
FRM(22)A05 Agenda for meeting of FERM Committee on 14th December 2022

FERMFERM Agendas & Papers Uploaded on December 8, 2022



FINANCE, EMPLOYMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                                                                                     

To Members of Melton Parish Council Finance, Employment and Risk Management (FERM) Committee:  

Dear Councillor,  

You are summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Melton Parish Council Finance, Employment and Risk Management (FERM) Committee to be held on Wednesday 14th December 2022, commencing at 19:00, at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.  

Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council  

8th December 2022 

“The Committee shall consider the environmental impacts of all the decisions which it makes in accordance with these terms of reference.” 

Agenda – Part One – Open to the Public 

Item No Item to be discussed 

22.50 To receive apologies for absence 

22.51 Declarations of Interest 

22.51.01 To receive Declarations of Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda  

22.51.02 To consider any applications for dispensations  

Members are reminded that they are responsible for ensuring their Register of Interests is up to date 

22.52 Public Participation Session  

The opportunity for members of the public to ask questions of their Councillors about matters within the remit of FERM Committee.  

22.53 To approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting  

Meeting held on 12th October 2022 (FRM(22)M04) previously distributed). 

22.54 To consider Financial and Internal Control matters 

22.54.01 To consider the Management Accounts for the period 1st April 2022 to 30th November 2022 and the current budget position 

Papers FRM(22)54.01 and FRM(22)54.01a-f 

22.54.02 To consider minor updates to the draft 2023/24 budget 

Paper FRM(22)54.02 Clerk to report 

22.55 To review risk management issues 

22.55.01 Risk Register 

22.56 Pavilion Update 

Clerk to report 

22.57 To consider employment matters 

22.57.01 Staffing report 

Clerk to report 

22.58 To consider governance matters 

22.58.01 Report of decisions made by Clerk/Assistant Clerk under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 

Clerk to report 

22.58.02 To consider a change to FERM’s Terms of Reference Chair to report 

22.59 Finance Committee Chair’s urgent business 

22.60 Date of next meeting 

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 8th February 2023, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT   

Please note that meetings may be filmed, photographed, recorded or reported about.