
Green Bin Collections Restarting – collection day could be different

Message from East Suffolk Council:

Following the suspension of the Garden Waste Service, due to the impact of COVID-19, we are now pleased to confirm that the service will resume on Bank Holiday Monday 25 May.

All collections will then be made during the subsequent fortnight, including – where required – on a Saturday. We would like to apologise for the inconvenience which the suspension has caused. We hope you can understand that this has been a difficult time for us all with the safety of our customers, our crews and their families always being of paramount importance.

The garden waste web page is now available for renewals and new subscriptions. All existing subscriptions have been extended by four collections. This takes into account those collections which were missed because of the initial suspension on 27 March 2020.

Your collection day may now change and details of your new timetable, will be placed on the website shortly and should be finalised no later than 5pm on Tuesday 12 May:

Replacement stickers will not be required for your bin. The crews have been informed that all valid household subscriptions have been extended by four collections; they also have access to “in Cab” collection technology within the freighters. Renewal invitations will be sent as before and, if renewed, a new bin sticker will then be issued.

If you have received a renewal invite prior to the suspension of service and have not yet renewed your subscription then please use the link below:

For more information please read our frequently asked questions, using the link below:

This will enable you to determine your new subscription renewal date, or you can go to our website at