Transition Woodbridge are inviting anyone with a wildlife patch in their garden to open it up for the people of Woodbridge and Melton to visit at an open day on May 27th.
Transition Woodbridge want to share tiny spaces like a washing up bowl pond to inspire people with small gardens or courtyards, and also see the gardens of people who have really pushed the boat out with constructed ponds, planted hedges and meadows etc, and all gardens in between!
The invitation is open to anyone living in Woodbridge or Melton or (very) nearby villages. It would be great if you have registered your wildlife patches on the Wildlife Corridors section of the website but if not, this might inspire you to join. Please be aware that addresses of gardens to be viewed will be made publicly available during the month of May on the Transition Woodbridge website
Whether you open your garden or would like to be inspired by visiting others, please add the date to your diary. Keep your eye on the Transition Woodbridge website for maps and further details nearer the time.