
Library News – January 2021

All libraries in Suffolk will be closed until further notice. The mobile library, home library and reservation services will also be suspended until further notice. All loans and charges will be...

Launch of new local Covid-19 website

A brand new website has been launched which aims to offer local people a single, comprehensive and accurate source of information about Covid-19 and vaccinations: Created...

Santa visiting Melton – 15th December

Santa is visiting Melton on Tuesday evening on his Rotary sleigh. The sleigh will start at approximately 5.45pm and finish at around 8pm. Tuesday 15th December: Hall Farm Road and Close, Manthorp...

Woodbridge Library

All Suffolk Libraries will be closed on Friday 1st January 2021.   Woodbridge Library is open from 10am-5pm Tuesday to Saturday and 10am-1pm on Sunday for essential computer usage, reservation...

Governor vacancy at Melton Primary School

Suffolk County Council are looking for an individual to join the governing body at Melton Primary School. Governors have 3 key priorities: To set the strategic direction of the school To...

Woodbridge Library – Christmas opening times

All Suffolk Libraries will be closed on Friday 25th  December 2020, Saturday 26th December 2020, Sunday 27th December 2020, Monday 28th December 2020 and Friday 1st January 2021.   For up to...

To Live With Dying Website

'To Live With Dying’ is a website for residents in East Suffolk. It is a portal to information and support around subjects related to death, dying and cherishing life. Death is a natural process...

Woodbridge Library – open for browsing

Woodbridge Library is open for browsing Tuesday 0930-1700, Wednesday-Saturday 0900-1700, Sunday 1000-1300 but closed on Monday. There is a one-way system in place which must be followed. Out-of-hours...

Elections open for ESNEFT governors

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) is inviting students with an interest in healthcare to consider standing for election to its Council of Governors. The trust, which runs...

FREE training from OneLife Suffolk

Behaviour Change Skills Training Improve your confidence in having healthy lifestyle and behaviour change conversations with others • Learn new skills • Earn a certificate • Help others...

East & West Suffolk Mental Health Services

People in east and west Suffolk have been working together over the past few years to improve NHS mental health and emotional wellbeing care and learning disability and autism services. Those...

Little Free Pantry at St Andrew’s Church Hall

Due to health and safety reasons, the Little Free Pantry is now situated in the foyer of St Andrew's Church Hall. It is open from 10am - 5pm, Monday to Wednesday. Enter via the Rectory Path...

Woodbridge Library Opening Times and Services

Most libraries in Suffolk have been open for the last few weeks, offering a select and collect service. There have been around 3,000 requests to use this service with nearly 41,500 books and other...

Foxburrow Farm Events in August 2020

Wild Tots: Water play and pond dipping Wednesday 12th August, 10.30am-12noon For 18month-5 year olds and their carer £5.50 Booking essential Family afternoon: The Big Insect Hunt Thursday 13...

Sunflower Community Care Farm

The Sunflower Community Care Farm in Capel St Andrew has re-opened. The farm specialises in providing health, social and educational care services for a range of vulnerable people - both adults and...

One Life Suffolk – Free Family Zoom Groups

One Life Suffolk is offering free 10 week family Zoom groups. The groups are aimed at parents with children from 5 years to teens. The sessions will help your family improve their lifestyle choices...

Temporary Transport Timetables

Details of temporary bus and train times during the Covid-19 outbreak are listed in this Local Public Transport Guide Greater Anglia have released this statement about changes to their train...

News from SuffolkOnBoard

Bus Service Changes  - Many bus companies across Suffolk have cancelled some services or are operating reduced...

Woods Lane Resurfacing

Message from Highways regarding the recent work on Woods Lane: The surface dressing works have now been completed, however the road makings and the installation of road studs remain outstanding....

Woods Lane Overnight Closure – 9 and 11 June

Suffolk Highways will be carrying out surface dressing on the A1152 Woods Lane, Melton. The works are programmed to take place on Tuesday 9 and Thursday 11 June, working overnight between 7pm and 7am...

Pytches Road – closed 2 – 5 June

Pytches Road will be closed from the 2 to 5 June due to work being carried out by UK Power Networks. Further information, including the diversion can be found on the One Network website. There will...

Bank Holiday Health Advice

GP practices in East Suffolk will be closed on bank holiday Monday May 25 - but help is available Please check you'll have enough repeat prescription medicine to last over the holiday weekend ...

Foster Carers Needed

The COVID-19 outbreak has affected almost every aspects of our daily lives and whilst we are all in lockdown or self-isolation, there are still thousands of vulnerable young people coming into care,...

Wilford Bridge Road closed 18th – 19th May

Wilford Bridge Road will be closed at the railway crossing from 23:00 on Monday 18th May until 23:00 on Tuesday 19th May. This is for Network Rail to install a new drainage system at the level...

Bury Hill road closure – 27 May to 1 June

Message from Suffolk Highways For your information, we are planning to carry out road resurfacing works on Bury Hill, Melton in the period between the 27 May and 1 June 2020 during the hours of 9am...

Recycling Centres to reopen from 14th May

A new online booking system will be in place when Suffolk’s Recycling Centres re-open on Thursday May 14. This appointment-only system is necessary to help reduce traffic disruption and queueing on...

Commercial Food Box Options

Defra have created a simple document showing the different commercial Commercial Food Box Options that are available as at 5th May...

Easter Bin Collections

General household waste and recycling bin collections will continue as scheduled over the Easter Bank Holidays - please continue to put your bin out for collection as normal. Remember to make sure...

Woodbridge Community Food Share

The Woodbridge Community Food Share is appealing for donations of fresh produce, meat and ambient foods, so that they can cook and provide meals to those that are at high risk, elderly, isolated,...

Pharmacy Opening Hours – Easter Weekend

All pharmacies should now be open on Good Friday and Easter Monday from 14:00 to 17:00, unless they have an exemption due to reasons beyond their control. Some pharmacies may be open for longer on...

Garden Waste Collection temporarily suspended

Message from East Suffolk Council In the interests of crew safety and to ensure that household waste and recycling collections are prioritised, East Suffolk Council and East Suffolk Norse have taken...

Hopkins Homes’ Suffolk Charity Vote

Suffolk residents have been given the chance to vote for one of five Suffolk-based charities shortlisted for Hopkins Homes’ Suffolk Charity Vote. Hopkins Homes will donate a total of £10,000...

Suffolk’s Roadside Nature Reserves Project

Suffolk has been protecting rare and unusual plants and fungi through the Roadside Nature Reserve (RNR) Project since the 1970s. We have a network of volunteer wardens who do a brilliant job at...

Opting in for school travel

Is your child eligible for SCC funded school travel? If they are, you will need to opt-in by 31 May 2020 to receive travel for the start of the 2020/2021 school term. If your child already...

Melton Good Neighbour Scheme – can you help?

A Good Neighbour Scheme is a voluntary initiative run by a group of local residents who recognise the benefits of such a scheme to the community, and want to help their neighbours enjoy a better...

Foxburrow Farm Events in March and April 2020

Saturday 21 March, 2-4pm Family Forest Schools. Den building , fires woodland crafts and activities. Location: Foxburrow Farm, Melton, Woodbridge IP12 1NA Age: 18 months +. Cost: £4 Child £2...

Community Scattered Orchards

Transition Woodbridge is still on the look out for any appropriate sites for more community orchards. If you know of any locations that you think would benefit from blossom in spring and free fruit...

Woodbridge Climate Summit – 15th-16th February

Woodbridge Town Council has declared a climate emergency in recognition of the severity and urgency of the climate crisis. We know that the time for talking is over, and we must take action if we are...

Greenprint Forum Events

Martlesham Megabash What is a megabash, you ask?  It is a community event designed to get people actively involved in practical wildlife conservation & looking after the land on their...

Springside Store, Melton Road

Update 23rd January 2020 Unfortunately Lynne has not been able to raise enough funds to reopen Springside and all money collected will be refunded. Springside Store in Melton closed on...

Foxburrow Farm Events in February

Saturday 1st February 10am-12noon Weekend Wildlife Club Location: Foxburrow Farm, Saddlemakers Lane, Melton, Woodbridge. IP12 1NA Age: 6-11 year olds Cost: £3. Booking...

Re-wilding Suffolk

There will be a chance to learn more about Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s approach to managing their reserves when Michael Strand gives a talk entitled “Creating Wildness – a new approach to...

Winter Tree ID – Sunday 8th December

An opportunity to spend the day in the beautiful surroundings of Foxburrow Farm nature reserve. Explore the facts and folklore about trees and shrubs and learn how to identify them in winter, with...

Telling the story of Historic Woodbridge

Winter Opening Times: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11.00 am to 3.00 pm. Woodbridge Museum Community Heritage Building, Tide Mill Way, Woodbridge, IP12 1FP Admission Free Children must...

No 71 Orford-Ipswich bus service reinstated

From Monday 18th November the 71 service will be reinstated. First Bus advise: We have kept the singles and returns as close as possible to those offered by PF Travel, but inevitably some will go...

Thurlow Nunn Standen Open Evening – 5th December

Come along to Thurlow Nunn Standen, The Street, Melton to meet our team, see the range of products that we have in our shop and the machinery that we sell on Thursday 5th December from 3pm-7pm. We...

Suffolk Coastal Disability Forum

We want to make a difference to the lives of disabled people in this area. Our aim is to create more opportunities for disabled people, their families and local disability organisations. We...

Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s Annual Quiz

Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s Woodbridge Wildlife Group hold their annual quiz evening with wine and nibbles at  Woodbridge Community Hall on Thursday 21 November 2019, with doors opening at 7pm for a...

Conservation Volunteering

Care for the Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Our volunteers are a valued resource, enabling us to carry out important work for the landscape and environment we would...

Foxburrow Farm Events – November 2019

Spooky Surprises. Follow a torch-lit trail, make a lantern,stories and a snack by the light of a fire. Date: Friday 1st November, 5.30-7.30pm Location: Foxburrow Farm, near Woodbridge IP12...

Woodbridge Swift Survey

Woodbridge Swifts The swift season is over again for another year. The sounds of high summer, swifts whirling and screaming through the town, have ceased. They have now completed their breeding...

Ipswich Northern Route Bypass Meeting

The Ipswich Northern Route is rapidly raising interest in the areas which it will affect, and many villages are holding public meetings to allow residents to express their opinions. Woodbridge...