
REC(22)M03 Recreation Minutes from 18th May 2022

RecreationRecreation Minutes Uploaded on May 24, 2022

Recreation Committee

Meeting Minutes – REC (22)M03

Minutes of the Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 18th May 2022 at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.


Cllr Taylor (Chair)

Cllr Gradwell

Cllr Martin

Cllr Porter

C McBurney

Cllr Holmes

Cllr Darby

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk to Melton Parish Council

Cllr Stearn

1 member of the public

Melton Tree Warden


Cllr Harvey-Smith

Cllr James

Part 1/1 – Open to the Public

Item No               Item to be discussed

22.28                   Election of the Chair and Vice Chair

Cllr Taylor was re-elected as Chair – proposed by Cllr Gradwell and seconded by Cllr Martin. Cllr Gradwell was re-elected as Vice Chair – proposed by Cllr Taylor and seconded by Cllr Porter.

22.29                   To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Harvey-Smith and James

22.30                   Declarations of Interest

22.30.01                     To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

22.30.02                To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.30.03                To receive Declarations of Non-Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.30.04                     To consider Full/Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none

22.31                   Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors

A resident from Orchard Close requested permission to erect Heras fencing and scaffolding on land owned by the Parish Council adjacent to his house whilst he carries out an extension. He expects the build to last for 8 months. He also enquired if the Council would be willing to sell a 1m strip of land. It was agreed that a hire agreement with caveats would be drafted and taken to Full Council in June for approval. Members asked for it to contain caveats relating to a time limit, land being reinstated to current conditions, all rubbish removed, residents being informed about the work and that no excavation can be undertaken on Parish Council land. The Clerk will share the drainage plans for the land with the resident. Members explained that they were unable to sell the land due to restrictive covenants, nor would they want to as it should be kept as green amenity space for all residents.

Cllr Darby explained that residents at St Andrews had visited the old allotment site with Newtide with a view to reinstating them as allotments. Newtide are checking the boundaries as access might have been blocked by new fencing. Cllr Darby will continue to keep the Council informed about progress.

The Clerk reported that Norse, Environmental Protection and Cllr Mallinder (ESC) have been alerted to the ongoing issue of overflowing dog poo bins. Cllr Mallinder is very apologetic and is investigating the issues. It was pointed out that there had been no increase in frequency of emptying the bins despite a population increase (dogs and humans).

It was RESOLVED to take item 22.35.01 out of order on the Agenda.

22.35.01                     Tree Warden Report

The Tree Warden gave a verbal report to the committee. He was grateful for the article in the Melton Messenger and the appeal for Tree Frienders (flyers will also be distributed at the fete). Residents, Transition Woodbridge and the Tree Crew watered all the newly planted saplings at Hall Farm Road Sports Ground in the recent dry weather. A resident has offered to fill two water butts (sourced by Transition Woodbridge) so tree frienders have a ready access to water. Specimen trees have been planted at the Recreation Ground and it was suggested that an avenue of trees could be planted along the ditch near the zip wire. It was also suggested that the ditch could be dammed when necessary to allow easier access to water for watering the trees. A cage has been placed around the Jubilee oak and the plaque has been installed ready for the Jubilee weekend. The walnut near the pond might need to have a spiral added to protect it from the deer. The walnut at Beresford Drive disappeared, so another will be planted. The Tree Warden has also carried out some water sampling of the pond and ditch as part of the wider Deben Water Monitoring project and will let the Council know the results. They are testing for nitrates and e-coli. Members conveyed their thanks to the Tree Warden and Crew

It was RESOLVED to revert to the order of the Agenda.

22.32                   To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th March 2022 (REC (22)M02) previously distributed) be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by Cllr Martin                Seconded by Cllr Darby

22.33                   Review Terms of Reference

The Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference of the Recreation Committee and no changes were required.

Proposed by Cllr Gradwell                            Seconded by Cllr Martin

22.34                   Melton Recreation Ground

22.34.01                     Recreation Ground Report

Members discussed the report REC(22)34.01 previously distributed.  It was RESOLVED to accept the three shrubs for planting in the autumn and that a good quality combination padlock for the high barrier should be purchased. The CCTV package will be reduced to a 2GB plan.

Proposed by Cllr Gradwell                            Seconded by Cllr Porter

22.34.02                Hire Charges

The football hire charge was reviewed earlier this year (staying at £120 a month). The tennis court charge will remain at £6 per hour. A resident has asked the Spar that there should be an additional 15 minutes either side of the hire period to facilitate collecting and returning the key. Members did not think this was reasonable and that the hourly charge included the time to collect/return the key. If hirers require extra time then they should book for 1.5 hours. The Clerk will advise the Spar to direct users with any complaints or issues to the office for resolution.

22.34.03                WTYFC Hire Agreement

The amended WTYFC hire agreement Paper REC(22)34.03, previously distributed, was discussed. It was RESOLVED to remove line 4b regarding use of the Pavilion and that all other amends should be accepted. The new hire agreement will be sent to WTYFC for signing.

Proposed by Cllr Gradwell                            Seconded by Cllr Porter

22.34.04                     Play Park

Paper REC(22)34.04, previously distributed was considered. After some deliberation it was RESOLVED to turn the slide and increase the wetpour and to potentially remove the roundabout and supanova with a larger item of play equipment that could be funded from the Play Pot and/or grants for accessible play equipment. The new item should be accessible (eg used by those in a wheelchair/mobility issues). A report will be brought back to the next Recreation meeting.

Proposed by C McBurney                             Seconded by Cllr Holmes

22.35                   Woodland and Trees

22.35.02                TPO Applications

None have been received

22.35.03                Tree Works

A resident near Bury Hill had expressed concern about a veteran oak on Melton Parish Council land. The Clerk visited the tree with the Tree Surgeon who said some work could be undertaken to reduce it at a cost of £680, although he didn’t consider it to be urgent. The Tree Safety Survey is due to be carried out in the autumn. A ballpark quote has been received from the arboriculturist which is within the agreed budget. It was RESOLVED to engage their services and ask them to inspect the oak tree in advance to establish if the work should be carried out.

Proposed by Cllr Porter                 Seconded by Cllr Martin

22.36                   Divested Land

22.36.01                     Hall Farm Road Sports Ground

The football goal and basketball hoop are scheduled to be installed w/c 30th May. It was suggested that the area should be renamed the Hall Farm Jubilee Park. Cllr Harvey-Smith will be asked to garner resident’s opinions on this, and it will be taken to Full Council for consideration. It would be good to have an information board about the land/history/conservation work etc which could also have the official name on it.

22.36.02                     Pardon the Weeds Signs

We have two areas of land that are mown infrequently to encourage biodiversity. It was RESOLVED to purchase two signs and caps for the maintenance officer to install.

Proposed by C McBurney                             Seconded by Cllr Holmes

22.36.03                     Hall Farm Close Land

It was RESOLVED that an informal agreement will be agreed with the residents adjacent to MPC’s land at Hall Farm Close for them to maintain the land as a wildlife sanctuary as volunteers. It will be the same principle as how we work with the Tree Warden and Tree Crew. The Clerk will draft an agreement to be circulated to the Committee by email for review.

Proposed by Cllr Gradwell                            Seconded by Cllr Darby

22.36.04                     Beresford Drive Play Area

It was RESOLVED to purchase the bolt and cap covers, bushes and the part to resolve the entrapment issue as identified in the inspection report. Cllr Holmes raised concerns about trip hazards although nothing has been highlighted as being greater than low risk and improvements have been undertaken since the last inspection. The Committee will review the equipment and play area and any actions required after the next play inspection.

Cllr Holmes expressed concerns about the espaliered trees planted by Transition Woodbridge and the carpet that has been placed around it. The Clerk will speak to Transition Woodbridge.

Proposed by Cllr Holmes                               Seconded by Cllr Martin

22.37                   Maintenance Officer

The Clerk reported that the Maintenance Officer has been busy with his usual tasks and in addition is creating a base for the new Recreation Ground sign and will be erecting the flagpole next week.

22.38                   Queen’s Jubilee

The Clerk reported that the torch relay will be passing through Melton on the 31st May, with a photo opportunity at the Burness Parish Rooms, the beacon will be lit on the 2nd June and the fete plans for the 4th June are all progressing. There won’t be a bar but the Coach and Horses will serve drinks in takeaway glasses. It was confirmed that the raffle will be drawn at the fete and winners not present will be notified on the 6th June.

22.39                   Anti-Social Behaviour

Cllr Gradwell reported that an individual has been arrested in relation to the recent indecent exposure incidents. No further incidents have been reported since this arrest. The number of taxis licenced has increased but it is still advisable to book in advance. The speed camera team has also visited Melton recently and an ASB awareness programme is taking place in local schools.

22.40                   Committee Chair’s Urgent Business

Cllr Taylor asked if a Jubilee roundel should be added to the Beacon column. The Clerk will seek a quote from the supplier for consideration by Full Council.

22.41                   To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch

There will be a report on the Jubilee celebrations that took place in the July edition.

22.42                   Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 6th July 2022 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:30.

Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings

Minute Item

22.05.01 Monitor the boggy area near the play park

22.05.01 Keep an eye out for grants available for resurfacing the tennis courts – look at resurfacing in 3-5 years

22.09.02 and 22.23 Clerk to contact Cllr Nicoll regarding locality budget for Footpath 22 – move to FY22/23

22.18.01 Bring MUGA project to Recreation meeting in September 2022

22.18.02 Clerk to create statement and timetable for flag flying and get additional keys cut for the flagpole

22.31 Clerk to draft a hire agreement for Orchard Close and take to Full Council in June for approval

22.35.01 Consider damming ditch temporarily and planting avenue of trees by zip wire

22.34.01 Purchase combination lock, accept three shrubs from resident and reduce CCTV package

22.34.04 Seek replacement option for equipment at Recreation Ground play park and bring back to Recreation. Seek costs for turning the slide and replacing/extending wet pour.

22.35.05 Arboriculturist to be engaged to undertake Tree Safety Survey in the autumn.

22.36.01 Consider renaming Hall Farm Road Sports Ground to include the word Jubilee – take to Full Council for approval

22.36.02 Purchase 2 x Pardon the Weeds signs

22.36.03 Clerk to draw up agreement for Hall Farm Close residents and circulate to Rec Committee by email for approval

22.36.04 Contact Transition Woodbridge about espaliered trees and order replacement parts for play park

22.40 Clerk to seek quote for Jubilee roundel for consideration by Full Council