
Planning Appeal Decision – Warburg Land off St Andrew’s Place

On 22nd February 2022 the ESC Planning Committee South turned down a planning application to build houses on land off St Andrew’s with vehicle access through the estate. At that meeting Melton Parish Council representatives spoke against the application because of concerns about construction traffic and ongoing traffic through the estate. We regret to inform you that the appeal by the developer against that decision has been accepted by the Government’s Planning Inspector.

In essence the Inspector noted the concerns about traffic but considered these would only be significant during the construction period and could be mitigated by certain road improvements to be carried out before construction commenced. The full wording of the decision can be read at

Obviously Melton Parish Council is very disappointed with this outcome. An independent legal opinion received by a resident has confirmed that nothing can be done on the legal side to challenge the result.

Accordingly our focus now must be on mitigating the effects of the development on the community and we will be seeking a meeting with the developer to discuss this and we will keep you informed of our progress.

Melton Parish Council