The 5th stage of the cycling event, the Tour of Britain, will be passing through Melton at around 2.30pm on Thursday 7th September. The route comes up Wilford Bridge and along Melton Road before...
Have your say and help shape the future of open spaces in East Suffolk
East Suffolk Council is currently carrying out research to help shape the future of open spaces and sports facilities in the District. This includes parks, play areas, allotments, cemeteries, playing...
New Pavilion – design available for comment
Following a number of public consultations, a design has been created for a new Pavilion to replace the existing building at the Melton Road Recreation Ground. The current building is no longer fit...
Melton Playing Field Tennis Courts
There are two tennis courts available to hire at the Melton Playing fields. The hire cost is £6 per hour per court. To book a court please contact the Spar shop at the John Grose garage on Melton...