
REC(23)M01 Recreation Minutes from 11th January 2023

RecreationRecreation Minutes Uploaded on January 18, 2023

Recreation Committee

Meeting Minutes – REC(23)M01

Minutes of the Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 11th January 2023 at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.


Cllr Taylor (Chair)

Cllr Porter

Cllr Martin

C McBurney

Cllr Holmes

Cllr Darby

Cllr Harvey-Smith

Cllr James

In Attendance:

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council

Part 1/1 – Open to the Public

Item No               Item to be discussed

23.01                   To receive apologies for absence

Cllr Gradwell sent her apologies.

23.02                   Declarations of Interest

23.02.01              To receive Declarations of Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

23.02.02              To consider any applications for dispensations

There were none

23.03                   Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors

No members of the public were present.

The Asst Clerk gave an update on matters arising from the last meeting. The request for a life buoy at the Wilford Bridge is being looked at by the Asset Management team at Norse and the Asst Clerk will update the committee when further information has been supplied.

The Car Boot Sale organisers have been asked to provide the donations raised in 2022 and hopefully these will be available at the next meeting.

The Arboriculturist and Landscape Officer offered to attend a future meeting via Zoom, however the committee felt that it wasn’t necessary to invite them at this stage.

23.04                   To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED to agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd November 2022 (REC(22)06) previously distributed) and they were signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by Cllr Martin                                Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

23.05                   Terms of Reference 

The Committee unanimously agreed the current number of meetings should continue as they are, provided a Recreation Meeting always took place before Full Council meeting which the meeting schedule tries to reflect. It was discussed if the office’s workload were to become too great that a slim down in papers could happen i.e. some reporting is done every other meeting.

23.06                   Recreation Ground

23.06.01                    Recreation Ground report

Paper (REC(23)06.01), previously distributed, was discussed and it was AGREED that the Asst Clerk would contact Native Landscapes with regards to the best time of year to carry out the site visit and arrange the appointment.

It was AGREED the Suffolk Wildlife Trust activities proposed (bird feeding bombs and wildflower seed bombs) would be offered at the fete this year and their stall would be located in the main Fete area.

It was AGREED the office should investigate the cost of removing the floodlights and report back at the next meeting. If the floodlights are no longer connected to the mains, it was asked if the Maintenance Officer could undertake the task of removal. Cllr Porter offered his assistance. The office will investigate.

Proposed by Cllr Porter         Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

23.06.02                    Pavilion

The Pavilion paper (REC(23)06.02), previously distributed, was discussed. It was AGREED to refer the ordering of two additional tables to Full Council. The Asst Clerk has been asked to investigate the cost of tables which fold in half to minimise the space taken up in the store.

The booking processed was discussed and the idea proposed of buying a Sum Up machine so the Parish Council could take card payments. The office will investigate.

The committee AGREED to defer the decisions on the blinds to the office. Cllr Harvey-Smith offered assistance in measuring up and fitting as well as advising that pleated blinds could potentially tear easily so to look for more robust venetian blinds within the PerfectFit range.

A proposal of wrapping the doors with a mirror decal, where users can see out but the outside would appear mirrored, was suggested. However, this option would not give the flexibility the hirers require in terms of blocking out light or letting light in.

Proposed by Cllr Porter         Seconded by Cllr Holmes

23.06.03            Recreation Ground Play Park

Paper (REC(23)06.03), previously distributed, was received and it was AGREED that the proposal for the bike pump track should be advertised through posters in the woods to gauge interest and asking for involvement in the design process before a working group should be set up.

Proposed by Cllr Martin               Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

 23.07                   Hall Farm Road Noticeboard/Sign

The design for the sign at the Jubilee Green, as found in paper (REC(23)07), was unanimously AGREED, provided the illustration of the Swifts is updated as the committee felt it currently depicted Swallows. The Asst Clerk will follow up and ask for the illustration to be amended.

Cllr Harvey-Smith asked if the Maintenance Officer could put further bark down on the entrances to the Jubilee Green at Hall Farm Close and Manthorp Close as it has become quite boggy. The Asst Clerk will pass on the request.

Proposed by Cllr James                Seconded by Cllr Martin

23.08                   Beresford Drive

Paper (REC(23)08), previously distributed, was received. It was AGREED a public consultation event, similar to the consultation for Hall Farm Road, would take place on Saturday 1st April 2023. The event would take place in conjunction with delivering leaflets and promotion through the usual comms.

Cllrs Harvey-Smith and Cllr James offered to assist at the event.

23.09                   Woodland and Trees

23.09.01             Tree Warden Report

The Tree Warden sent their apologies and were unable to provide a report for the meeting. The Tree Warden has a donation of two trees, one Douglas Fir which the Committee agreed with his proposal of planting near where the Cedar was cut down on Bury Hill. The second tree, a silver birch, the Committee asked if the tree could either be planted in the woods at Leeks Hill or in the hedge along Melton Road. The committee wanted to pass on their thanks for all the hard work undertaken by the Tree Warden.

23.09.02               TPO Applications

DC/22/4868/TPO New Quay Lane was considered and it was agreed to submit No Objections as the response.

DC/22/4992/TPO 6 Aspen Close was considered and it was agreed to submit No Objections as the response.

23.09.03               Tree Works

The Committee received an update on the Tree Safety works, the majority of which are due to be completed this month. Due to the availability of a hoist the removal of the Lime trees will aim to be completed by mid-February.

23.10                   Maintenance Officer

The Asst Clerk reported that the Maintenance Officer had been busy completing his usual tasks as well as installing the shelving in the internal storeroom and putting down mulch at the entrance onto the playing field where the grass had become saturated and very muddy.

Cllr Harvey-Smith asked if boot scrapers could be installed as you come off of the field to stop the low fencing being used to clean football boots.

23.11                   Recreation Budget Update

The Recreation and Pavilion budget (REC(23)11) were received and NOTED.

23.12                   Committee Chair’s Urgent Business

There was none.

 23.13                   To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch

Promote the Good Neighbour Scheme, update about the installation of the roundels on Yarmouth Road and provide information on the Pavilion opening.

23.14                   Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 15th March 2023 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting ended at 20:12.


Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings

Minute Item

22.05.01 Monitor the boggy area near the play park

22.05.01 Keep an eye out for grants available for resurfacing the tennis courts – look at resurfacing in 3-5 years

22.09.02 and 22.23 Clerk to contact Cllr Nicoll regarding locality budget for Footpath 22 – move to FY22/23

22.65 and 22.82 Initiate public consultation for improvements at Beresford Drive Playpark

22.80.01 Revisit consideration of imposing a charge on pop up coffee van at Recreation Ground in 2023

22.80.02 Install two cycle racks at the Pavilion in Spring 2023