 2022 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:15.




Actions from Previous Meetings


Minute Item     

22.05.01 Open the gate by the tennis courts and install a bollard

22.05.01 Monitor the boggy area near the play park

22.05.01 Keep an eye out for grants available for resurfacing the tennis courts – look at resurfacing in 3-5 years

22.05.01 Purchase a sign for the woods saying ‘Burkes Wood Conservation Area’

22.05.02 Take final design and costs for the Melton Playing Field sign to Full Council for approval

22.06.02 Clerk to confirm with Tree Warden about planting of oaks and the roping off the horse chestnut

22.07.01 Take Hall Farm Road requests to Full Council for approval

22.07.01 Clerk to contact District Councillor about locality budget for SWT events

22.07.01 Clerk/Asst Clerk to contact ESC regarding PlayPot funding

22.09.01 Cllr Gradwell to draft Pavilion usage paper

22.09.02 Clerk to contact Cllr Nicoll regarding locality budget for Footpath 22