TRANSITION WOODBRIDGE EVENTS This Friday 8 November is our AGM/Planning meeting at the British Legion in the Thoroughfare at 7pm. Please do join us if you want to know what we're up to. We...
Love Woodbridge and Melton
News from Transition Woodbridge
LOOK OUT YOUR REPAIRS!! Monday 4th November is the Woodbridge Repair Cafe at St Johns Church 10-12 noon. Our volunteers can tackle electrical, mechanical, sewing, leatherwork items and are...
Active Travel Woodbridge Consultation Report
The Active Travel Woodbridge Consultation Report is now available on the Way to Go website. The report summarises the feedback received about the plans and explains how the plans have been updated...
Active Travel Woodbridge Consultation now live
In 2022, Suffolk County Council (SCC) secured funding from Active Travel England to look at how active travel could be encouraged in Woodbridge by improving the local infrastructure. Then, in 2023,...
Love Woodbridge and Melton Project Update: Cancelled Events on 14th and 19th October 2023
Statement from Melton Parish Council: The decision to cancel the next two events was taken by the Suffolk County Council Love Woodbridge and Melton Project Team, not Woodbridge TC or Melton PC....
Cancelled – Love Woodbridge and Melton Engagement Event – Thursday 28th September
A statement from Suffolk County Council’s Love Woodbridge and Melton project team regarding the cancellation of the engagement event - It is with regret that we will be cancelling the proposed...
Love Woodbridge and Melton Newsletter – September 2023
The first monthly newsletter from the Suffolk County Council project team has just been published: LWM Newsletter - September 2023 You can sign up to receive future newsletters by email using...
Love Woodbridge and Melton – statement from Melton Parish Council
There has been a lot of discussion about the Love Woodbridge and Melton Project recently on social media. The comments suggest that the purpose of the project remains unclear and residents are...
Love Woodbridge and Melton (Mini Holland) Engagement Events in September
Suffolk County Council's Love Woodbridge and Melton project team will be holding further engagement events in the area in September. Thursday 7th September - Whisstocks Place, Woodbridge - 1pm to...
Love Woodbridge and Melton – latest news
Suffolk County Council's Love Woodbridge and Melton team held an engagement event in Woodbridge last week. We understand that many of you were disappointed by the event and there is a great deal of...