The Parish Council is hoping to install a small pump/bike track (eg 15m x 15m), made from natural materials, at the Recreation Ground near the zip wire/synthetic football pitch. We’d love local...
Playing field
Burkes Wood Pond – please keep dogs out
PLEASE KEEP DOGS OUT OF THE POND IN THE WOODS A survey carried out on the pond at Burkes Wood in May 2021 revealed that a non-native invasive plant species is growing in the pond. New Zealand...
Melton Road Playing Field Car Park
We are having work carried out on the car park at the playing fields from the 26th April. This will result in a slightly larger car park with a new surface and marked out parking bays. We hope this...
Recreation Committee Meeting – 24th March – 7pm
The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be taking place via Zoom on Wednesday 24th March at 7pm. The agenda and papers can be found in the Recreation section of the website. To join...
Melton Playing Field Car Park – Temporary Closure
The tennis court fencing is being replaced at the end of March. As a result, we are having to close the car park from 8pm on the 23rd March until 7am on 30th March If the construction finishes...
Melton Road Crossings Consultation
Melton Parish Council has carried out several consultations with Melton residents on how money received from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) should be spent. The request for road crossings along...
Beacon Shield
The Beacon at the Melton Road playing fields , which was installed as part of the centenary commemorations of the end of WW1, has now been augmented with a shield depicting the Melton emblem (also...
New Pavilion – design available for comment
Following a number of public consultations, a design has been created for a new Pavilion to replace the existing building at the Melton Road Recreation Ground. The current building is no longer fit...
VJ and VE Day Roundels installed on the Beacon
Simon Benton has produced two new roundels to commemorate those of Melton who fought in World War II. These plaques commemorate the 75th Anniversary of VE day (Victory in Europe) & VJ Day...
Melton Playing Field Play Park and Play Equipment
The play park and play equipment at Melton Playing Fields will be open by Friday 17th July 2020. PLEASE NOTE THE EQUIPMENT IS NOT REGULARLY CLEANED, AND ACCESS IS NOT MANAGED IN ANY...
Melton Playing Field Play Park
Following latest Government guidance about the reopening of outdoor play parks from the 4th July, the play park and play equipment at Melton Playing Fields will remain CLOSED until further notice. We...
Tennis Courts to re-open at Melton Playing Field
Following the latest Government advice, the tennis courts are available for hire from the 13th May 2020. You can play tennis with members of your household, or one other person while staying 2...
Neighbourhood Plan and CIL Project Consultation Events
We are holding two Open Consultation Events at our office for Melton residents to give their views on updates to our Neighbourhood Plan (NP), which is now 2 years old. There will be more...
Tree planting at Orchard Close
The tree warden has planted some new trees at Orchard Close. Three wild cherries and one rowan have been planted at the end of the close, parallel to the bollards separating the close from Bury...