Being nearly September already, I am still looking forward to the summer! The wet weather has meant the grass has never stopped growing. Good in some ways as it means the newly sown grass on the Recreation Ground continues to thicken up and everything looks green and lush.
The fete in early July was a great success. The footfall this year wasn’t as good as previous years because we were competing with several other events including the country fair at Heveningham Hall. So next year, we will probably move back to late June. The Punch and Judy Show was hugely popular along with all the other activities including the magic show, the coconut shy and the archery. A huge thank you to all the Councillors and volunteers, who once again gave up their time to put up marquees and gazebos, run stalls and put everything away again afterwards. The fete takes a great deal of work, so the more volunteers the better, especially when booked activities like the bar drop out at the last minute and others from the Council step in voluntarily to fill an important gap. Cllr Deborah Darby and I are really grateful to all those who supported us in getting the fete up and running again this year. The final figures are being reported to Full Council later this month. Don’t forget, if you have any ideas, or just want to get involved, you are very welcome. Just drop me a line and I will keep you posted for next year.
Beresford Drive
We are approaching companies to help us design and develop a new play park on Beresford Drive. Thank you to everyone who came out to tell us what they think needs to happen. We have put together the main themes and this includes more play equipment to cover all ages, a requirement for accessible items and some more seating. There were requests for a football pitch and a zip wire, but given these requirements are already covered by the much larger Recreation Ground, they haven’t been identified as a priority.
Cycle/Pump Track
We’re hoping to install a small pump/bike track, made from natural materials, at the Recreation Ground near the zip wire/synthetic football pitch. We’d love local residents to get involved so it becomes a collaborative community project. Would you like to help with the design and layout? Do you have any experience of using pump tracks? If so please email or call the office – 01394 382224.
Councillor Vacancies
We currently have two vacancies on the Council as one of our longer serving Councillors, Bill Banks, has resigned after being a Councillor for 5 years. We would like to express our thanks to Bill for all his hard work. He has developed our finance stability so that we are better placed to weather the cost-of-living issues and keep funding our local amenities.
Many people misunderstand what we do, thinking we are either part of the Church or politically driven. Neither is true. We are a group of people living or working in Melton, who are motivated in wanting to make sure that matters affecting our village are dealt with and we are appropriately represented at District and County level. Commenting on planning applications, developing our amenities and public spaces and spending local money wisely are just some of the things we try to do. If you’d like to find out more or get involved, please get in touch for a no obligation chat. You don’t need to be a mastermind, just someone committed to seeing the right things are being done right within the village. We would particularly welcome anyone with a Finance or Legal background but this doesn’t have to be a prerequisite.
Get to know your Councillors
As part of our series of introducing you to your Councillors here are some words from Cllr Nigel Brown and Cllr Katy Martin.
Originally from Manchester, I moved to Melton in 2001 to work in Ipswich as Director of Employee Relations for AXA UK. After retirement I joined the Parish Council in 2015 and have focussed on Planning and Transport as Chair of our working group on these issues. I am also a member of a local Foster Care Panel. A lifelong Man City fan (somebody has to – CG), I like to read, write and go to the cinema in my spare time. Melton is such a great place to live and has brought such joy to my family. I want to help preserve what we have and make sure it gets even better for the people who live here.
I moved to Melton in 1999 and joined the Parish Council in 2008. In that time I have sat on all of our committees and am now a member of the Recreation Working Group as well as Full Council. I have Chaired Recreation, been Deputy Chair of the Council for four years and Chair for one. I have also represented the Council as a Governor of Melton Primary School and as a trustee of The Melton Trust where I am currently the Chair. My special interests are the amenities we provide and how we engage with our community. My other interests are gardening, crafting and the Melton WI.
River Deben
I was pleased to see a report on the BBC 6 o’clock news that the campaigners for cleaner water for the River Deben have had some success. Therese Coffey and Anglian Water were filmed confirming that the plans to improve the sewage works at Woodbridge and Melton have been brought forward. As a result, the problems with E Coli and other issues should be reduced. Thanks to Ruth Leach and our Councillor, Peter James, plus a large number of other volunteers who have been working hard to gather the evidence needed to get this result. They have been going out at all times of the day and night to take water samples to prove there was a problem. As a result, the river water should be much improved once the works have been done.
Love Woodbridge & Melton
The Suffolk County Council team running the project held a consultation event in Woodbridge in August for residents to find out more about the Active Travel initiative. They hope to implement some changes that will encourage more people to walk/cycle/scoot in the area rather than just relying on cars. Melton Parish Council will be issuing regular communications from the team about the project via our usual comms channels, including this column, the parish noticeboards, website, email and NextDoor. It is also discussed at every Full Council meeting. Currently the project only has funding to implement changes in the central and southern Woodbridge areas, none of which have been finalised yet. Melton Parish Council is working closely with the team regarding their proposals for Melton and will ensure that the team consults with Melton residents so you have a chance to comment.
Small Grants
Melton Parish Council gives small grants to local organisations and charities each year. We have a small fund available this year and invite organisations in Melton, or those that provide a service to the residents of Melton, to apply. Applications must be received by the 30th September and full details can be found on the website
Tour of Britain
And finally, don’t forget that the Tour of Britain will be passing through Melton on the 7th September around 2.30pm.