Melton Parish Council – A Note from the Chair – Alan Porter
The Pavilion
The Pavilion itself just has a few snagging issues to finish off. We still have to create an access route for the fire service in order to get full sign off. Meanwhile we are ordering cutlery, crockery and the other essential items that users expect to use in the building. We have had a lot of interest from prospective hirers and there will then be more activities in Melton. It is quite frustrating not being able to open it but we must abide by the rules. As soon as we have a date it will be published on notice boards, on Nextdoor & by MPC E-News.
Car Park opposite McColls
As I write this article, the actual construction work has been completed and the bay markings have just been painted. One of the bays needs some adjustment to the kerb line as it is slightly narrower at one end.
We have been sewing grass seed and hopefully with the wetter warm weather it will germinate quickly. No sooner had this been done a few people walked and cycled through the newly sown seeded areas rather than use the path we have provided. It’s so disappointing to see such things as we have gone to great lengths to make this a pleasant and useful area.
We have created 11 new spaces which doubles the number available in the area from 11 to 22.
The terms & conditions will be the same as the car park opposite which is currently free of any charges. We are getting assistance from local groups with the planting and we are going to concrete in some bicycle stands. We have installed some bollards at the top end to discourage people from driving onto the grass. I think it looks fantastic and will be a great asset to the village.
We hope that it is used for short stays in the day time so it can be used by more people.
Beresford Drive Play Area
Unfortunately the annual inspection highlighted the poor state of the wood in the swing frame and we had to take the swings out of use. In fact most of the equipment there is quite tired and needs to be updated. We will be consulting local residents to find out what play equipment they would like to see installed there. This land was divested to us by East Suffolk Council and the equipment was in a tired state when we took it on. ESC has benefited from a lot of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) income and so far they appear to have spent none of their share of Melton CIL in Melton. We are hoping they will make a contribution to this worthy project.
Burkes Wood
The bike track through the woods has become more extensive with a number of obstacles have been created. Walkers have encountered mountain bikers travelling at speed and there have been some near misses. We are looking at some sort of facility within the Recreation Ground that could be created to safely meet the need but, in the meantime, please do not cycle in the woods.
The heavy daily public use of unofficial footpaths through the wood has contributed to the degrading of the woodland structure, causing erosion and ground compaction around old vulnerable trees and has reduced available wildlife habitat.
Work is being undertaken to encourage the use of preferred footpath routes through the wood by the use of dead hedging. In turn this will encourage understorey growth and will protect other flora and fauna.
By allowing some areas to recover from the overuse and hopefully become a wildlife refuge. It may encourage the return of birds such as the nightingale, not heard in the woodland for the last five years.
Coppicing is to be carried out in areas where there are closely growing even aged trees. The aim of this operation is to improve woodland diversity and canopy structure. Species such as oak, sweet chestnut, pine and hornbeam will be favoured over sycamore and birch. Thinning is to be carried out in some areas in order to increase the amount of light reaching the woodland floor in readiness for replanting or natural regeneration.
Garrod Memorial Sign
The sign has been given some TLC and has been re-sited facing into the car park.
Melton Good Neighbour Scheme coffee mornings
Melton Good Neighbours are continuing to have a coffee morning the 1st Friday of the month in the Burness Parish Rooms in the Street, Melton. The next two being 4th November and for the 2nd December we aim to do a Christmas special which will include bingo, raffle, quizzes and some mince pies to go with coffee.
We would welcome any donations for the Christmas raffle please.
Further information on any kind donations please email, or phone
📞 0333 335 5366
Council Tax Precept 2023-2024
We are all aware of the rising cost of living and pressure on budgets. Melton Parish Council is doing what it can to mitigate increased costs in the current year and inflationary pressures will be a significant factor when planning the Budget and setting the Precept for 2023-24. We have a Budget Working Group meeting in November which will consider all finance matters in detail and come up with a sensible way forward. Clearly when it comes to budgets you have to take everything into consideration.
Councillor Alan Porter
Chair – Melton Parish Council