Woodbridge Library – Events
Statement from Suffolk’s Green council leaders on Suffolk being accepted on fast track devolution programme.
The announcement today by Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner to cancel May’s local elections in Suffolk is very disappointing. We support the principle of devolution which should mean...
Armed Forces Family Carers – Workshop
Melton Messenger – A Note from Carol-February 2025
February is when Parish Councils put forward their requests for funding via the Precept, which comes as part of your Council Tax charge each year. As a former Government Auditor who worked closely...
Green Issues – Greenprint Forum
Neighbourhood Plan Guidance – Draft Documents East Suffolk Council are developing two guidance documents for neighbourhood planning groups to assist them in producing planning policies when...
Citizens Advice – East Suffolk Volunteers
CATS- Volunteers needed!
Transition Woodbridge-Climate Cafe
Transition Woodbridge welcomes you to our next Climate Café Conversation Thursday 30 January 2025, 7-9pm A welcoming space to talk about the emotional impact of...
Help Local NHS and Social Care Services
50% off eco-friendly insulation for Suffolk residents
Anyone in Suffolk can receive a 50% discount off their purchase of 200mm or 370mm wide insulation rolls (up to £200) with free delivery, from High Loft, the UK's leading eco loft insulation...
Temporary Closure of Bredfield Road
Temporary Closure of Bredfield Road as Full Fibre Rollout Works Near Completion CityFibre is delivering a government contract to provide a full fibre broadband network to mainly rural areas across...
Community Action Team Events
The Community Action Team are delighted to be able to invite you to a wonderful series of nine webinars arrange through this coming year. The schedule is attached to enable you to promote and plan...
Transition Woodbridge Events – Climate Cafe/ Waldringfield Wildlife Group
Planning Meeting AGENDA Tuesday 28th January 2025 at British Legion at 7pm Planning Business Scattered Orchards Planting and Maintenance Winter planting - Pat Williams Tree, Old...
Upcoming events from Green Issues
Saturday 11 January, Lowestoft - group litter pick and survey Join Suffolk Beach Cleans and Lowestoft Time Bank for a group beach clean and survey of the marine litter found. Meet at the car...
A Changing Climate – Interactive Evening
Green Energy – Drop in event
Melton Messenger – A Note from Carol – January 2025
Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a peaceful Christmas and New Year. Thank you to all those residents who responded to our survey about the Neighbourhood Plan. We received 257 responses,...
Upcoming events from Green Issues
Sunday 12 January: Southwold - Bicycle drop off point Blyth Valley Rotary is hosting a used bike collection on Sunday, January 12th, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Southwold Putting...
Mindfulness for Older Adult Carers – Free Course Starting in January
Loft Insulation Offer gives Suffolk residents 50% off eco-friendly insulation
According to The Energy Saving Trust, an uninsulated home loses a quarter of its heat through its roof. For the second year in a row, help to afford eco-friendly loft insulation is now available...
Woodbridge Library – Events in September
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 5pm Tue: 9am - 6:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The...
Active Travel Woodbridge Consultation Report
The Active Travel Woodbridge Consultation Report is now available on the Way to Go website. The report summarises the feedback received about the plans and explains how the plans have been updated...
Discover the wonderful world of moths….
There is a chance to learn more about the wonderful world of moths when Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Woodbridge Wildlife Group open a Moth Trap in Fen Meadow, Woodbridge at 8am on Saturday 27...
Woodbridge Library – Events in August
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 5pm Tue: 9am - 6:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The...
Melton Messenger – A Note from Carol – July/August 2024
At Full Council in May, I was re-elected as the Chair of Melton Parish Council for another year. We had one member of the public attend who raised concerns about the speed and volume of traffic on...
Melton Fete – Thank You
Melton Parish Council would like to say thank you to everyone who supported the fete last weekend. It was a great success and couldn't have happened without all the volunteers, sponsors and...
The Melton Fete – Saturday 22nd June
The Melton Fete is taking place this Saturday from 11am to 3pm at the Recreation Ground on Melton Road. Entry is free and there is a fantastic line up this year with dog shows and classes from Paws...
Woodbridge Library – Events in July
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 5pm Tue: 9am - 6:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The...
D-Day 80th Anniversary Beacon Lighting – 6th June
We will be lighting the Beacon at the Melton Recreation Ground to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings at Normandy. The National Address will be read by Revd Paul Hambling and...
Melton Primary School Open Morning
The primary school is holding their next open morning on the 11th June from 9.30 to 11.30am. Email admin@melton.suffolk.sch.uk to...
Dementia Bus – 20th May – 2 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton
If Dementia is having an impact, in any way in your life and you want to understand more about what it means to live with Dementia then please join us on May 20th and spend 15 minutes of your time in...
Melton Award Winner 2024
At the Annual Parish Meeting on the 24th April 2024, the Melton Award was presented to Peter James in recognition of the service they give to the village. Peter does a phenomenal amount of...
Woodbridge Library – Events in May
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 5pm Tue: 9am - 6:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The...
Local Food & Environment Fair – 20th April
Saturday 20th April 10am-4pm Whisstocks Place, Woodbridge Celebrating Earth Day 2024 Local Food Producers – Live Ambient Music – Films –Environmental Groups – Art Activities –...
Help shape the future of travel and transport in the East
Transport East is running a survey to better understand how you travel across Suffolk. The data provided will help shape decisions on future transport investment in the local area. Whether you...
Grow for it! Residents encouraged to grow their own
East Suffolk residents are being encouraged to grow their own this spring with the return of a successful programme offering free growing kits. Following the success of East Suffolk Council’s...
Beresford Drive Play Park
Most of the work on Beresford Drive Play Park has been carried out. There is some final snagging to be carried out next week. As a result the Play Park remains closed but we are hoping it will be...
Notice of Election – Police and Crime Commissioner
Election of a Police and Crime Commissioner for the Suffolk Police Area 1. An election is to be held for a Police and Crime Commissioner for the Suffolk Police Area. 2. Nomination papers can be...
Open Wildlife Gardens – 18th May
Save the date in your diary but better still, why not get in touch with Transition Woodbridge to offer your garden for the event? You only need a tiny patch to show how easy it is for wildlife to sit...
Woodbridge Library – Events in April
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 5pm Tue: 9am - 6:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The...
Melton Old Church Grounds Tidy Up – Saturday 9th March
Melton Old Church is looking for helpers on Saturday 9th March to help clean and tidy the grounds. 10am - 12.30pm with time for refreshments. Please bring rake and loppers if you have...
Suffolk Transport Plan Consultation
Suffolk County Council (SCC) is in the process of updating the local transport plan. This is a statutory document that sets out the transport needs, challenges and priorities for Suffolk in the...
Active Travel Woodbridge Consultation now live
In 2022, Suffolk County Council (SCC) secured funding from Active Travel England to look at how active travel could be encouraged in Woodbridge by improving the local infrastructure. Then, in 2023,...
Woodbridge Library – Events in March
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 5pm Tue: 9am - 6:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The...
Melton Wombles Litter Pick – Sunday 11th February
The first litter pick of 2024 is taking place on Sunday 11th February. Meet at Honey and Harvey, Riduna Park at 10am. There will be some litter grabbers available to use and bags will be...
Loft Insulation Offer
From Suffolk County Council's Creating the Greenest County Team: Suffolk’s Public Sector Leaders have teamed up with Travis Perkins to offer Suffolk residents a great deal on loft insulation....
Melton Messenger – A Note from Carol – February 2024
I know it’s February but as it’s my first column of the year let me start by wishing you a very Happy New Year. The Council has a busy few months coming up, starting this month with the...
Applying for Reception Year place at Primary School
This is the last week to apply for a Reception Year school place via Suffolk County Council for September. If you would like to visit Melton Primary school this week, they have a few last minute...
PRECEPT SURVEY: Police and Crime Commissioner proposes increase in precept to fund Constabulary in 2024/25
Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore has launched his annual survey to gauge public views on his draft proposal for the policing element for the council tax precept for the next...
St Elizabeth’s Hospice and EACH Christmas Tree Recycling
Recycle your real Christmas tree - simply donate to support your local hospices! St Elizabeth's Hospice is proud to be working together again with East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) for...
Melton Messenger – A Note from Carol – December 2023
With the unprecedented flooding around Suffolk in recent months, I feel grateful that Melton came off relatively lightly compared to places like Framlingham, Wickham Market and Martlesham. I...
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Renamed National Landscapes
On Wednesday 22nd November, all designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) in England and Wales are becoming National Landscapes, including two in Suffolk and Essex. The Suffolk Coast...
Notice of Vacancy
Notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor James Crawford, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council. A by-election to fill the vacancy will be...
Melton Messenger – A Note from Carol – November 2023
As we move to the end of the calendar year, I am sitting here, reflecting on the amount of work Melton Parish Council must get through in the rest of this financial year and beyond. Engagement with...
Government funding available to those who report flooding
Interim figures show more than 200 properties in Suffolk were flooded by Storm Babet. The number of flooded premises, including businesses and homes, is expected to be higher as Suffolk councils and...
East Suffolk Council – flooding assistance
If you need advice regarding housing, waste clearing or street cleansing, please call 0333 016 2000 during normal working hours (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm). If you are faced with an emergency...
Woodbridge Library – Events in November
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The Friends of Woodbridge...
Love Woodbridge and Melton Project Update: Cancelled Events on 14th and 19th October 2023
Statement from Melton Parish Council: The decision to cancel the next two events was taken by the Suffolk County Council Love Woodbridge and Melton Project Team, not Woodbridge TC or Melton PC....
Cancelled – Love Woodbridge and Melton Engagement Event – Thursday 28th September
A statement from Suffolk County Council’s Love Woodbridge and Melton project team regarding the cancellation of the engagement event - It is with regret that we will be cancelling the proposed...
Woodbridge Library – Events in October
Please note: The library will be closed from Monday 16th October until Friday 20th October for essential building work. Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am -...
Melton Old Church
Melton Old Church is a Grade II* medieval village church, declared redundant in 1977. The Melton Old Church Society was formed in December 1980 to preserve the building and its history for future...
Love Woodbridge and Melton (Mini Holland) Engagement Events in September
Suffolk County Council's Love Woodbridge and Melton project team will be holding further engagement events in the area in September. Thursday 7th September - Whisstocks Place, Woodbridge - 1pm to...
Fly Tipping of Garden Waste
Melton Parish Council is aware that garden waste is being deposited on land owned by the council. We would like to remind residents that the unauthorised disposal of garden waste on someone else’s...
Woodbridge Library – Events in September
Please note: The library will be closed from Monday 4th September until Sunday 10th September inclusive for essential building work. Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed:...
Melton Parish Grants – open to applications
Melton Parish Council gives small grants to local organisations each year. We have a small fund available this year and invite organisations and charities in Melton, or those that provide a service...
Love Woodbridge and Melton – latest news
Suffolk County Council's Love Woodbridge and Melton team held an engagement event in Woodbridge last week. We understand that many of you were disappointed by the event and there is a great deal of...
Pump/Bike Track – Help Needed
The Parish Council is hoping to install a small pump/bike track (eg 15m x 15m), made from natural materials, at the Recreation Ground near the zip wire/synthetic football pitch. We’d love local...
Melton Messenger – A note from Carol – July 2023
Wow my first month as Chair of the Parish Council is already over and what a busy month it’s been getting about in the community and meeting so many residents. Last month, I introduced myself...
Love Woodbridge and Melton – 10th August 10am to 2pm – Whisstocks Place and the Market Square
What are you doing on Thursday 10th August between 10am and 2pm? In Partnership with East Suffolk Council, Woodbridge Town Council and Melton Parish Council, Suffolk County Council (SCC) wants to...
Citizen’s Advice Service in the local area
Since the formation of Citizens Advice East Suffolk our services have been reviewed to ensure they meet the needs of the people in our communities. Below is an update on our new contact details,...
Digital Champion Volunteers Required
Could you be a digital champion volunteer? Communities Together East Anglia are look for volunteers to joining the scheme supporting others in the local community who would like to learn basic...
Woodbridge Library – Events in June 2023
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The Friends of Woodbridge...
SWT – An Evening Nightingale Walk – Friday 19th May
Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Woodbridge Wildlife Group invite you to join them for an Evening Nightingale Walk on Friday 19th May, starting from 7pm. “We will be starting the walk from Melton Picnic...
Woodbridge Library – Events in May 2023
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm Please note: The library will be closed on...
Melton Award Winners 2023
At the Annual Parish Meeting on the 26th April 2023, the Melton Award was presented to three Melton residents in recognition of the service they give to the village. Carol and John Duce for...
Annual Parish Meeting – 26th April – 7.30pm
The Annual Parish Meeting is taking place on Wednesday 26th April at The Melton Pavilion. Starting at 7.30pm, there will be a short report from the Chair of the Parish Council followed by reports...
Woodbridge Library – Events in April 2023
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm Please note: The library will be closed on...
Suffolk Highways – Upcoming Works – Road Closure – C317 Bredfield Road, Melton – 17 April 2023
Suffolk Highways are planning to carry out footway repairs along C317 Bredfield Road, Melton (from Woods Lane to Woolnough Road). The works are programmed to take place between 17 and 19 April 2023....
The Melton Pavilion Open Afternoon – Saturday 25th March from 2pm
The Melton Pavilion Open Afternoon will take place on Saturday 25th March from 2pm until 5pm. Everyone is welcome to come and look round the Pavilion. You can find out what’s already happening at...
Planning Appeal Decision – Warburg Land off St Andrew’s Place
On 22nd February 2022 the ESC Planning Committee South turned down a planning application to build houses on land off St Andrew's with vehicle access through the estate. At that meeting Melton Parish...
Katch – a new service from the 11th April
East Suffolk Council, in collaboration with East Suffolk Community Partnerships, are working to re-introduce the Katch bus service due to the public response following the pilot scheme. They aim...
SWT Talk – Amphibians and Reptiles – Thursday 16th March at 7.30pm
There will be chance to find out more about amphibians and reptiles when John Baker gives a talk on the subject at Woodbridge Community Hall, Station Road, IP12 4AU on Thursday 16th March at 7.30...
Bus Timetable Update
From 1st April 2023 bus operator High Suffolk CT is increasing the service on the number 10 bus which is the Kenton - Framlingham - Woodbridge route. The service will be increased from 1st...
Free opportunities for young people to get involved with nature
Young people in Suffolk and Essex aged between 13-18 are encouraged to take part in hands-on conservation work as part of a popular volunteering scheme. The Coast & Vale Youth Rangers is a...
Wildlife Corridors Open Gardens Day – Saturday May 27th – 12.00 – 4.00pm
Transition Woodbridge are inviting anyone with a wildlife patch in their garden to open it up for the people of Woodbridge and Melton to visit at an open day on May 27th. Transition Woodbridge...
Woodbridge Library – Events in March 2023
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The Friends of Woodbridge...
Woodbridge Library -Events in February 2023
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The Friends of Woodbridge...
Preventing Plastic Pollution – Melton Litter pick – 29th January
A Melton litter pick is taking place on Sunday 29th January as part of the Preventing Plastic Pollution project fronted by the Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust. Please meet at the Melton Riverside...
Temporary path closure – Pytches Road to Saxon Way – 17th January
Update - due to the inclement weather this work has been postponed until the 17th January. A section of the path that runs from Pytches Road to Saxon Way (along the back of Saxon Way) will be...
Woodbridge Library – Events in January 2023
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm Please note the following changes...
Katch All-Electric taxi-bus service ending on 23rd December 2022
The pilot for the Katch all-electric taxi-bus service will stop on its scheduled end-date of 23 December 2022. The route covered Framlingham - Wickham Market - Wickham Market Railway Station (for...
Bus Timetable Update
Suffolkonboard have introduced a new bus service between Kenton and Woodbridge via Framlingham. High Suffolk CT 10 bus service will run on the 1st Saturday of every month only. The service starts...
Woodbridge Library – Events in December 2022
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm Please note the following changes...
Woodbridge Library – Events in November 2022
Opening Hours: Mon: 10am - 4pm Tue: 9am - 7:30pm Wed: 9am - 5:30pm Thu: 9am - 5:30pm Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 4pm The Friends of Woodbridge...
Martlesham Wilds – Suffolk Wildlife Trust
News from Suffolk Wildlife Trust - A significant area of farmland, riverside marshes and saltings, locally, has been bought by Suffolk Wildlife Trust to be managed for wildlife, as a nature...
Ease the Squeeze Roadshow – East Suffolk Council
East Suffolk Council are holding a series of events across the district to help provide advice to people who might be struggling with the rising cost of living, or have concerns about their finances...
SWT Talk – Can re-wilding save our wildlife? – Thursday 20th October
Climate change takes centre stage when Professor Peter Hobson, Professor of Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability at Writtle University College gives a talk at Woodbridge Community Hall on...
Suffolk Highways Road Closure – Station Road – Between 24th and 28th October
Suffolk Highways are planning to carry out drainage maintenance work along Station Road, Melton. The works are programmed to take place between 24 and 28 October 2022. The road will be closed for the...
Autumn Tree Walk – Transition Woodbridge
On Saturday 15th October, Transition Woodbridge have organised a guided tree walk around the town looking at some of the impressive specimens that we are lucky to have growing here. It will start...