
Community Governance Review

East Suffolk Council (ESC) is carrying out a Community Governance Review (CGR). District-CGR-Terms-of-Reference.pdf (

A CGR involves asking the public and other interested parties about the most suitable ways of representing local communities.  The outcome of such a review could be changes in parish boundaries or the abolition or renaming of Parishes and/or changes in electoral arrangements e.g. the numbers of Councillors for each parish. These reviews have to be done periodically by law and such a review may well decide against significant changes.

Melton Parish Council and Woodbridge Town Council feel that the boundaries should remain unchanged and that the number of Councillors should stay as is (15 for Melton). Woodbridge Town Council has indicated they would prefer the Melton Hill site (former Council offices) to sit wholly within either Woodbridge or Melton and we would support that.

Melton Parish Councillors feel they do a good job in representing the views and needs of Melton to the District and County Councils. We also act wisely and prudently to ensure that the local Community Infrastructure Levy (taxes on housing development in Melton) are spent in Melton for the benefit of Melton people and that our Council Tax Precept is kept at a level commensurate with the services the Parish Council provides.

If you wish to submit a response to the CGR please do so by emailing before the 1st April 2022.

You can let us know your thoughts by contacting the office:

01394 382224