Opening Hours:
Mon: 10am – 4pm
Tue: 9am – 7:30pm
Wed: 9am – 5:30pm
Thu: 9am – 5:30pm
Fri: 9am – 7pm
Sat: 9am – 5pm
Sun: 10am – 4pm
Please note: The library will be closed on the following dates:
Thursday 2nd June (Bank Holiday)
Friday 3rd June (Bank Holiday)
The Friends of Woodbridge Library
If you’re enthusiastic about libraries, would enjoy helping to organise library events and are willing to help with our fundraising activities, please ask a member of staff for more details.
Suffolk Libraries and Friends Charity Goodies
Show support for your local library with a Friends bookmark for £1 – which is magnetic, so you won’t lose your page.
Also available is a Suffolk Libraries “I’m a Borrower” tote bags for £3.50, or for £5 you can receive both the tote bag and as much fiction as you can fit inside!
Throughout June, Joan Hardison will be exhibiting her work in the library. Come along to view the work, leave a comment, or even purchase a piece, information for which is provided alongside.
Citizens Advice – Every Monday 10am – 12pm at the library
Free, confidential and impartial advice to everybody regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or disability. No booking necessary.
Learn to Play Bridge: A free introductory course for complete beginners, Every Monday 6th June – 8th August
This free 10-week programme teaches the foundations of this absorbing and sociable card game. The course is sponsored by the Suffolk Contract Bridge Association and follows the English Bridge Union’s approved training programme. All materials are supplied. Everyone can learn to play bridge and benefit from developing new skills and meeting new friends. No previous card playing experience is necessary, just an enthusiastic approach. Join us alone or with a group of friends – you will be warmly welcomed.
For further information or to register please contact: Jacks Morcombe 07778 639407
Work Well Job Club – Every Monday of the month 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Want to improve your skills with CV’s, cover letters and job applications? Need advice for applying for work? This could be the chance to fulfil your potential! Work Well Suffolk are here every second Monday of the month, and they can help if you’re 18+, having trouble finding work, have a long-term health condition or if you have a learning disability.
Learn more about how Work Well Suffolk can help by getting in touch at
Open Space – Every Wednesday 1:30pm – 3:30pm
The aim of Open Space is to improve the wellbeing of those attending. It consists of two-hour weekly sessions and is open to all members of the public. It is run in partnership between Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Julian Support (which offers housing support for individuals with mental health difficulties), Suffolk Mind and Suffolk Libraries.
Our timetables of discussions and activities are built from suggestions from the group. For further information please don’t hesitate to contact Woodbridge Library on 01394 330855.
‘Anyone for Bridge?’, Every Wednesday 3:45-5:15pm
A small group of bridge players gather to play and help one another to improve their game. If you would like to come along and join in, please come to the meeting room at the library and you will be very welcome.
TONIC every Friday 10:30am – 12pm
A new seated singing group for people living with chronic pain and/or long-term health conditions, taking place every Friday. Join us for tea and a tune! This is a free activity run by CohereArts.
Knitting Group – Every Friday 2pm – 4pm
For all types of knitters from expert to beginners, sewing to crochet, come and share your knowledge or pick up some tips.
Chess Club at Woodbridge Library Every Friday – 4:30pm
An enthusiastic chess club for anyone interested in testing their strategic skills. From first timers to Firouzjas, all are welcome!
Please contact the library for further information (01394 330855).
Woodbridge Writers Group – 1st and 15th June (1st and 3rd Wednesday of Every Month) 10.00am – 12.00pm
Join our friendly group for reciprocal feedback, encouragement, and support regarding anything you’re writing or have written. A group of like-minded writers will be meeting in the Meeting Room.
For more information, E-mail:
Woodbridge Area Gamers – Saturday 4th June 1pm – 5pm
Come along to play modern strategy board games, both simple and complex, with a range provided that’s suitable for all age groups. This is an open doors group where all are welcome.
Sunday Book Group – 5th June 2:00pm – 3:30pm
The group meets to discuss their latest book in the meeting room at Woodbridge Library. Come along and get involved in our friendly and informal book group. All are welcome!
Realise Futures (Peer support, Walk-in Advice and Guidance Service) – 7th June 10am – 12pm
This is a peer support, walk-in advice and guidance service that will be taking place on the first Tuesday of every month at Woodbridge library.
Book a slot via 07753 447607.
‘Books, Banter and Biscuits’ Book Group – Thursday 9th June 2pm – 4pm
A book group that’s open to everyone, meeting on the second Thursday of every month. They will be discussing Clock Dance by Anne Tyler
Write Now Writing Group – Tuesday 14th June 2pm – 4pm
Are you interested in writing short stories and poetry? Looking to share your work with others and get peer support, exchange ideas and more? We would be delighted for you to join us for our friendly and informal monthly writing group! Everyone can write – all abilities are welcome. Bring your work or come along and listen to others share their words.
For more information and to confirm your attendance, email
Woodbridge Writers’ Workshop – Tuesday 14th June 17:15 – 19:15
Creative poets and budding authors alike can meet up to share their ideas and gain support from fellow writers at this informal Writers’ Workshop.
All writing abilities are welcome, for more information and to confirm your attendance please contact
Top Time Play Reading – Thursday 16th June 2pm – 4:30pm
A play reading group that reads all varieties and genres of plays in a shared format, taking place on the third Thursday of every month.
Top Time Games Club – Thursday 23rd June 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Improve your vocabulary and exercise your mind muscles with Scrabble or practice strategy and balance with Dominoes.
Every Wednesday 10.30-10.50am, Baby Bounce: Soothing songs and gentle nursery rhymes for babies and their grown-ups
Every Wednesday 11.15-11.45am, Tot Rock Rhyme and rhythm: music, songs and action rhymes for toddlers with their parents and carers.
Every Friday 10.30-11.00am, Story Time: Stories and more for young children accompanied by an adult.
Note: Booking is currently unnecessary, but circumstances may change if numbers markedly increase
Me, Myself and Baby (Stay & Play) – Friday 9:30am – 10:15am
A chance for new parents to meet and share experiences in a relaxed environment, gaining peer support.
Book & DVD Sale
Have a browse of the ex-stock books and DVDs for sale. All proceeds go to Suffolk Libraries.
Adult Fiction: 30p each or 4 for £1
Non-Fiction: Individually Priced
Junior Literature: 20p each
DVDs: 50p each or 3 for £1 (Box Sets £1 each)
Meeting room and display boards available for hire
Community / charity / private groups – £12 per hour (minimum booking of two hours)
Commercial / statutory groups – £18 per hour (minimum booking of two hours)
Display boards – £10 per week
Staffed table display in the main library – £10 per half day