
Melton Messenger – A note from Alan – April 2022

Melton Parish Council – A Note from the Chair – Alan Porter

Planning Issues

One of the areas in which MPC has been heavily engaged in recently is with regard to Planning Matters. Many of you will be aware of the long running saga concerning the land near St Andrews estate often referred to as the Carter Warburg site. As part of our Neighbourhood Plan, MPC had supported the proposal to build some houses there, together with the creation of many Community facilities and the ”Greening Up” of the adjacent container site.

Critically our Plan envisaged access to the housing site would be via Riduna Park rather than through the narrow and congested streets of St Andrews Place. However a proposal came forward to build 55 houses on the Warburg site, with road access via St Andrews and with the other parts of the site left in their current state. MPC has opposed this proposal consistently and spoke against it at the East Suffolk Council Planning meeting on 22 February.

We were pleased to see the many objections from the public and the public demonstration (even in the rain and wind) outside the ESC office. We were even more pleased when the Planning Committee agreed to reject the proposal. We hope this may be the end of this particular fight but there may be an appeal by the Developer.

We have also recently made representations at an appeal hearing concerning the field on Woods Lane just down the hill from the Bloor Homes development. The proposal is to build 27 “self-build” homes in the field currently occupied by some horses. We opposed this as this area is not marked for development in our Neighbourhood Plan and is an important factor in maintaining the rural character of the approach to the village. The appeal was dismissed by the Planning Inspector.

Finally in March we spoke at an appeal hearing on the proposal to build a “Care Home Village” in the field on Yarmouth Road opposite the golf course just below Melton Terrace. We feel this is not the place to create a gated community of senior citizens who will find it difficult to connect with the local community or facilities.


Melton Good Neighbours Coffee Morning

We are starting a monthly coffee morning on the first Friday of every month for chat, enquiries, and volunteering at the Burness Rooms, 38 The Street, Melton. Between 09:00 & 12:30.

Please come along and make this a regular social event. Everyone is most welcome.

For more information please email: or phone 0333 335 5366


Melton Road Crossing Points

 It transpired that this job fell off the radar at SCC, but our County Councillor Alexander Nicoll has got it back on again.  We have a date in July. I will believe it when I see it!


Pavilion project

Tenders have been received from three different companies.  We held a special Full Council meeting to review the documents and select a contractor.  We are pleased to say we have selected Mixbrow Ltd.

We have meetings planned with the contractor.  Hopefully it should be completed by late summer or early autumn.  Exciting times indeed!


Carol Steptoe with the hazel fencing being fitted at the recreation ground

Recreation ground border hedging gaps

A few gaps have appeared in the hedge along Melton Road and recently the tree crew have been busy coppicing in various parts of our newly adopted woodlands.  Some of the trees were hazels which make ideal fence panel material.  David & Carol Steptoe and the tree crew have been weaving these into lovely panels to fill the gaps.  We are also planting young saplings in the gaps.  The hope is that as the hazel panels decay away the saplings will have grown to take their place.  How green is that!



SWT Bird Nesting Box building in the Easter Holidays

Join us to build a free bird nesting box during the Easter Holidays.

Location: Hall Farm Road Sports Ground, Hall Farm Road, Melton, IP12 1RW

Date & Time: Friday 22nd April 2022 10am – 12noon

Come along and make a nest box to take home. We’ll have everything you need to make your nest box and we’ll help guide you through the process although it would be helpful if you could bring a hammer.

Melton Parish Council with Suffolk Wildlife Trust are offering this free event to Melton residents, having received funding from District Councillor Rachel Smith-Lyte.

Booking is essential as places are limited. One space per family group.

To book please visit:


Cedar Tree on Bury Hill

Due to fungal infection, the cedar tree on Bury Hill has been reduced down to a standing structure and a replacement pine has been planted. Part of the trunk has been levelled to create a bench, together with the some sections that can act as stools. Some wood has been taken by residents, and some will be used for the SWT bug hotel event during the fete. Attached are some photos.

Old Cedar tree reduced to a standing structure              Planted Pine tree sapling


Annual Parish Meeting APM

The APM will be held on Wednesday April 27th at the Burness Parish Rooms starting as 7:30pm.

We are using the Burness as it holds more people than our office meeting room so I hope lots of people come along.  Believe it or not this is my eighth report as your chairman and I am proud to say that much has been achieved in this past year and there is lots on the horizon.  By the end of April I will have done 11 years on Melton Parish Council and still keen to continue.

There will be light refreshments and presentations from other Melton organisations.

Fete 2022

Finally we are beavering away making arrangements for the fete on Saturday June 4th at the Melton Recreation ground.  So save the date!


Alan Porter

Chair – Melton Parish Council