
Wilford Bridge Road, Sutton Road and Orford Road Overnight Closures – 8th to 20th April

Suffolk County Council Highways are planning to carry out carriageway resurfacing and surface dressing works along Orford Road, Bromeswell, Wilford Bridge Road, Melton/Bromeswell, and Sutton Road, Bromeswell.

The works are programmed to take place between 9pm and 5am each weekday from Monday 8 April until Saturday 20 April. During this time, the road will be closed to ensure the safety of highway users and the operatives.

To minimise the impact on road users, they will be taking a phased approach to works and closing one section of road at the time. Phased work will take place as follows:

Phase 1, overnight on Monday 8 April: Wilford Bridge Road, Melton. Road closure in place between Melton Crossroads and Orford Road/Sutton Road roundabout.

Phase 2, overnight on Tuesday 9 April and Wednesday 10 April: Roundabout connecting Orford Road, Wilford Bridge Road and Sutton Road. Roundabout will be fully closed.

Phase 3, overnight on Thursday 11 April: Orford Road, Bromeswell. Road closed between Eyke Road/Orford Road junction and Orford Road/Sutton Road roundabout.

Phase 4, overnight on Friday 12 April: Road markings, various locations. Closures will not be in place, but please expect delays.

Phase 5, overnight on Monday 15 April and Tuesday 16 April: Wilford Bridge Road, Melton and Orford Road, Bromeswell. Access and egress through works will be granted, but please expect delays.

Wednesday 17 to Friday 19 April: Contingency days in case of bad weather/delays.

Due to the complexity of these works, it may appear on One.Network that all three roads are closed simultaneously for the duration of works. This is not the case and Suffolk County Council apologises for any concern caused by this. Please refer to the above for correct information, as well as signs on-site which will be updated with the correct information as work progresses.

As Highways plan roadworks in advance, they schedule extra days to allow for bad weather or other delays beyond our control. Wednesday 17 April, Thursday 18 April and Friday 19 April have been set aside for this purpose. Please note that delays may impact the dates stated above, and in this case they will update signs on-site accordingly.

A plan showing the diversion route for these works, as well as a detailed plan regarding phases, is shown below. When they close the road and put a diversion in place, the route needs to be accessible to vehicles of all shapes and sizes. We make the diversions as clear as possible by placing appropriate signing along the route.

Road closure map

Diversion map

Further information can be found on the One.Network website