A statement from Suffolk County Council’s Love Woodbridge and Melton project team regarding the cancellation of the engagement event –
It is with regret that we will be cancelling the proposed engagement event for the Love Woodridge and Melton project planned for Thursday 28th September 2023, 6pm-8pm at Melton Parish Council Offices at Riduna Park. We understand there are expected to be large numbers of people wanting to speak to Suffolk County Officers about the project and it is felt that the proposed venue does not cater for the volume of people expected. We are pleased so many people in the local community want to contribute and therefore we will look at alternatives. Further information will be provided in due course.
We are at an early stage in the process and this event is to help raise the profile of the project and engage with the local community around existing travel behaviours and what they would like to see come out of the project. This is to allow us to develop proposals that we will be consulting with you more formally on in early 2024. No decisions have been made about any interventions at this stage and this is one of several events we have been holding throughout the summer and early autumn.
For more information about the project please visit: Love Woodbridge and Melton – The Way To Go Suffolk or if you would like to contact us the email address is: lovewoodbridgeandmelton@suffolk.gov.uk